
With Ope Ope no Mi in Marvel (Multiverse)

Wesker. Stark. What kind of damn world is this? Catching up with the trend of time travel, Daniel couldn't help but shout out loud. DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author. This novels belongs to the original author ---------------------------- Read Ahead on: p@treon.com/Mutter

Mutter · Película
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44 Chs

Chapter 29: The Floating Island Incident (Part 3)

"It worked." The doctor who arrived shortly after, exclaimed after examining Chris. This hospital wasn't an ordinary one; it was set up by the United Nations specifically for dealing with biochemical viruses. Patients from all over the world infected with biochemical viruses were sent here.

"Then quickly prepare the vaccine," Chris urged upon hearing the doctor's words.

"Well, the current results are promising, but we don't know if there are any side effects yet. It would be best to observe for a while," the doctor said hesitantly.

"By the time we observe, people will be dead." Under the strong insistence of Chris and Jill, they eventually injected the vaccine into everyone infected with the virus. As Chris said, they were on the brink of death anyway, so there was no time to worry about side effects.

If there were any side effects, they could still be observed after the vaccination. To avoid potential side effects, Chris and his team wouldn't be able to return to the front line for a while.

"Thank you," Jill said, looking at Daniel Davis with gratitude.

"You're welcome. I'm here for this exact reason. Without you risking your lives on the front lines, we wouldn't be able to conduct our research in the rear so peacefully," Daniel replied.

After expressing her gratitude once more, Jill hurriedly left. The emergence of a new biochemical virus was bad news for both the BSAA and the FBC.

"What did you say? The virus vaccine has been developed?" The rapid development of the new virus vaccine shocked all the biochemical experts on the island. The speed was astonishing.

"I got the news from Jill. We owe it all to you this time," Rebecca quickly contacted Daniel. Since learning about Chris's infection, Rebecca had been in the lab, researching tirelessly to save him.

"How did you do it?" Rebecca asked, voicing her biggest question.

"I just discovered the structure of the virus and got lucky afterward," Daniel explained his thought process briefly. It sounded simple, but it was incredibly difficult to achieve and required constant experimentation. Daniel managed to do it quickly because his surgical fruit ability could skip those trials.

The T-Abyss virus held no value for Daniel; it was purely a biochemical virus. Strangely enough, Umbrella Corporation's T, G, Veronica, and Ouroboros viruses initially aimed to enhance humans. According to Umbrella's claims, they were creating a new breed of humans.

Subsequent viruses, however, turned into pure biochemical weapons. The research on biochemical viruses had deviated from its original purpose. In this respect, Umbrella's objectives seemed nobler than those of others, which was a huge irony.

"Damn it, how is this possible?" Somewhere on Terragrigia Island, a leader-like figure hurled a military knife in anger upon hearing about the vaccine. The knife embedded itself deeply into a wall.

"Shall we continue with the plan?" a subordinate asked.

"Let me think," the leader said, dismissing his men before immediately contacting someone on the phone.

"Didn't you say there was no vaccine? What's going on now?"

"Just a minor setback. We need to act ahead of schedule. Start the operation tomorrow night. I'll provide support," the person on the other end of the line said.

"This is too rushed. My people aren't ready."

"Tomorrow night, no matter what," the voice on the phone reiterated.

"If you insist, I want triple the payment."

"No problem."

"Mr. Davis, our boss wants to meet you. Please come with us," Daniel, who was watching a movie in his room the next night, was suddenly confronted by four fully armed intruders.

"I don't know your boss," Daniel said, raising his hands as three guns were pointed at him.

"You'll know him when you see him." The leader gestured to a man behind Daniel, who approached with a syringe.

"Trouble comes too quickly," Daniel muttered, preparing to act when a faint gunshot rang out in the room. The man behind him fell with a blood hole in his head.

The remaining three reacted but too late. Three muffled shots followed, and they too fell.

"Didn't expect you to be so popular," a familiar voice said. Ada Wong emerged, holding a silenced pistol. She had taken out the four intruders.

"Your job is full of surprises," Daniel remarked with a smile after a moment of shock.

"Your reaction is also unexpected." Ada's vigilance heightened, and she pointed her gun at Daniel.

"Are you here to take me to meet some boss as well?" Daniel seemed unconcerned by Ada's actions.

"Yes, please come with me," Ada nodded slightly.

"But what if I don't want to leave? If your boss wants to see me, he should come in person."

"Do you think I won't shoot?" Ada moved her gun, aiming for a non-lethal spot.

"Of course, you will. But..." Daniel flicked his right index finger, causing Ada's guns to fly upwards. Unexpectedly, Ada herself was lifted as well. She quickly let go of her guns, landing smoothly and drawing another gun from her waist.

Just as she was about to fire, she noticed the gun in her hand had been sliced in half as if by a sharp blade.

"Stop moving, or I won't be so polite," Daniel said, holding a scalpel in his left hand.

From the moment he was held at gunpoint, Daniel had activated his surgical fruit ability and noticed another presence in the room. He didn't use his ability to eliminate the four intruders outright because he sensed the extra person, who turned out to be Ada Wong.

It was the conductor's baton that made Ada's guns fly.

"A superhuman?" Ada looked at Daniel in surprise. Though this world had no mutants, many people had superpowers due to radiation or other causes, while some were Inhumans.

"More or less," Daniel said, moving his right hand to make Ada's broken gun and her two floating guns fly towards him.

"Looks like my luck isn't great today," Ada admitted. She had encountered superhumans before, but none with abilities as formidable as Daniel's.

"I'd say my luck is pretty good. Sit down," Daniel gestured for Ada to sit across from him on the couch.

"What do you plan to do with me?" Ada asked, obediently sitting down.

"Don't worry, I won't harm you. In fact, I need someone to help me with some tasks. Interested?"

"You want to hire me?"

"Exactly," Daniel smiled.

"It seems I have no choice but to agree," Ada resigned herself.

"Not at all. As long as you promise to keep my abilities a secret, you can leave anytime," Daniel pointed to the door, speaking calmly.

"Do you trust me?" Ada asked.

"Of course," Daniel nodded with a smile.

"Then I agree," Ada said, standing and walking towards the door, watching Daniel's reaction. He remained indifferent as she left the room.

"Looks like Wesker has set his sights on me. Makes sense; you can't research viruses without biochemical experts. Many experts have gone missing over the years, and it's not hard to guess where they ended up."

"I hope Wesker comes to find me himself. The Red Queen..." The things Daniel wanted from Umbrella now were the Sun Ladder and the Red Queen. Finding Wesker should lead him to these.

"I wonder who those four were?" Looking at the four corpses, Daniel opened a small mirrored space to dispose of them, making it easy and convenient to eliminate the evidence.

"Is something happening over there? Is it on fire?" Daniel noticed a blaze in the distant city through the window, surprised by the sudden sight.

The blaring alarm that followed immediately made him understand the situation—biochemical virus alert. This alarm system was established after the Raccoon City incident and didn't sound under normal circumstances. Its activation meant the entire city was unsafe.

"A Raccoon City reenactment? What is S.H.I.E.L.D. doing?" Just as Daniel was cursing S.H.I.E.L.D., Jill arrived with her team to escort the biochemical experts out of the area.

From Jill, Daniel learned the situation was out of control. The city was in chaos with viruses, hunters, and panic all mixed together.

"To get so many hunters into the city, Hydra must be behind this. Only they could manage this under S.H.I.E.L.D.'s nose," Daniel muttered. When in doubt in the Marvel universe, suspecting Hydra was never wrong.


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