

Ye Ling couldn't help trembling with fear of Sheng Junlie. This fear had been deeply rooted in her since their first meeting as adults. It was the inauguration ceremony of Sheng Corporation's new CEO, and she was a rookie intern standing at the end of the line, watching Sheng Junlie being surrounded by a group of people as he walked in.

He was wearing a well-tailored black suit with a white shirt that highlighted his striking features. He stood on the stage and gave a speech, and then promptly fired several corrupt senior executives and reported them to the authorities, resulting in their imprisonment. He was ruthless and decisive in his actions. After he took office, there was a major reshuffle of the company's management, and it was a time of bloodshed and terror for everyone.

For a long time afterwards, whenever the company's employees mentioned him, they were terrified and referred to him as the "cold-faced Yama". Ye Ling was also afraid of him. At this moment, his face was so terrifyingly dark that it was even more frightening than when he was in the courtyard just now.

She lowered her gaze and stared at his perfectly pressed trouser legs. She thought to herself that no matter when, he was always impeccable and flawless, and the most disheveled person was always her.

"Speak!" The man's low voice was imposing without anger, and it frightened Ye Ling so much that her heart was trembling. She avoided his cold gaze and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Years ago, she had a miscarriage and suffered from excessive bleeding, which injured her uterus. Later, when she went to the hospital for a check-up, the doctor told her that she might never be able to have children again. When she returned from the check-up, she planned to tell Sheng Junlie about this, but before she could say anything, the angry man forcibly took her.

Sheng Junlie stared at her with his deep eyes, which were as black as ink, making it impossible to read his thoughts. Ye's mother stood beside them, trembling with fear, and cautiously spoke up, "Junlie, Ling speaks without thinking. She's just trying to anger me..."

"Mother-in-law," Sheng Junlie interrupted Ye's mother forcefully, "I'll take Ye Ling to the hospital for a check-up first. We'll know if she's trying to anger you after the examination."

After speaking, he grabbed Ye Ling's wrist and pulled her towards the parking lot.

Ye's mother had never seen Sheng Junlie angry before, and she was uneasy in her heart. She wanted to follow and see, but she was also afraid of Sheng Junlie's anger.

In front of Ye Ling, no matter how arrogant she was, she was only relying on the fact that Ye Ling was her biological daughter. When she encountered someone who was truly dominant, she immediately turned into a quail. This was the survival skill she had learned over the years in the wealthy families.

Hesitating, Sheng Junlie had already dragged Ye Ling far away.

Sheng Junlie threw Ye Ling into the passenger seat and drove to a private hospital. On the way, he gave Ye Ling one last chance.

"It's half an hour from here to the hospital. You can choose to confess and be lenient, or resist and be punished severely."

Ye Ling turned her head to look out the car window. The night outside was dark, and the car window was like a shiny mirror, reflecting her anxious face.

What should she say?

Back then, she only mentioned the child who had a miscarriage, and he became furious.

That was the first time she knew how scary he could be when he was angry.

She bit her lip tightly and remained silent.

Sheng Junlie's hand holding the steering wheel was covered in bulging veins as time passed. It wasn't until the red cross of the hospital appeared in front of them that he knew she wouldn't speak.

The car turned into the hospital and screeched to a halt.

Sheng Junlie got out of the car, his body wrapped in a frenzy of anger. He pulled Ye Ling out of the passenger seat and pinched her chin, forcing her to look up at him.

"Ye Ling, you know the consequences of deceiving me."

Ye Ling looked into his eyes. His deep, dark eyes were like two bottomless pools, as if they were going to suck her in and drown her. She looked away and refused to look at him anymore.

Sheng Junlie was amused by her passive resistance. He took a step back and sneered, "Okay, let's see how long you can keep up this act."

He grabbed her wrist and dragged her into the hospital. The private hospital had a full range of equipment, and a series of gynecological examinations were completed in just ten minutes.

In the office of the chief gynecologist, Sheng Junlie sat on a chair. His noble and powerful aura added a sense of oppression to the surroundings.

The chief gynecologist cleared her throat and carefully chose her words, "Mr. Sheng, your wife's previous miscarriage caused her endometrium to become thin, her fallopian tubes to be blocked, and her progesterone levels to be lower than normal due to long-term use of contraceptives. Therefore... it will be extremely difficult for her to conceive in the future. You need to be mentally prepared."

Sheng Junlie had already guessed the general situation in the car, but he didn't know that Ye Ling's physical condition had deteriorated to this extent. Even so, she didn't say a word to him.

The chief gynecologist saw that he was not speaking, and the continuously decreasing air pressure made her feel cold and shiver. She tried to speak, and heard the man in front of her ask, "When did she find out?"

The chief gynecologist was stunned for a moment. She searched Ye Ling's medical records on the computer and said, "About two and a half years ago, when she came for a follow-up examination."

At the words, Sheng Junlie's cold and stern face suddenly became stormy.

She had hidden it from him for two and a half years. Whenever he thought of the contraceptives he had given her during those two and a half years, he thought he was humiliating her. In fact, it had become a humiliation to himself.

What was she thinking about him at that time?

The chief gynecologist saw his terrifying expression and hesitated for a moment before saying, "In addition, we found that Mrs. Sheng is allergic to contraceptives during the examination just now."

Sheng Junlie's breath hitched. The chief gynecologist's words were like a steel needle piercing his throat. Under the strong dull pain, he felt his vision darken and his breathing became difficult.