

With a loud bang, lightning flashed and thunder roared outside the window, and the pouring rain came down heavily.

Ye Ling curled up on the sickbed, her stomach spasming, her eyelashes trembling, and at this moment, Shen Junlie probably already knew the truth.

How would he deal with her?

Would he divorce her?

The word "divorce" slipped through her mind, and her stomach hurt even more. Actually, it would be better if they divorced. They wouldn't have to torture each other anymore.

For both of them, it would be a relief.


The door of the ward was violently kicked open, and Ye Ling opened her eyes in shock, seeing a tall figure with thunderous anger stepping into the ward.

At this moment, his eyes were dark and fierce, like a devil, particularly terrifying.

She was very frightened, and crawled off the bed in a panic, but because she was too hasty, she ended up rolling off the bed with the blanket.

With a "plop," not only was Ye Ling stunned, but even Shen Junlie was stunned.

He stood still, his face darkening, watching her desperately struggling in the blanket, her cheeks turning red with anxiety. He was slow to realize that she was actually so afraid of him.

His heart felt like it had been tugged by something, and he slowly walked over, stopping beside her. He leaned down to pick her up, but Ye Ling misunderstood and thought he was going to hit her. She pulled the blanket over her head, trembling with fear, and her frightened voice came from under the blanket, "Don't hit me."

Shen Junlie froze for a moment, almost laughing out loud.

When did he become a woman-beating villain in her eyes? He suppressed his anger and lifted her up from the ground, placing her gently on the hospital bed. He pulled a chair up to the bedside and sat down.

Ye Ling hesitated under the covers for a moment before carefully peeking out, like a newly hatched chick, full of fear for the unknown world outside. When she met Sheng Junlie's cold gaze, she shrank back into the covers, lowering her eyes in fear.

Sheng Junlie chuckled, realizing that he had been blindly arrogant before, thinking that her fear of him was born out of love. Now he realized that she was simply afraid of him.

A sharp pain spread from his heart to every corner of his body, making his fingers tremble. He reached for his cigarette case but didn't take one out. "Why didn't you say anything?" he asked.

Ye Ling clenched the corners of the blanket so tightly that her fingertips turned white. He knew, and now it was time to settle accounts with her?

She knew this day would come sooner or later, but she didn't expect it to come so soon. She sat up in bed and spoke slowly, "I wanted to tell you on the day of the follow-up examination, but you didn't give me a chance."

It was raining heavily that day, just like today. When she returned to the villa, the servant told her that Sheng Junlie was in the baby's room upstairs. She went to find him and found the room in ruins, with the crib and rocking horse smashed to pieces.

Sheng Junlie sat against the wall, like a male lion who had lost his cub, desolate and sad. She knew that he had sincerely looked forward to the arrival of this child, even if he didn't love her, he loved the child in her belly.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have married her, who was as lowly as dirt, just to give this child a complete home.

She stood at the door for a long time before gathering the courage to walk in. She knelt in front of him and hesitated for a moment before speaking, "I went to the hospital for a check-up today, and the results weren't good. In the future, I'm afraid... We got married because of the child, but now that the child is gone, if you want a divorce, I won't object."

He was suddenly provoked by something she said, and Sheng Junlie erupted in anger, pushing her to the ground. His strong body pressed down on her, his eyes burning with intense hatred. "Divorce? Ye Ling, what do you take me for?"

"I don't." To her, Sheng Junlie was an unattainable god. She respected and feared him, but never dared to disrespect him.

Sheng Junlie stared at her, his hatred so deep and heavy that it seemed like he wanted to tear her apart alive. Suddenly, he leaned down and bit her throat.

"Ye Ling, I really want to kill you!"

The same words brought Ye Ling back to reality from her memories. She couldn't help but shiver, and then she heard Sheng Junlie continue, "You've made me a laughingstock these past few years."

Ye Ling's heart tightened, and tears streamed down her face. "I'm sorry."

Sheng Junlie stared at her for a moment, then suddenly found it funny and laughed, but his laughter was filled with thick sadness. "I'm so noble, yet I need a victim like you to apologize to me."

Ye Ling's heart felt like it was being stabbed with needles, and a dense pain spread throughout her body. Her tears fell even faster. "I'm sorry. I messed up your life back then. If you want to..."

"Shut up!" Sheng Junlie suddenly interrupted her with a stern voice. "I've told you, unless I bring it up myself, you'll never have the right to mention those two words."

Ye Ling looked up in surprise. "You..."

Sheng Junlie looked angry and embarrassed, and spoke forcefully, "You know about this, and if you dare to let a third person know, try it!"

Ye Ling's heart was in turmoil. He knew, but he didn't want a divorce. She couldn't understand what he was thinking. "Why?"

Sheng Junlie looked into her eyes, remembering when he returned to take over the Sheng Group. At first, he was ruthless, and everyone feared him. Wherever he went, it was dead silent. Only she was the bright spot in this earthly hell. Her face always carried a pure smile, and her eyes were full of bright light.

Since when did she stop smiling and lose the light in her eyes?

He leaned over, pinching her chin, and spoke slowly like a venomous snake, "Ye Ling, you betrayed me. I want you to stay by my side for the rest of your life and atone for your mistake."

This was the sin she had to atone for, for him and for their unborn child.