

Arthuryasmin008 · Others
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37 Chs


We got to the house late enough cause it was pitch black outside. One of Gaby's drivers had gone to drop my car at home from the orphanage so i didn't worry about that.

i had changed into something more comfy; one of Gaby's many nightgowns, she didn't wear any of them but she kept ordering them for me.

I had to sleep in the guest room because sleeping in Gaby's room was like asking for war.

i had gone to bed around 10:00 and without any pain.

i stirred in my sleep because of my phone's vibration. who on earth would disturb my sleep by this hour.

i picked up the phone and realized it was my doctor calling me by 2 am in the morning it had to be something important i thought and answered it.


"hello Anne, so sorry to disturb but i was just wandering why u hadn't been in the hospital for check up." i heard him Say

" what checkup doc."

" Didn't Your father inform you".

" about what doctor, i'm confused"

" i sent your last results to your father and requested you to come for a final checkup within the week"

The doctor was really confusing me. what did the results say and why did i need a final check up

"i'm listening "

" the results showed that u only have a few months left barely a year though and we wanted to take one last look at the tumors before we finally let you go

that was why i requested your presence for a final check up."

i couldn't believe my ears a few months left and i would leave this world for good. i thought about my dads recent thinkings and realized he was only looking for a way to tell his daughter that she was going to die soon.

i cried my eyes out as i ended the call with the doctor.

"a few more months" i said to my self.

i sat down all crawled up in bed.

I thought of my mom and then my self,i have lived twenty whole years with a brain tumor and a heart tumor as well. i thought i was probably going live longer than my mom but i guess i was wrong about that.

i cried and cried and cried until i had swollen red eyes.

when i looked at the time it was 4 am an d i decided i wasn't going to cry any more instead i decided that i was going to do all my favorite things till i died. i needed a bucket list so i took down some things on my small note pad and closed it afterwards. i will do things i have never come before i thought to my self and smiled.

i didn't realize when i dozed off again.



Alexander rolled from one side of his bed to another he was clearly troubled, so troubled that he caused the rain to fall so heavily outside and his room to be so hot like an oven. he sensed Camilla's presence a long time ago and kept increasing the heat so she would leave but the witch was persistent he could also hear her thoughts and it was disturbing. what exactly did this witch want with him he thought as if he didn't know she loved him. Ever since he saved her life she had been loyal and that was why he still kept her and her village alive.

"why don't you just take her away before she dies of heat" Alexander said after noticing Zain's presence. "why don't you calm down and stop the storm outside so she could leave alive" Zain said materializing in the room.

Zain was probably just created to annoy him. Camilla also materialized in the room looking so damp and it was because of the heat. Alexander had sat up and the storm and stopped so Camilla just vanished without saying anything.

Alexander didn't say a word but for some reason he seemed to remember the girl from last night.

"You like her". Zain said more to himself than to Alex

"No" Alex could see Zain roll his eyes.

"You'll never admit it"

Now it was Alex's turn to roll his eyes

" i have to go back to county Devin."


cause of you dummy , Zain thought and looked at alex who was giving him a stern look telling him that he had heard what he was thinking.

" You know i had to keep my self busy with something, or would you rather prefer i burn you" Alex said not breaking his gaze on Zain.

Zain didn't even say anything back he just teleported himself back to country Devin


Back in country Devin

" Did you find her "

" No, my lord"

" leave "

Zain let out a huge sigh. He really shouldn't be helping Alex look for the woman that was going to kill him because his guts told him that the woman would have to be in love with alex first. Then they would have to compel the woman because no sane woman would kill the man she loves.

And then the contract wasn't really helping issues because all the women he signed the contract didn't really love him so to Zain, Alex was just looking for a way to distract himself. They needed to find this woman real quick before this being destroys the whole world.



" Gaby" i called out to my bestie sitting in front of me at the dining table.

"hmm" she said while munching away her food. she seemed hungry.

" i saw him"

" who "

Anne could see the confused look on her friends face and she went straight away to explain what she had experienced with the Angel. After telling her friend about her experience she heard

" what's his name again?? " Gaby asked grabbing her phone.

"Alexander......" i replied and paused as if thinking of something

" But i have no Idea what his last name is so how ate u going to find him."

" That's true...... Well his luck then." Gaby Said and continued munching away.Apart from the noise from the cutleries no other sound was heard.

The two girls had breakfast in peace and decided to watch some movies together.

" i think i need to go soon "Anne said while staring at the screen.

" Sure i'll drop you off " she said also not tearing her gaze from the screen. Anne was about to protest when Gaby looked at her and said. " Don't even think about saying no."

"bye....." Anne told her friend and waved her

" Take care" Gaby said in return and waved back. she then drove back to her house.


" Didi....." i called out to my grand ma as i walked into the house.

" over here darling" i heard her say and i walked over to were her rocking chair was and found her knitting. she turned and smiled at me.

" just in time for lunch dear" she said to me and i smiled. Didi got up from her chair with ease and walked over to me, she grabbed my hand slightly and took me to the dining. it was small but i enjoyed eating there with my family.

"I'll go help dad in the kitchen Didi."

" no need, he'll be okay by himself so just sit and wait to be served "

oh no her grandmother was giving her the special treatment which means that she was being pitied. if there was any thing Anne didn't like, it was being pitied. She sat down like a lost puppy who was being reprimanded for running away in the first place.

"Here he comes " Didi said looking towards the kitchen door. Anne followed her gaze and she caught sight of her dad who was holding a tray of casserole in his arms. her father walked towards the table with the tray in his hands, he got closer and then he dropped it in the center where all three could reach for it.

They ate lunch in silence and Anne knew that her father wanted to talk to her about her health and that it wasn't easy for him to say it. What father would feel alright telling his child that she was going to die soon. The poor man had already gone through a lot by losing her mother she saw a different side of her father. Her father had always been the bold type not easily intimidated and all that but she remembered vividly seven years ago that her father had cried and sobbed like a child when the doctor announced he death. He literally became a shadow of himself doing things in the opposite way. she wouldn't have let him go through such pain if not that she was only human and could not heal herself. If she can't save her father from that trouble she would save him the trouble of telling her that she was going to die.

after taking in deep breaths she finally said.

" the doctor called........" she paused as if waiting for someone to say something but that didn't happen only their expressions changed. She went on

" he told me .......about the results........and i am fully accepting the facts that i...will...be ...go.."

"don't say it, dear" my father said to me with tears in his eyes.

"there's no need trying to run away from it dad. its gonna happen and we have to accept the facts sooner or later."

" but still..."

" no buts dad...." i said wiping away the little tears that ran down my cheeks.

" no buts....i have accepted my fate with my full body and i am not going to sit around all idly before i die" i paused and continued like i hadn't said the word die

" i am going to do things i have never done before.... i will at least have to enjoy my life while am still on earth and at least i know that i will die peacefully and happily as well." i said with a tone of finality. i got up from seat walked over to my dad and wiped his tears, i did same to my grandma and went Back to my seat.

"Now,.......let's forget everything and eat" i said smiling. i looked at my dad and then Didi and they smiled back. we ate the food talking and laughing about different things asides my health and i enjoyed every bit of it.it was good to have that off my back for a while.