

Leaving the hospital, Ye Ling sat in the passenger seat without saying a word. She wasn't actually a person who spoke little, but when she was with Sheng Junlie, she often didn't know what to say. It seemed like everything she said, except for work-related matters, was wrong.

The phone rang, and Sheng Junlie answered it. She didn't know what the other person said, but he responded with a flat "Hmm" before hanging up. Then, he turned the steering wheel and parked the car at the entrance of the elevated highway. He spoke coldly, "Take a cab back by yourself."

Ye Ling looked at the busy traffic on the elevated bridge and then glanced down at her torn dress. "This is the elevated highway, and my dress is torn."

"So what?" Sheng Junlie's voice was devoid of any emotion, cold and heartless.

Ye Ling stared at him for a few seconds, then silently opened the door and got out of the car. As soon as she closed the door, the black Maybach eagerly sped away and disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye.

It was late at night, but fortunately, the rain wasn't heavy. It fell on her face like soft fur. Ye Ling wrapped her suit jacket tightly around herself and slowly walked forward along the green belt. Cars whizzed past her, performing a life-and-death race within a distance of less than half a meter from her.

She hadn't walked far when her phone vibrated incessantly in her bag. She stopped and answered the call.

"Little Ling, have you received the test results?" Ye Ling's mother spoke without any signs of exhaustion. "You, you're so careless with your words. Junlie misunderstood..."

Ye Ling impatiently interrupted her, "Even if I take the test ten thousand times, the result will still be the same. I won't be able to have my own child again."

This news was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Ye Ling's mother. She was stunned for a moment, and her voice changed, "Wha-what do you mean you won't be able to have one? Didn't you get pregnant before?"

Ye Ling looked at the speeding cars in front of her, her eyes sour, "I had a miscarriage."

She stood still for a moment, her phone buzzing in her bag. She didn't answer and continued walking forward. She got off the overpass and ahead was the most luxurious commercial district in the city. The exterior of the Guojin Center was adorned with a giant LED display screen, which was currently playing clips from the Chopin International Piano Competition.

Ye Ling stood in the center of the square, looking up at the woman sitting in front of the piano on the big screen. She wore a red evening gown, her hair tied up, revealing a graceful neck. Her slender fingers slid across the keys, and the dense sound of the piano flowed out, echoing in the empty square. The rhythm became faster and the emotions more intense, making the listener's heart surge with excitement.

The camera slowly zoomed in, and a familiar yet unfamiliar face appeared on the big screen. "It's her," Ye Ling's heart tightened, "Jian Yunxi!"

Jian Yunxi was Sheng Junlie's first love and also the goddess of the Emperor Capital University. During her time at the university, she became the white moonlight in the hearts of countless male students.

At this moment, Jian Yunxi was shining brightly in front of the camera, wearing a fiery red dress that seemed to be burning. The applause thundered below, and her performance was a great success.

Suddenly, the camera swept towards the audience, and in the first row behind the judges' seat, there sat a tall and slender man in formal attire, his eyes focused and passionately staring at the stage.

If it wasn't Sheng Junlie, then who could it be?

The rain suddenly became heavier, blurring her vision, and Ye Ling shivered with cold.

The Chopin International Piano Competition was held every five years in the capital of Poland, Warsaw. Half a month ago, Sheng Junlie went to Warsaw alone.

It turned out that he went to see Jian Yunxi.

Ye Ling returned to her apartment, took a hot shower, curled up in bed, and fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, Ye Ling frowned and woke up from her sleep. She opened her phone and looked at the time. It was already 6:30 am. She instinctively reached out to push the man next to her.

She reached out her hand, but it fell empty. She sat up suddenly, turned on the light, and saw that the bed next to her was as clean as new. She realized that Shen Junlie had not returned all night. It was hard for Ye Ling to adapt. In the past three years, unless Shen Junlie was on a business trip, he never stayed out all night. Ye Ling sat there in a daze for a while, then went to the bathroom expressionlessly to wash up, and then went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for herself. After finishing breakfast, she walked to the company. Just as she arrived at the company's entrance, a black Maybach stopped in front of her, and the rear door was pushed open from the inside. A man with no expression on his face got out of the car. He was still wearing the same outfit he wore to the banquet yesterday, with a wrinkled shirt, and who knows where he had been fooling around all night. Shen Junlie was nearly two meters tall and exuded a sense of pressure all over his body. Not to mention his thin lips and peach blossom eyes, even if he kept a straight face all day, he still looked like a charming and unfeeling man. He walked past Ye Ling without looking at her, as if she didn't exist at all. Ye Ling took a deep breath and hurriedly followed him. After entering the CEO's exclusive elevator, Ye Ling secretly glanced at his handsome face, and said, "Um... I'm not trying to control you, but you didn't come back last night..." "What, do I need to report my itinerary to Secretary Ye now?" Shen Junlie's face turned slightly cold. Ye Ling pursed her lips and silently swallowed the second half of her sentence. She knew she shouldn't have said anything. Look, she had brought this upon herself. Shen Junlie was angry at her pitiful appearance, and he tugged at his tie, feeling his anger rising. "Who are you making that face for? Someone who doesn't know any better would think you're really suffering." Ye Ling sighed in her heart. She knew that when he was unhappy, no matter what she did, it was wrong. "I'm not."

Sheng Junlie sneered and laughed, "QUEEN Entertainment is currently short of staff. You can pack up and go report there now. You don't have to follow me anymore."

Ye Ling's heart trembled and she looked up at him, "You want me to go to QUEEN Entertainment?"

QUEEN Entertainment was a kingdom of entertainment created by Sheng Junlie himself for Jian Yunxi. After half a year of planning and preparation, it will officially open at the end of the month.

Last night, after she went back, she searched for a lot of news about Jian Yunxi and knew that she was about to return to the country. Sheng Junlie's decision to transfer her away from him at this time was probably to make room for his first love.

"What, you're not happy?" Sheng Junlie leaned forward slightly, "Or do you just want to stay by my side, waiting to be...!"

He almost whispered the last word in her ear, vulgar and obscene.

Knowing that he was humiliating her again, Ye Ling's heart couldn't help but skip a beat. She pursed her lips and took a step back, "Okay, I'll go."

Seeing that she agreed so readily, Sheng Junlie's face didn't look any better. He strode out of the elevator. Along the way, everyone politely greeted him.

He walked away with a cold face, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Ling's personnel transfer order came down quickly. Li Lu, who was also a secretary, approached her and saw her packing up, "Aling, why did the personnel transfer order come so suddenly? Did you offend President Sheng?"

Li Lu was one of the few people who knew about Ye Ling's private relationship with Sheng Junlie. During the day, Ye Ling was the chief secretary of the Sheng Group's president, and at night, she was Sheng Junlie's personal possession.

But now, he was going to transfer Ye Ling to QUEEN Entertainment. It felt like a favored concubine being sent to the cold palace.