
A New Friend?

I woke up to the sun rising into the sky after what felt like eternity of darkness ' ha I'm still alive guess I should thank fate for that.' I thought before trying to lift my head only to be met with pain all over my body however I just grit my teeth and looked at my surroundings. I was on a circular spires bc large enough to comfortable fit me as I continue to look I found that there were more of these spires a spread out from each other forming a ring. Some of them were empty but most had dragons on them each dragon that I could see had clamps on their wings to stop them from flying and their front claws also had restraints like me but instead of chains there was a thin string that connected to the restraints of dragons to my Left and right. Looking down I saw the skywing arena that I'd read about in my spare time it had many areas where dragon's could sit and watch the fights, there was one that stuck out the most to me which I guessed was meant for queen Scarlet and her guest's. Below that was the fighting pit where dragon's would fight to the death for Scarlet's entertainment which angered me but I put those feelings to the side while I looked at my injury's. 'Well Fatebreaker I hope you have the ability to heal me when I get back because I messed big time.' I thought to myself after seeing the condition of my body my front claws were covered in scorch marks, while my chest had many deep wounds running though it I could also feel that some of my ribs were broken, and finally my Left wing was shredded beyond repair making it so could no longer fly.

'Sigh now do I just sleep for a little while and deal with my nightmares or do I just stay up and suffer the pain of my injury's.' Before I could continue my rambling I heard a thoud right next me turning to see a skywing dropping a dead goet on my platform before flying away as fast as possible. ' They looked genuinely afraid of me I must have put up quite the fight if their reacting like that '. I thought while beginning to eat, remembering that I had managed to knockout and badly injur a dozen skywing soldiers before being captured. " Wow I've never seen one of the guards so scared by a prisoner just looking at them before." Said a skywing who was flying around my spire taking a closer look I could see that they had copper scales and it seemed like smoke was coming off them but I ignored it thinking I was just seeing things. " Well considering the fact it took a small army to capture me with over a dozen of them getting badly injured in the process it's not really that surprising." I stated while looking at the skywing to see their reaction but instead of fear they looked excited I they replied. " So the rumors about the you are true then maybe you'll be fun to fight even though your quite injured so don't die until I get to fight you because we never get anything new like a hybrid in the area." I took a moment to process what I heard before realizing what they meant I then decided to ask them some questions. " So I'm guessing you also fight in the area I thought only prisoners fought each other, and why do you have no scars on your body ever if you were a great fighter you'd eventually make a mistake." I asked while shrugging my good wing to use myself as reference this caused the skywing to stop and think for moment before answering. " Your right about the first part but I'm a bit different because I am queen Scarlet's champion and I fight any dragon that won a few matches, as for why I have no battle scares that's because I'm a fire scale. " After listening to there answers everything began to click together ' so I need to fight them if I want a chance to get out of here I don't know how I feel about that when they've been so honest with me.' I thought before letting out a sigh and relaxed before looking up at the skywing and speaking. " My name is Frost would you mind telling me your's I'd like to know the name of the dragon I'll have to beat for freedom. " This caught the skywing off guard for a moment before they regained their composers and responded to me with a confused expression " well my name is Peril and do you think you can win when you can't touch me." " Hahaha I don't know but I don't plan on dieing here but enough dwelling on the future for now let's be friends." I replied while giving Peril a weary smile which seems to only make them more confused " you want to be friends even though we'll have to fight to the death and when you know that I'm a monster." Peril asked with there head tilted " Well we aren't fighting yet and being a monster is much better than a abomination." I said while shrugging my good wing and giving a small smile which Peril responded with a smile of there before speaking. " Well In that case I'd like to friend with you until are fight with each other so would you like to tak..."

Before she could finish dragons started to enter the arena and take their seats " oh I forgot the fights about to start I'll talk to you later Frost." Peril hurriedly said before quickly making her way to the arena while I got comfortable and watched the fight between a seawing and skywing to see if could learn anything from the fight, however I was greatly disappointed do to them both being nowhere close to my level of skill in fighting and seeing how many mistakes they made had me understand why Fatebreaker was so harsh with me when I trained, My mood soured more when I saw Scarlet which caused me to let out a low growl after learning what they did I had grown a lot of resentment toured them.After the fight ended I decided to get some sleep even though I knew it wouldn't be pleasant I needed rest for when I would be made to fight so I rest my head and drifted off.

I woke up almost jumping off the tower which probably wouldn't be much worse than going back to sleep, but at least I didn't wake up screaming that would be embarrassing to have a hundred dragons hear that. Looking around it was the middle of the night and I just decided to try to get some sleep but before I closed my eyes I heard a large amount of Wing beats and raised my head to see what was happening. What I saw was a small army of skywing carrying a group of dragons some of which were Dragonets do to their size however I couldn't make out any more details besides that. The group then split up bringing three of the Dragons to empty towers and the other three to the palace. ' I wonder what's going on guess I could ask Peril tomorrow because there really isn't much use fretting over now.' I thought before slowly being my self back to sleep.

After a not so pleasant night I woke up to the morning sun and basked in the warmth. Afterwards I looked around to get a look at the new prisoners and was left speechless from what I saw. The first and closest to me was a temperamental seawing which wasn't a bad big deal but looking at their patterns made me think of something but I pushed that thought to the back of my mind and looked toured the next one. This was the one I never expected to see a Nightwing curled into a ball because they aren't apart of the war from what I read and it would be stupid to mess with especially one of their Dragonets considering how strong of a army they have. And finally a Mudwing although not as surprising as the Nightwing it was still strange, he were talking to Peril before she flew down to the arena that had begin to fill with dragons. Not long after the arena was completely filled and Scarlet walked onto her balcony with a rainwing sleeping on a tree made of marble which must have been one of the dragons brought to the palace last night. I noticed that my heart had began to beat faster and I felt excited and a seance of longing after seeing each of these Dragonets but I pushed thoughs feelings to the side and watched fight between Peril and a sandwing. ' Fight was probably a bit to generous considering he killed him self which makes me even less confident about fighting Peril but seeing as she can't fight to save her life I could have a chance.' I thought after seeing the sandwing commit suicide by throwing them selves on Peril but before I let my thoughts consume I let out a deep sigh and cleared my head. ' I can think about this when I'm forced to fight her for now we're friends and I stick to it until that day comes.' I mumble to myself before bringing my self to sleep however my nightmares were now filled with thoughs Dragonets I saw today for some weird reason and it made them worse, when I killed them it felt like a peace of me was being ripped out and destroyed I hated it why do I feel so much worse why WHY WHY!

yay yay I know I'm late by a week and I suck I'll try to do better. besides that no Peril is not the love interest in fact the only love interest Frost will have will be other OC that I create and all the relationship from the main books will stay the same unless I say otherwise besides that if you enjoy the novel leave a comment about your questions.

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