

Arthuryasmin008 · Others
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37 Chs


"What the hell Ramirez....thats the 25th Village you're destroying and under 12 minutes...These demons and witches will soon get tired of rebuilding their villages.....You have to be calm". Zain spoke

" Don't tell me that!!!....all i care about right now is blood...blood...and more blood....Give me blood and stop spurting rubbish ". Alex thundered with his still ravaging bloody eyes and pointy fangs

" You literally killed 10 thousand men all on your own and 12 minutes later destroyed 25 villages yet you aren't satisfied??...Listen yo....." Before Zain could finish his sentence a huge thud was heard and due to their hearing and sensitivity abilities they could tell it came from anne's room.

" Alma!!.." He screamed the moment he appeared in her room but couldn't talk because he was so shocked at what was happening...she was hugging him while standing.

" Alma..." He called out softly just to be sure he was daydreaming before hugging her back.

" A....l...Alex....st.....stop....it....stop the.....rampage.....stop it.....please" She begged with a low voice.

Alex could notice she fell numb while holding her so he carried her up to the bed before She could fall.

" Are you ok.....what happened...how did you...Axton what did you do" He asked finally noticing his presence by the window.

" I told her the truth.....you weren't going to stop on less she recovered and told you to do so...So i had to tell her the truth.....A thank you would be needed but enjoy the moment first ". he said simply.

" Zain!!!". alex thundered

" You don't have to scream i'm right here."

" Check her i felt her go numb in my arms..." He said holding her hand.

" Are you okay alma" he asked her

She nodded.

"Anne....where do u feel numb and where can you move?? " Zain questioned.

" I can move my hands and my upper body i could also move my legs a while ago but now i feel numb on my legs."

" Okay.....you've improved drastically....all u need now is complete rest for at least the rest of the day....tomorrow you'll be stressed out a lot".

" Hey.....why??". alex asked.

" So she could recover quickly".

" Uhmmm...cough cough...hello..i'm right here a thank you should be ok at this moment" Axton spoke up.

" Be quiet!!" Both alex and zain thundered.

" whoa...i helped and i deserve a thank you".

" Yeah alright.....you thought of something reasonable and actually did it perfectly without hooks you should be thankful to your stars because if anything had happened to her due to your actions your head would have been fed to the dogs and your skin to the birds". Alex told him and he went back to standing quietly indeed he was very rash while trying to help anne she could have hurt herself in the process but thank goodness she didn't.

Anne was made to sleep by alex because she had to be fully prepared for tomorrow...Zain had to make sure alex had slept when he laid with anne before leaving so that he wouldn't have to chase after him when he wanders of to cool him self down....Axton had gone to meet up with kala he missed her

alot...Everyone had retired to their rooms as they needed rest for the next days activities.

" Good morning Alma." He whispered softly...he could tell that she was awake but her eyes were closed shut.

" Gooood morning ". She replied opening her eyes slowly and stretching her hands.

" How do you feel this morning ". he inquired

" Better....Lexy i'm starving ".

" What would you like to eat your highness.".

" Food made by you".

" Huh". He said like he didn't hear her

" Yep.....You heard me right" She said pushing herself up with her hands.

" Careful". He said helping her up and sitting beside her

" Thanks....Now back to what i was saying i would love to have Bacon, egg and cheese sandwich on a roll prepared by you please".

Alex stared in shock.

" Alex!!!!!" She screamed.

" Ok....ok i will." He said sliding down the bed.

" Please no pepper " She added.

" Yes my lady" And he left placing a kiss on her forehead.

" What you doing Ramirez". Kala asked materializing into the kitchen when he was working on his lady's order.

" Kala.....Come have a taste.....if its not good am pretty sure she wouldn't talk to me".

" Sure" She replied walking up to him to have a


" Its good.....nice work".

" Thank you"

" Tell me....For whom is this food been made for??".

" Alma.." He replied unaware.

" Soul??...you're preparing it for your soul".

" Yes...Anne....thats her name... You should meet her....you would love her...she's upstairs".

" Yeah....alright...You never like staying in the palace why??".

" Are you meeting her or not??"

" I will i will." She answered leaving the room.

" Come in". Anne answered to the knock on the door.

" Good morning.".

" Good morning " She replied staring at the beautiful creature in front of her...from her features she could tell she wasn't human.

" Let me introduce my self.....My name's Kala..you might not have heard of me but i'll tell you i'm...."

" She's mine the way You're Alex's". Axton interrupted.

" Oh i see.....You look beautiful". Anne commented.

" So do you.....Even more than i am....no jokes".

" But i bet your hair do's better than mine....I look like a mess right".

And the both laughed like old time friends.

" Whats going on". Alex asked entering the room with a tray in his hands.

" What do you mean" The ladies chorused together

" You ladies are talking like long time friends who just met after years of separation".

" I guess That's just how ladies are"

" Ok then...here's your food....Yes you have to finish up everything".

" Yeah Yeah". She replied picking up the plate. from the tray.

" It looks delicious though".

" Just Hope's it tastes delicious" .

" You've tasted my cooking before now so you should know it tastes amazing....not just good".

" People make mistakes.....or don't they kala??".

" Yeah". Kala replied with a smile

" What are you trying to say Alma". He said gazing at her.

" Nothing" She replied quickly a avoiding his gaze.

" We'll leave you two alone" Axton said grabbing kala by the hand and teleporting themselves out of the room.