

Arthuryasmin008 · Others
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37 Chs


" Anne darling please open the door" Mary pleaded while banging at the door continuously.

" What's going on??" Alex asked when he reached the door to Anne's room and met Mary there.

" She has locked herself up in the room and she isn't saying anything either I'm so scared what f she hurts herself." she answered worriedly.

" Am not sure she will... she's a strong girl...she wouldn't hurt herself because o a little argument right" He asked unsure of his own statement and question.

" Alex no matter how strong Anne appears physically she's a child inside.....She breaks down at the littlest of things....I don't just want her to hurt herself....please try talking to her....if she doesn't reply then something's wrong".

" Alma..." he called softly at first and then again and then again but when he tried the fourth time and there was no response he began to break the door with his body since he couldn't teleport himself inside because of Mary....The door finally doing open at his third hit.....but the room was empty... she wasn't inside.

" But how's this possible I saw her run in here and lock the door behind her". Mary spoke after walking inside the room..... without a word Alex ran over to the bathroom door and slung it open.....she was in there...in the bath tub full of cold water and just about to sink her head into it.

" Alma!!!!!" He ran towards her and carried her wet body out of the bathtub and bathroom...." Mary get the towel and some dry clothes."

She rushed to get what was ordered from her and came back within seconds on her arrival she saw Zain checking on Anne but she didn't have time to comprehend how he got there she just handed the towel to Alex and held the clothes to herself and stood on a standby waiting to be called on....from her observations Anne was still very much awake but she didn't open her mouth to say anything she also looked so sad and pale..she wondered what could have happened...she'd find out later.

Zain had ordered me to help Anne change into dry clothes which I did and while helping her out she didn't utter a word she just like a robot who was being ordered around without uttering a word.....I didn't even bother asking her what happened between herself and Alex....I felt it wasn't the right time.all I cared about was her usual self.....he must have said something to her i said to myself.... I was one in a few minutes and went on to call Zain and Alex so they could continue.....I just wanted my daughter back.

" She'll be fine" He said when he finished whatever it was he was doing.

" Why's she not talking....she looks pale and sad why??" I heard Alex ask

" I can't answer that Alex.... you know why she's in this condition and to be honest I never expected something like that from you....you sh.....You know what just forget it... I'll leave now" Zain said and left..... How'd he know what happened and I didn't.

" Alex please tell me what happened to her" she finally found the courage to speak up and ask.

" it's nothing"

" Nothing you say.....My daughter is looking so pale and sad she isn't even being alive anymore and you tell me it nothing....are you seriously expecting me to believe that"

Without a word he left the room.

' what's going on in this house' Mary thought to herself....She turned around and watched as her daughter lay on the bed looking like a lifeless human slowly she walked up to her and sat next to her on the bed....

Using her hands to caress her forehead she spoke.

" Darling please be well soon....I don't like seeing you this way please get well soon so I can hear that cheerful voice of yours again". Placing a kiss on Anne's forehead she stood up and left to her room.



" Going to that house was a waste of time..." Gaby sighed as she sank on sitting room couch.

" I should have just stayed back...But on the other hand I still needed to be sure of her whereabouts so going wasn't a complete waste of time". she said to her self again.

" Hey someone please get me water." she said hoping that the help would hear her and get her the water.

" Here" A voice said handing over a glass of water to her.

" Thank you.....That was fast though". she sad after gulping down the water and then she turned to hand over the cup to her supposed help.

" You!!!... How'd you get here".

" That should be none of your business Missy.....I just came to let you know that Your friend and her fiance are both fine...you should not worry as she has sent her regards to you and has pleaded that you help her extend her greetings to her family...Bye" Zain turned to leave but she didn't let him.

" Hold up mister....firstly I have a name, It's Gaby and not Missy or whatever you call it secondly How did you get in here.....and finally..I need to speak with her at least to be sure you aren't lying to me Right now".

" You talk to much for a lady missy I....."

" Answer my questions and stop joking with me"

" Yeah....about the questions which do you want me to answer first." he said making himself comfortable on one of the sofas.

" Who asked you to sit....I don't even know how you got in here and you still have the nerves to sit on my couch so comfortably." she ranted.

" Firstly Missy I can't stand to answer a lot of questions secondly I think this is called a sofa and not a couch".

" Oh please just answer me already... I am not as jobless as you may be right now". she said sitting down on the couch opposite him.

" I'll ignore that and go straight to the point I don't have that much time anyways....Yeah Your first question??"

" How'd you get in here".

" Through the door...next question". Gaby rolled her eyes before asking again.

" I want to speak with her how can I do that".

" You can't it's impossible for you to reach out to her from where she is..... That's why I was sent to see you and then to send you to your grave I meant her family to inform them of their child's wellbeing."

" Why should I believe you"

" Who's forcing you to.....look here missy my time here has elapsed and I have to go believe me or not..Bye" he said rising to his feet.

" Hold on sir.....If anything I mean anything at all happens to my bestie I'll let my dogs have you for dinner ." she threatened with her finger to his face.

" Keep your threats to yourself missy....Do I look scared of you.....And nothing's going to happen to your bestie so just relax and chill". he said before walking out the door to her house.

" what a strange man" she said to her self and sank down on her couch.

" At least she's okay". she said silently.



" Come in". Mary said from the inside as she was helping Anne dress her hair in front of the dressing mirror.

" I'll continue from where you stopped...Please go set the table." Alex said.

Mary left the room as instructed and went on to set the table.....for the past two days Anne ate in her room so she just set the table for one instead of the normal table for two.....Alex had also avoided seeing Anne during these last two days because he felt she needed time to herself for recuperation.

" Aren't you going to speak to me?" he asked after helping with her hair.

" About what".... She asked with a dull voice standing to go sit on her bed but Alex held her back...her eyes had become a bit brighter than it was two days ago...she wasn't fully okay yet but he couldn't stay away any longer his demons weren't letting him.

" Am sorry Alma....I shouldn't have said that to you....I also sorry fo...Alma why you staring at me like that?".

" what did you do to yourself".

" I don't understand what you're saying Alma".

" Your eyes... They're weird...what did you do to your self Alex....you look like someone who's lost some weight".

" I didn't do anything".

" Don't lie to me.... why don't you want to tell me what happened".

" I'll tell you" Zain said materializing into the room.