

Micheal runs through an old forest, carrying a rapped cloth in his arms — a child. He’s chased by huge men, and seems more concerned about his young child than himself. He leaps obstacles in a way that seems unnatural… and so do the men chasing him. The man confused his pursuers for a moment by climbing a tree nearby for safety, but one of them sees his reflection in a very dangerous-looking sharp dagger. He flings the dangerous dagger but the man dodged it easily, though this escape lands him right in the middle of a three strong men. They fought with Micheal for a while, and he leaps, twists, tumbled and avoids injury without ever letting go of the little girl in his arms. He takes a few injuries but finally gets away from the captors, and when it’s safe around him, he stops to get his breath and whispers to the little girl “We’re almost there’’. The man gathers some sort of energy into his arm, and when he places it on a nearby tree, the energy ripples into the tree and then through the ground, infiltrating the nearby forest. Gathering speed, the energy races through the forest, igniting glowing, mystical symbols on any tree it touches. The pursuers catch up, but the energy the man has put out has created some sort of barrier that distorts their perceptions while it protects him. They have no idea they’re only a few feet from him and the little girl, and they finally turn and leave. So many years later!

Cauthen · Real
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14 Chs


James isn't about to go quietly, and continues kicking and biting his captors even after they've got him in the car and on the road. To get him to calm down, they call his mother, and he calmly tells her he's been kidnapped Again. Mom tells him that it's Dad who's kidnapped him this time, in order to send him to the medical college. Apparently he refused when they asked him the first time.

James Patrick doesn't want to go to college at all, thinking he can just inherit the company without needing education, and anyway there's no school in the world who will take him anymore. At that, his dad grabs the phone and informs James that being the heir isn't a given, and orders him to go to Kingston college for one year and behave himself.

Dad hangs up and tells Mom that this is necessary, because Patrick "needs to be reprogrammed." Mom objects, but Dad promises that if James graduates from the school without being expelled, she can take him to Thailand with her. She's a little dim, but she does figure out that Dad has some sort of ulterior motive, wondering if it's that hard to graduate from Kingston medical college.

James pretends that talking to his parents took all the fight out of him, and asks to go to the bathroom. He's let out by the side of the road, though the men stay within a few feet, but he calls them perverts and makes them turn around. He makes a break for it, yelling that he won't go to Kingston medical School, but he ends up cornered on a cliff over the ocean.

James threatens to jump if the men come any closer, saying that he can't swim, and that his parents will have their hides if he dies (even though he was born out of wedlock, he says, which is an interesting tidbit of information). Then he manages to overbalance himself, and falls into the ocean anyway. I kind of love how he gets karma-slapped every time he tries to pull rank on someone.

But James wasn't lying about not being able to swim, and he quickly starts to lose consciousness. Someone — a girl — dives into the water to save him, and he opens his eyes to see Helen, and thinks to himself, "she's really pretty."

Helen pulls James to safety (huffing and grunting and not at all elegantly), and she whines when she realizes that she's going to have to give him mouth-to-mouth. She psychs herself up and leans in, but just before their lips touch, James opens his eyes and asks Helen, "Are you a mermaid?" Then he passes out apparently.

Williams arrives home to find that his fans are now all anti-fans, screaming for him to leave Themobs. They rush his car, pelting it with eggs, and Williams just sits there taking it, until they all leave.

He remembers meeting a Mystery Girl onstage at his concert, and how she'd known about his hearing loss. She'd said that someone from Kingston medical School could help him. A quick internet search turns up nothing, and he chastises himself for even considering it.

Patrick's phone (which is still in Williams backseat) rings with another text from his mother, asking him to call her when he gets to the medical School. Williams perks up to see the name of the school, and now he knows that James is expected there.

James wakes to a stomach massage, which makes him smile until he realizes that it's not his mermaid, but her blind father. Alarmed, he runs outside in only a pair of white pants on him, but outside has even scarier things like weird aunts butchering fish with gigantic knives. Aunt admires his handsome face and scarless body (she's not alone) and James takes in the strange surroundings… and passes out again. He's really kind of a wuss, isn't he?

He wakes with an appetite and eats like a horse, and tells Helen's father and aunt who he is and how he ended up in the ocean. He makes grand promises of a reward for saving him, but they both just think he's gone nuts.

James asks about the girl who saved him, so they send him outside to find her. When he sees Helen hanging laundry, everything goes all slow-motion and James gets starry-eyed at the pretty. Helen is not so affected, and actually wrinkles her nose when her aunt informs her that he claims to be a rich kid.

James eagerly and magnanimously offers to grant Helen a wish for saving his life, which really only serves to make him look more insane. She's just all, It's fine, just go home, I have to go to school now, okay!. Aunt tells him that Helen could kick his butt because she would always visit the nearest workout spot and would treat him because she's a student at Kingston medical School, and suddenly William perks up.

Helen covers his mouth, since her father would kill her if he heard she goes there, which is right when his parents show up. Mom is ready to scrap this whole thing and take her baby to Taiwan , but James changed his mind. He wants to go to Kingston medical college because Helen is a student there. His father is skeptical of Patrick's motives, but James swears that he'll do things right at this school. In return, when it's time to go back to Taiwan with his mother, he wants to bring one other person along.

Williams follows the map that Patrick's mother helpfully texted to him, showing that the Kingston medical school is actually in the mountain. He finds himself on a remote forest road on Mt. Kingston , and gets out to walk.

James and Williams are also walking in the forest, with James whining, "Are we there yet?" every few feet and driving Williams crazy. She tells him that not everyone can find this school when he asks if it's always this hard to get there, and she wonders why doesn't he know anything about it already.

She stops to pick herbs on the way, and James gets distracted by a butterfly (I'm dying at how he gets less tough and more childlike, the more we know about him) and he tells Helen that in Taiwan, that breed of butterfly is said to bring good luck. He runs off to catch it for her, and gets himself good and lost.

Helen wonders if James ran away on purpose and goes looking for him, but she runs into Williams instead. She's as surprised to see an idol in the forest as he is to recognize the girl who beat up those thugs the other night. Williams assumes that Helen was part of the setup then, and that she's been sent here by his CEO and manager for some nefarious purpose.