
Chapter 4

After the next few days. I became a bit stronger, Aspen had been watching me most days grow muscles in my legs enough to pretty much reach the speed my dad could if I was threatened. Aspen and Hugo were almost always around. They usually tried getting me to talk about my family, my past , and anything that could help them in the war. I would never do that however, and stayed completely silent when they tried.

"Julia?" It was Aspen again and he was in the doorway. "Would you like to have tea in the garden with the alphas family?"

"Of course not," I accused coldly

"It could be better than you think?" he tries again. I don't want to come out of the room. I don't want to hang out with the people my dad is going to war with. shouldn't he know that.

"No!" I yelled with more force than I meant to. He stepped back, he was unmoved by that but the step had said enough.

"Okay" he muttered, he looked around the room and I couldn't tell what he was thinking. He quickly turned around and walked briskly out, locking my door in the process. I sat on the bed. the nerves of these dumb dark wolves.

"Hello Julia" was the omega sent to clean my room.

"hello Morgan" I muttered sitting on the bed. my legs were burning from the exercise. I could not continue.

The omega quickly cleaned and then left. She was always very quick. The room around me was the size of a normal person's living room. It was a good size for me. There was a treadmill, a desk, and many other things like clothes and decorations, of course a bed, but it wasn't home. I needed my dad's food, I needed his smile, his storytelling, I needed him. Anger surged through me at my foolishness. The last conversation we had had.

He could be dead because of me, he could be dead because I was born. He should have killed me!

Two guards came into the room. I flinched as the metal armor scraped against the door frame. "We are here to take you to your medicals," the guard demanded in a deep voice. medicals, what was this stupid guard talking about. The guards grabbed my arms and I screamed in fear and pain as the metal gloves dug into my skin. They put a rope around my hands. I squirmed and kicked. no this was not going to happen.

"Please calm down Julia, it's alright nothing will hurt you" a boy's voice came through, and I didnt like the fake calmness in it. "I give you my word as the alphas son."

"shut up!'' I screamed as my wolf form came through and now the rope was on the ground. I ran to the exit of the room. nothing was faster than a wind wolf. nothing. I raced out of the room and through the hallways. I had no clue where to go but somehow my amazing werewolf scent would find the exit. The guards were chasing me and so was Hugo they were all in their wolf form. I finally found the exit. It was an archway. There was a medium sized wall.

My heart dropped when I saw it. It was close, but.. They forgot something. I could run up walls. at least for a couple seconds. So when the guards were running toward me in their wolf form with the same medal armor on around them, I ran.

the wall brisked down. The world around me went in slow motion. my strength surged as I had been working for this moment, this whole month, ever since the fight. I ran through the walls. I started to fall. then...

"hold on" the human had grabbed my paw.

"Aspen, grabbed her, ' Hugo yelled with glee. "although you could have let her drop''

I felt angry in Aspen. I was too busy transforming back into my human form. I was too weak to continue being the wolf.

"I won't let you go back" Aspen whispered in my ear "I have my own regrets.." he took my hand and pulled me up. a little too briskly. I tripped almost falling down the wall. "yes i got her.." he assured to the others. then he took out a silk cloth that instantly expanded. it was some wind contraption from my pack he must've grabbed it. "and now.. we must be off" he took it and jumped off the wall towards the woods on the other side. me in his arms. I felt a bit of joy at that thought.

"no you won't!" Hugo screamed in anger "get them!!!" a guard started shooting at us. I felt a sharp pain in my upper arm, blood trailing behind us. Apparently Hugo was happy with this. "stop!" we continued using the currents of the wind to get through as fast as possible. my vision went dark