

Arthuryasmin008 · Otras
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37 Chs


" Momma!!!!!!." She screamed the moment she saw her just like a little child would scream if her parent returned from a journey. I watched as she ran towards Mary and I wonder where she got the strength from she had recovered I know but not fully she could fall at any point.

" Hey...." I stretched forth my right hand to stop her but she didn't even look my way....she was way too excited.

" Slowly Darling". Mary said the moment Anne pounced on her enveloping her in a hug.

" How did you get here mum".

" I don't think I'm supposed to tell you that ".

" What do you mean....." She said pulling out from the hug.

".... Why can't you tell me" she continued.

" I'll tell you.." Alex chipped in.

"...Well.....I figured out someone might be missing her mother so much I decided to bring her over so she won't die of overthinking". He finished

" Oh how thoughtful of you" Anne joked.

" Don't you like it" He asked.

" No.....I love it".

" Goddamn it you never change...I for once thought you had been seriously saying that." He breathed.

" What if I had been"

" You couldn't have".

" I...."

" Enough you two" Mary interrupted.

" You both are matured Humans....Why fight like children".

" He started it.." Anne said pointing towards him.

" No you started it" He returned back.

" Oh will you both be quiet for a while please.....thank you....Now, You have to rest.....I was told you were unwell" Mary said placing her hands on Anne's head

" Who told you that...do I look unwell to you"

" Doesn't matter princess...Now to the room". She said and Anne went up to the room leaving Mary and Alex to themselves.

" At least now you're here she might behave" Alex told her.

" I Hope so.....in fact I know so....Can I know what happened to her"

" She was poisoned by a de..." He stopped the moment he realized he was talking to a human.

" Poisoned???....How..Why...when....Who did it".

" Calm down Mary...It was just food poisoning".

" Oh Alright...When exactly did this happen??"

" It has been long though.... Alright yeah it happened last two weeks"

" Last two weeks??.. she's supposed to have been fully recovered by now" She pointed.

" She doesn't listen to me Mary... she does as she pleases and that's why she's still a little unwell"

" That's fine.....You don't need to worry alot now...I am here and will make sure she listens".

" Her room is on the second floor, last by the Right.....While yours is on the same floor, Second by your Right".

" My bags.....I need to get them from the car"

" Don't have to....They have been taken to your room".

" I'll go now" She said leaving Alex to himself.



" Mr Raymond??... You're here??". Gaby said the moment she opened the door to her house...She had been in her room when she heard the door bell and was very surprised to see Anne's father behind the door.

" Yes dear...Can I come in".

" Oh where are my manners sir.....Please come in and have a seat.....I am just so shocked to see you here".

" I just came to inquire about your friends whereabouts..." He said taking a seat.

" I had been to the orphanage for quite some times now and they've said they hadn't seen her for a while...I don't know Alex's house so I came here to know if you've seen her or at least spoken to her or better still you know his address Right...you can tell me".

" Well actually sir.....I do not know their house address but I spoke to her early this morning actually Alex had some work to do outside the country so Anne had followed him.....She had complained of having problem's with her phone and thats why she hasn't been able to reach you or granny....She mentioned that she was going to replace the phone so she just needs time.... She's very much alright sir you don't have to worry". she lied

" Okay we'll wait for her new phone....My regards to your parents dear....Have a nice day" He said standing and heading to the door.

" My regards to granny Sir.....Good bye" She said closing the door behind her.

She heaved a huge sigh of relief....she had to lie.....She hadn't spoken to Anne for a very long time...She had tried reaching out to her but she hadn't been able to even Alex wasn't taking her calls she knew it rang but she didn't just know why he never answered.... She picked up her phone and tried to dial up Anne's number but it still wasn't reachable...she sank down on her bed the moment she reached her room.... Suddenly an idea popped up in her head.....she remembered she had a copy of Thier contract with Alex.....His number and address should be on it..... She walked to her drawer and brought out the green file bag she kept in it....That bag contained a lot of important documents that concerned her.....She searched in it for a while and brought out a neatly kept paper...she was right, what she needed was right on top of it.....Quickly she grabbed her phone and dialled Alex's number again but it still didn't ring...she made up her mind that she was going to be at his house early the next morning she didn't want to leave her house now because she had gotten herself into trouble last night and now she was grounded....Her mother was going to come back this night so she would beg to be released tomorrow and for Anne's sake she was sure her mom would consent.



" Come in.." Alex spoke from his chair.....He knew Anne was there to see him but he didn't know why and he wasn't a fan of reading her mind.

" Lexy..." she called sweetly, he knew right away that she wanted to ask for something but he didn't give her that much attention he just faced the papers on the desk and acted serious....she was standing right behind him.

" Yeah... You need anything??." he asked without looking up.

" I want to speak to you.....No.....I want to ask for just a liiiitle favor".

" Am all ears"

He waited patiently for her to say something but all he could hear was her racing heart...He stood and walked up to her placing his hand on her cheek before speaking.

" What's wrong??" he asked still she didn't speak instead she looked away.....Using his hand he brought her face close to his making her look at him in the eyes.

" Talk to me...I don't like it when you're sad or upset about anything.....so tell me what's bothering you Alma".

" Lexy.....I don't feel good whenever I see Mary...".

" If that's it she'd leave this instant."

" No....Listen to me.....That's not what I meant.....What am trying to say is I'm keeping something away from her I am hiding what she supposed to know from her and anytime I see her I just remember I can't tell her anything about it and it hurts.... a lot".

," I am trying so hard to understand you right now Alma...come let's sit" He said taking her to the bed and sitting her down.

" Now stop beating round the bushes and go straight to the point". He said.

" Lexy you and I know that you aren't human...."

" hmmm"

" And that Devin isn't a human ruled country and that it's full of demons and witches "

" Yeah...wait hold on....I think I know where you are going with this".

" If you do then can I go tell her".

" No...humans can know about us".

" Hello am human".

" You're my fiancee....my future wife.... there's a huge difference...My answer is still no". He replied still sitting calmly

" She's my mother.....your future mother in law... she's as important as I am...just let me tell her Alex".

" No and that's final" He stood up and turned away.

" If I don't tell her I won't feel good or comfortable around her." she said walking to him

" Then I'll send her back to new York "

" Lexy..."

" NO" He sad A bit sternly.

" But she's my mom she needs to know ev...."

" She's not your real mother Anne your mother is dead and you know it" He blurted and then turned Immediately to her....he shouldn't have said that....The look on her eyes hit him hard in his soul....goddamn it, I should have just been quiet"

" Alm...." he was about to call but she held up her hand to his face telling him to stop.

" You're right she's dead....I should go now..... I'm sorry" She said sadly and passed him but stopped halfway when she saw Mary by the door looking surprised.

" Mo...." She wanted to call out but then remembered Alex's words and ran away instead.

" Anne!!" Mary called out but she didn't stop.

" What happened??"

" Please just follow her"

She nodded and left.