
Chapter 8

The Vampire Colony

"order, order" an old vampire with large teeth and gray hair bangs a heavy mallet. The vampires around scurry to their seats. "twig what have you seen? '' the vampire says in his great voice flowing all around the room.

"yes..." The vampire, twig, had his hair sticking up and his light skin glowing more than the others. "The vampires Trill, and his team are dead all thanks to a... bunch of werewolves." a lot of the lot gasped and waited for the tale to be continued but then.

"Order order" the old vampire called for attention, "now we must not panic. The werewolves have been fighting each other for years. Once they get the others down we will attack every single colony," everyone calmed down and looked confident.

"Yes, especially since the werewolves are so weak compared to them, they needed 6 werewolves to fight around four of us." everyone laughed in their cold cruel voices at twigs words. a new vampire was sitting down beside the council.

he technically was not supposed to be there but he had snuck in with his uncle. the vampire sneered at the words, why were they trying to put the werewolves to extinction. it's true the werewolves were the only thing between them from world domination.

there's no way the humans could fight back, they'd probably be slaves for the vampires. but shouldn't they try to keep the peace. The young vampire had learned so much about the kingdoms of the werewolves.

There were four types of wolves: the wind wolves, the light wolves, the dark wolves, and the blood wolves.

"If we attack now they would all bring peace with each other." the leader mentioned, breaking his thoughts. "We all know the danger of the blood wolves," the other wolves agreed as the vampires left. the young one pushed through the crowd.

"Oh Silone my dear friend, how may I help you?" the old vampire greeted, calmly looking at the young vampire with a smile.

"well what do you mean" about the blood wolves, I didn't think any wolf was dangerous to a vampire." the boy chirped sitting on his fathers lap which was the old man.

"The blood wolves are huge wolves. A single vampire faced with one has a fifty percent chance of actually surviving if lower. while any other wolf it would be way more." the man explained, putting his arms around the Silone.

"oh well I want to be the best wolf killer in the entire world!" he enthused only for his fathers support. He really didn't want to be involved in the great war but his father didn't need to know that.

"Good boy, go run along now you're only a young one. You will need lots of training for another fifty years and you'll be one of our best soldiers.

"i'll be stronger than any of your best fighters sir" the boy yelled running through the halls.

Julias Pov

Rose and Aspen were walking on either side of me now, the guards behind me. the leader in front of me.



"we should train when we stop"


"You have to learn to fight!" he sneered softly and a small smirk on his face for some reason. His hair was overgrown and waved in the wind, his voice was calm and collected now "Julia do you want to go to the blood wolves probably killing yourself"

"I'm not sure I'm fighting for the answer," I replied, looking at the ground ever since I met Rose. She was nothing but calm. She never talked about war and we had so much in common.

"Well on the way we will have to, that's the tradition" Aspen tried to explain in a calmer voice than before "they want to see if you are worthy to talk to them."

"are you?" I smirked. Rose laughed beside him. her laugh was pretty.


"Rose come here please" the leader called to her gruff voice filled the air.

"coming" she ran up front and i stayed with Aspen.

"So where exactly are we going next?"

"Dragon territory"

"Dragons?" I shivered at the thought that dragons even existed. I looked at him "that's just what they call blood wolf territory right?"

"i don't know" he shrugged "but I think dragons are real" he looked at the sky "the legends say Blood wolves ride the dragons" he closed his eyes "they say they tame and train them"

"wow" I wondered if it was the same as our griffins. We had them in a large cage and when you were 18 you got your griffin of course you had to pass some tests. "Do you have an animal that you bond to?" I was curious about Aspen.

"The Black giant" he called looking at the forest "there are big black horses that lead us to battle, you?"

"Griffins" that's when Rose came back she looked at us

"What are you guys talking about?"

"the animals our species bonds to when we turn eighteen, do you have a species?"

"Have you heard of the famous unicorn?" she smirked as if I was the stupidest thing here. of course the light wolves had unicorns if the bloodwolves have dragons then the light wolves have unicorns. she sounded like she was thinking, "You should train…'' which caught me off guard after she suggested it: "i think you should train the way the Wind-wolves do since you are a wind wolf.'' She looked at me this time and I smiled . I liked that my dad told me to train with speed more of the agile moves instead of the hard attacks.

"Want to fight?" I challenged playfully, with a playful growl to match. Aspen Looked at me with concern.

"Later" she declined reluctantly, with a warm look on her face directed at the sky. "i want to enjoy the walking part"

"I honestly agree," Aspen added, looking at me with a smile on his face. "it would be best to learn your wolf.'' I looked at the tattoo on his shoulder and it held a dark gray wolf on it. "we get these when we first transform." he informed me "you can time when the blood moon happens or in your case wind."

"oh" I pulled my sleeve off. I didn't have one. "howd you"

"The Dark-wolves have a secret, so do all the others you have to ask your alpha for it."

"oh okay" i smiled

Rose pulled her own sleeve up hers had the tale out where Aspens didn't. i saw dim lights up ahead i looked at Rose she gave me a grin


"You know you won't escape me," Hugo threatened, holding my neck against the wall. "you weaklings dont know whats going on" he smiled as he ripped a hair from my head. "im sorry my precious flower" he sneered "i don't mean to be the worst'' he looked at my clothes i was in a dark red dress that cut down right before my knees

"You don't have to be in this position, you could be by my side," he smiled, "while we take over the world and make all the packs one."

"no!" I was already frightened from seeing this monster.

"well then Bye see you in the afterlife"


The woods around me came back and I shook my head with anger on my face Aspen saw me. "I want to race," he begged. I quickly changed my posture and my facial expression.

"yes but i'm winning again so you get a ten second head start"

"how kind of you princess" he muttered sarcastically, Leader looked at me and nodded she didn't mind us being a bit improper

"Let's race to the border, we won't go farther," I suggested , looking at the leader while I said it. Aspen Ran as fast as he could I could tell because his breath was quickening. I was surprised at how fast he was, definitely farther than a normal Dark-wolf.

The wind came through my ears not to change me but to quicken me. It was like when I saw danger. I got ready. Rose darted out in front of me with five seconds remaining. She laughed as she already knew I would beat her. I started after the ten seconds I promised Aspen Went up. I saw the leader and the rest of the army jogging. They weren't very fast at doing this.

I quickened my pace. The fact of me being a wind wolf made me fit to run fast. I leaped over a log and kept going. Aspen had been already outrun by Rose which was to be expected. His heartbeat quickened when he heard me right behind him. I ran a bit faster than I should have and almost tripped. quickly getting my balance back. I saw the others full speed running. I caught up to Rose who was running as fast as she could but it wasn't enough.

I caught up to her and beat her. The others were only faster than Roses. I ran quicker than before and my feet became light and I knew the training helped me very much. I kept my lead up all through till the border. it was a beautiful city

"We're here," the leader announced once she had caught up to me.