

Arthuryasmin008 · Otras
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37 Chs


"Are you sure about that " Zain asked in disbelief to the woman in a white flowing gown. Her name was Axia she was a born witch and she was a lot like camilla who was also present in the room. she had come to tell Zain that Alex had already found the woman he was looking for.

Axia nodded in affirmation.

" But there is no way to tell who she is right" Camilla asked hoping to hear what she needed to hear.

" Not even alex can identity her " Axia said and Zain could hear Camilla's sigh of relief. oh god this woman was still in love that creature he thought to himself "So i'm guessing she has to live with him and then we can compel her to kill him" Zain said more to himself and axia nodded.

"So you see Zain, the contract wasn't a waste of time" Alex said suddenly materializing into the room leaving everyone shocked. Zain scoffed.

"were you here the whole time" Axia asked still in shock.

"Yes, and that means we don't have to explain anything to him." Zain spoke.

" You talk like you knew i was here the whole time " Alex said knowing fully well that he made sure none of them could sense his presence in the room.

" And you act like you know how to get to the woman in question."

Alex rolled his eyes. He knew Zain was just trying to piss him off and he also thought that Zain was created only to get on his nerves.

" okay okay...You guys can fight later probably when the human race is extinct, You know what happened the last time" camilla said looking at the two men. The last time he had trained with Zain they almost burnt down the entire country and that was only a training so she could imagine the whole world burning if they were to fight.

Camilla was the calm one so alex had expected her to say such. she wasn't quick to anger or to make decisions and that was part of the reasons he kept her. But Axia was a complete opposite of her sister She loved trouble and she would do anything just to watch a fight. she was a skilled fighter as well and that was why he kept asides the fact that he was keeping her sister.



"You need a boyfriend" Gabby told her friend Anne.

Anne had gone to Gaby to tell her everything about her health and her decision to live to the fullest till she died.

She had expected her friend to be angry and probably kick her out of her house for lying to her but instead she hugged her and cried like a kid as if she was the one going to die soon. After the tear section between the two friends Anne showed gaby her bucket list and she was very happy to help.

" How do i get one??". Anne asked innocently. And that singular action made her friend burst out laughing.

Anne didn't think she said anything funny.

" okay am sorry....but looking at you right now it shouldn't be that hard."

anne looked confused.

" Girl you know you are one good looking and curvy babe so it's not that difficult to find a man with your type of look." Anne fully understood what Gaby was trying to say now and remembered all her admirers and how she had turned them down and how they moved on...well except one person who is still stuck to her...

"How about Chris??" Gaby asked disturbing anne's trail of thoughts.

" I don't like him Gaby....and besides the guy's in love with me" anne paused waiting for what she said to sink in.

" i really shouldn't be looking for someone who is in love with me or the other way round either."

"So what you need is a contract boyfriend, someone who'll fulfill all the things in your bucket list and not fall in love with you right."

"Right, he should also be well to do."

Gaby looked at me for a while then asked

"Anyone in mind??" and i shook my head in reply.

i thought about it again and still stood by the fact that she couldn't use Chris.

Then she remembered him, his eyes.

"What about alex." i asked

" what makes u think he'll agree anne. And even if he does we don't know where he is or how to find him."

Gaby did make a point but for some reason anne couldn't get her mind off him.

" is there a party tonight." anne asked

"Yes....why do ask" Gaby smiled looking at anne and then said

" ooh... you want to meet him. But what of he doesn't show up."

"He will..... am sure of it." anne answered so confidently shocking both her self and Gaby. Gaby stared at anne and anne did same.

" Ok if you say so..... the party is by seven, so you have little time to rest before then. "

i looked at the wall clock and realized why she said little time it was just a few minutes past six o' clock.

" how about this one??." Gaby asked for the third time she had changed into three different outfits and was having difficulties in picking another out fit.

i was already dressed and settled and Gaby would have just worn a photo copy of what i wore but she didn't have another dress that looked exactly like what i wore.

i wore a sky blue gown that matched the color of my eyes. it was fitted and had a fish tail look at the bottom and a sliver beaded waist line forming a belt.

it was sleeveless gown so my arms were visible.

" This one's better". it was a sleeveless v necked line gown, it was long and also had two slits stretching from her thighs downwards it was plain and had no designs yet it was stunning.

" i like it too" she said and rushed over to the dressing mirror to apply her makeup. We left the house at 6:42 and guess what we had no time to rest.


They had gotten to the party two hours earlier and anne wondered why the weird eyed stranger hadn't arrived yet.

She was getting tired cuz she had danced a lot in the past two hours.

she picked up her phone from her clutch purse and checked the time it was past nine already and he still hadn't come. Unlike her Gaby was having the time of her life, she didn't seem tired.

