
Chapter 10

The treehouse was a nice place to sleep for the night, but we couldn't stay forever. Me and Aspen were packed all through the morning. Rose came by with her luggage. It was a little much for the trip but she promised that she would need all of it.

The Alpha of the pack came with her two bodyguards, the leader of the patrol and another wolf who came that day.

"you guys are welcome to stay for a bit longer" the alpha attempted I smiled wanting to do it

"We need to go straight away, they have to save the world and we have to grab a Blood wolf and a darkwolf" he smiled at her gesture and looked at me with a smile. "after the wolves our chosen my destiny will be fulfilled"

"oh okay" she bowed her head slightly "I gave the bodyguards packs of food and seasonings Rose likes to cook" she smiles at Rose.

"Yes, well we must head out," Aspen replied. "Thank you for your wonderful hospitality." He simply bowed. I followed and the others as well.

"Dang" Rose whispered close to me


"He's so handsome when he takes control" her face turned a deep red and I smiled. I had never thought much about him that way. He definitely didn't think of me in that way, right?

"I guess," I replied , looking at him. His hair was short. He cut it yesterday. I had only brushed mine. We had slept in different beds but with the cold coming I could only imagine how close we would be sleeping.

Rose stayed silent. I saw her stare at him from behind. how she looked at him is what I wished someone would look at me. I shook my head. Never mind.

Aspen Turned around and Rose broke her stare. I smiled at that. "Julia, can you come here?" I quickened my steps.

He smiled at me and I wondered whether he just wanted someone to talk to or something else. "We won't ever be alone again will we? '' he avoided, putting his hand in his pocket.

"I guess not." I didn't mind however it was awkward sometimes with just me and Aspen.

"it will take us months to get through to the blood wolves" he muttered angrily looking at the map he had been carrying around recently

"More time to train with Rose," I babbled with a smile. I saw him smile as well "more time to form a nice bond with the both of you"

"True" he agreed, smiling at me. I saw him take out a rubber band and throw up his hair into a man bun. "how is she, her temper and things" he whispered more quietly so I could barely hear him

"she's very friendly we will make the perfect team"

"That's good," he murmured and looked at my hair. He pushed a strand behind my ear before looking at the map. I looked back and the walk hadn't taken us very far. It was around afternoon by now.

I slowed my speed and went back to Rose. she looked nervously around her. I wondered how far she would go before being completely afraid. past the border? her red hair flared brighter than before. She then looked at me. she smiled nervously "d-do you think Vampires will come to us again?"

"if they do we have two body guards plus Aspen And us" I mentioned

"yeah" she looked at the ground. the trees lightened up around us. the grass thickened and now it was up to my thigh.

I looked carefully through it before I put my foot down each time. snakes were a big thing in large grasslands. The mountain about 20 miles away cast a big shadow not too far from the other side of the field. to top it all off clouds began to form in the sky

"we should move a bit faster" the guard behind us pushed

"agreed" Aspen took hold of my hand and pulled me in beside him. We quickened our pace and I saw Rose come up on the other side of Aspen.

A drop fell on my head and we basically went into a run. I was way faster and bolted past the guards. I had to slow down. I went back on a jog not wanting to leave them behind. That's when I heard a slight rattle beside my foot. I tripped on a large stick and fell on the ground. another rattle came this time beside my head. I stayed silent and slowly tried to get up. That was before I saw a huge gash on my elbow and almost fainted. The snake, which was around ten feet in length, went closer to me. I heard a rattle again then it lunged. I got up quickly and dodged the attack. it lunged again this time its fangs stung deep in my ankle. I screamed out in pain. until I felt the snake go limp. I turned around and the snake's head was chopped off.

a hand took the head off my ankle. I was on the ground. tears falling to the ground. "I told you to be careful," a gruff voice growled. I recognized it as Aspens. I was going weary "Does anyone have a syringe or something? '' he panicked hopelessly while everyone was standing around me. The wolf begged to come out but I was too weak for it to be in use. I felt pain in my entire leg and screamed.

"It won't work, '' he screeched before grabbing a leaf from his bag and putting it on the wound. He had some medicine and dripped a couple drops in my mouth. He had a sponge as well. I closed my eyes in pain. as he put the sponge over my wound. He then cut a large hold into my ankle and used a sponge to soak it putting very little pressure. The pain made me delirious as I attempted to grab hold of Aspen's arms. I grunted when I held the leaf tightly onto my leg. Rose lifted my head from the ground and pulled it on her lap. Aspen got work on bandaging my leg up from the pack.

I grew dizzy and for some reason I was still awake. That's when Aspen accidentally pulled the bandage a little too tight and the pain made me faint.