
Chapter 9

Aspen Grabbed my hand and smiled "let's talk to the council about your proposal" she nodded at the guards who let them into the city. I looked at Rose

"If it's my choice I'm going" she carefully whispered in my ear. I smiled as the leader kept walking towards the city. The houses were in the trees, some on top of the trees. They lit up the majority of the village.

"This is beautiful" I murmured with a smile on my face. Some people looked at me weirdly, some of them were wolves, the others were in their human form. they stared at the leader as well. They must have trust in her.

"Hello Wind-wolf," a light gray haired lady smiled down at her "and.. Dark-wolf" she sneered. I could tell this could get bad.

"Hello madam" I greeted calmly , making a slight bow at the alpha of the pack. I made a quick kick to Aspen's front leg so he would kneel down. He smiled at me sheepishly.

"and what's your name young Wind-wolf" her voice was soft and gentle now. she smiled from her podium at me.

"My name is Julia, and this is Aspen." I introduced , getting back up from my bow. Aspen got up as well. she looked at Aspen With an untrusting gaze. "we are here because-"

"I know why you are here." she muttered "and I give you my blessing as long as you have him in control"

"I dont ne-"

"of course madam" i interrupted quickly giving him a slight smirk. "he won't do a single thing to Rose"

"and I need for the safety of my daughter I need to send quite a few guards" that was the first time I realized Rose was her daughter. I smiled and took a bow

"that is acceptable"

"When it is time the extras will have to go back where they came" Aspen chirped sheepishly, reciting something.

"Well until that is needed then they will stay" she growled with an annoyance in her voice I nodded. "you will stay in that building tonight you shall go in the morning.. And Julia keeps the Dark-wolf under control!"

"thanks Light-wolf alpha" I added bowing one more time and leaving Aspen Behind me. That was easier than I thought. I thought to myself we went onto a small platform, ropes held all four corners of it and someone was slowly pulling it up from the top Aspen Grabbed the rope with fear. i smiled at this


"You're such a great climber," the man below me muttered, " I was on top of the tree. It was a beautiful view up here. I nodded and sat up there. I kept my notepad on my lap. I heard crunching as my dad climbed up the tree. He was probably too heavy. He sat on another branch. spreading out his weight. "I'm too heavy for this' ' he smiled looking at me.

"You are," I teased, trying not to laugh. He looked at my drawing. He muttered something about dinner but I didn't hear him. I was too into the tree on the other side of our territory. It was a much smaller tree and it was all by itself. like me.


"Julia?" Aspen Shook me "we're here" . I was still on the platform where we were up to the floor with the inn.

"Oh sorry" I got off the platform. I went to the building ready to get in a nice comfortable bed at once.

The last time I was even in a bed was at the darkwolves castle. I smiled at the building. They all had character. I loved them. Most of them had small wooden pillars or were painted or carved into woodland creatures. a cat ran off from its owner. I remembered the times when I wanted a cat. "Julia you can see the castle from here"

I looked at the castle in the distance. It was the only building not made out of wood. I even saw the wall that we had passed by on our way here. It was also made out of stone. a very tall wall. the guards had let us in.

"oh hello wolves what are your names?" The woman at the desk had Blond hair like most of the light wolves did.

"Julia and Aspen" I repeated looking at Aspen Who stayed behind me.

"room 5" she accepted and handed me a key "get rest you will probably need it" I smiled and went to the stairs. Aspen Behind me. his dark brown hair stood out. but my very white hair did too so i can't say much.

"time for some rest" he mumbled, rubbing his eyes. "some real rest"

"ahuh" we went through the halls. Our room was the last one. I saw a camera in the corner. I didn't plan on doing anything against the rules.

"Here it is," he opened the door with the key he had somehow grabbed from me. I was too tired today. I didn't even notice I was tired until The she-alpha had said stuff about a bed.

The room was very tidy and I smiled . There was a rabbit painted on the bed frames, and paintings hanging around the room.

I saw Aspen collapse into the bed and he groaned "I have so many sore muscles I didn't even realize I had" he looked at me as I sat on the bed.

"oh my gosh, this is.. perfect" i layed down on the pillows which were the perfect mix between soft and firm. Aspensat up.

He went to close the window. "Don't" I commanded "the sun is warm" I scooted closer to the sun.

"oh okay" the room had a carpet that was gray and the walls were made of wood. The art around the room made it feel like paradise.

"Damn this room is perfect," he whispered, reading my thoughts. I smiled at his words as he sunk into the bed and looked up at the ceiling.

The bed sheets were a nice blue. I got up and went to explore the second room. It was a bathroom. My mood lifted as I saw the soap and the shower head. "i'm taking a shower tonight" I announces

"no!" he called, getting up and running to the bathroom.

"Too late" I closed and locked the door.

I turned the shower on and waited for it to get warm. The toilet was a nice change of pace. I hated to pee in the woods.

"don't use all the hot water" he begged from the door

"I will" I smirked