Anne sat down clearly frustrated but it wasn't for long.

she felt it, The very weird one that told her that he was here. she turned and saw him walking in with a very loud aura. The closer he got to the clearer his eyes were. They were silver, strange she thought, the last time she saw him they were of different colors, what caused the changed in the color of his eyes. Weirdly she liked the the way they were before.

She planned walking over to him and telling him what she wanted, but she laughed at her self realizing that walking over to a man that beautiful and asking him to be her contract boyfriend in front of all this people would be embarrassing, so she just decided she was going to wait till the party was over.

Alex stared round the party looking for the girl that had the nerves to want to touch him. He had been thinking about her since the last time he saw her and he didn't know why, however he convinced himself that he was only looking and thinking about her because he wanted to punish her for almost touching him. With his now silver eyes he wanted to see if she would even look at him.

At last he found her, and also found himself staring and almost drooling at her. He had every reason to drool, she looked mesmerizing it was like he wanted to eat her whole. And then again after realizing that he was drooling he convinced himself that he was acting that way because it had been long since he last took a woman to bed. He wanted to hold her in his arms so badly, to hold that waist of hers, she had a nice shape like that of an hourglass with fully rounded breasts and an amazing hip, one that every man would want to hold. The thought that she had a boyfriend who was going to be touching her in that manner made him vexed.

He walked over to her and cursed in wardly as he did so, his mind didn't want to go but his body defiled him.

" May i have this dance " He said to her with his right hand stretched in front of him and his left hand at his back.

'wait.... am i being polite now. ' alex thought to himself.

Anne froze in place as she heard him say those words . She had thought she wasn't seeing properly when he had been walking towards her, but now he was right in front of her asking to dance with her.

she didn't realize when she placed her hand in his and when they had started dancing.

She felt she was going to faint. she noticed that his hands had two different temperatures, they were both hot and cool at the same time, she wondered what was up with this guy and the change in temperature anytime he arrived. As if realizing what she was thinking the temperature of his hands became normal.

Then she looked at his eyes it was still silver colored and she didn't like it she also didn't like the way he stared at her it was as though he was trying to intimidate her. Those eyes... oh God why couldn't she stop looking at them they were fascinating.

Alex kept staring at the woman he was holding. She kept looking at him, at his eyes, as if she wasn't scared of the way he looked at her.

He was shocked, for the first time in like forever someone dared stare at him and in his eyes. people normally stared at him but never at his eyes, his eyes were intimidating and he liked it because it brought fear into his enemies. it made every battle easy for him, those eyes of his were the reasons why he was feared the most asides been one of his kind.

"i need to talk to you" he heard her say

" but you are already talking to me."

" no.....like in private" she said again her voice was soothing,he liked it.

" But no one can hear us"

" i won't feel comfortable saying it here,..... please."

hearing her plead made his heart ache and he wondered why it bothered him.

"Come". He told her while letting go of one of her hands and holding the other so that he could lead her out of the door

He could hear some of the women's thoughts as he walked out of the door holding her in his hands. 'she's lucky' he heard them. Of course she had to be lucky he had never listened to anyone not even his own family but he had listened to this woman and felt a sting in his heart when she pleaded.

" What did you want to talk about " He asked still looking at her.

" first.....what's your name" she asked and paused

" Your full name "

" Alexander Raynott "

Alex was wandering why he answered without hesitation or proper questioning. He knew she Wanted to ask him for something but he didn't know what it was. He could have just read her mind and found out but he didn't feel good about it.

" Raynott... You're american??"


"Alex..." she called.

Alex didn't know why he liked the way his name was being called.


" would you be my boyfriend" she blurted.

Alex was shocked, he had expected a few things but not this. That was the last thing he had in mind.

"huh???" he asked clearly confused.

" i need you to be boyfriend.... its' gonna be contract, you can't fall in love with me and neither will i." she said just like she rehearsed.

"why did you pick me?" Alex asked shocking himself. it was like he felt honored

" cause i believe you are fit for the job..or should i say assignment".

he stared at her in disbelief

"and after what you did to her the last time at the party.....i mean the lady you broke up with i just thought you were one of those guys who never loved."she paused and then continued

" so will you do it" she asked looking at him with her blue eyes

Alex stared at the woman in front of him in disbelief,she had guts and he liked they she wasn't scared like everyone else.

"where are the papers" he asked.

"here " she said handing him the folded papers she got from her clutch purse and a pen. he took it from her and signed without even reading. he had already started trusting, Alex convinced him self that it was because she looked harmless he trusted her. He returned the papers to her after signing.

'We are officially in a relationship" she said similar at her. her smile set him on fire.

"Yes babe"