

Arthuryasmin008 · Others
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37 Chs


' Yes babe' it kept echoing in my mind. Someone called me babe not just anyone this beautiful man. Anne didn't know why she had this sense of being protected when he said that. The vibration of her phone jolted her back into reality. Gaby was the one calling


" where are you, I've been looking for you."

" Am outside, com...."

"okay, am coming" and the call ended.

Alex cursed inwardly as her phone rang, who dared interrupt this moment.

He couldn't stop looking at her shocked face when he called her babe. She looked cute when she was confused.

'cute, did i just think of someone as cute, what the hell is wrong with me now. ' Alex thought. He was happy the call ended. She turned and looked at him and he saw the reaction in her face change.

" What happened" He asked clearly concerned. He thought she wanted to change her mind about their deal.

"Your eyes....They're back to normal"

'Normal' that was one thing his eyes weren't. they were far from normal , infarct Nothing about him was normal and here this woman was calling his eyes normal. He had used some magic to male his eyes stay in one color and it couldn't have been wearing of now. which only meant he didn't even know that they had become normal and it was because he was so distracted talking to her.

"I like your eyes..... they are strange yet beautiful to stare at"

Alex was more shocked now this woman found different ways to surprise him.

" I don't know your name miss"

" Anne.....Anne Molinari."

"Italian??" he asked

"Yep" She replied

" can i touch your face" she blurted.

Alex was wide eyed. This was the first time in centuries that someone asked him to allow them touch his face. people couldn't even look him in the face for to long But this woman wanted to touch him.

He held her hand wanting to help her touch him. His mind told him not to but his body once again defiled him. His demon was probably restless and needed a woman right now.He lifted it up to his face and placed it right on his cheeks. his eyes blazed with freckles of gold like fire his demon wanted her do badly. But with just a touch??? She wasn't even moving her hands, it was just there on his cheeks setting him on fire.

"ANNEEEE" He heard her friend scream.

'not now' he said to himself.

Anne quickly turned letting her hand go off his cheeks.

"Over here" she called to her friend who had her back on them. He saw gaby turn and look surprised on seeing him. 'there goes the stare again' he thought.

"i guess you were right after all...he actually came just like you said." Gaby said looking at anne and then at Alex.

" Gaby meet Alex, Alex Gaby....she's my friend." Anne said introducing them to one another. Gaby looked at Alex and alex did same, she smiled and looked back at her friend.

"Did he accept" Gaby asked.

"Yes, he had already signed the papers"

Anne replied with a smile on her face.

Gaby walked closer to Alex looking at him directly in the eyes.

"If you hurt her, I'll murder you my self"

she said pointing her index finger at him.

Alex fought the urge to laugh. Kill him??, he wanted to be killed but gaby clearly wasn't the one to that and he also had no intentions of hurting anne.

" i promise not to" Alex said.

'since when did he start making promises'

" Better....Now what do we do now"

Gaby asked walking back to stand in front of Anne.

" i think i have to move in with him."

Anne said looking unsure.

'wait what,'Alex said to himself unsure of where this discussion was going.

he didn't have enough control over his demon when it came to this woman. And now she is talking about moving in with him. He was now unsure about his promise to not hurt her.

"That's a good idea" Gaby smiled

"So when can i move in".

" Tomorrow." Alex said with excitement clear in his tone. Why did he do that, he needed time.

" She'll need your address" Gaby said.

" Don't worry i'll pick you up" Alex replied. " ok then its finalized," Gaby said then turned to her friend and said.." He'll come pick you up in my place "

They exchanged numbers and let alex go back to the party while they left cause their mission was complete.

Alex felt happy within, but why??? he kept asking himself. He knew he shouldn't have agreed to her coming over but he just couldn't say no to her.

His mind told him to stay away from her but his body refused to listen or should he say his demon was stubborn. He didn't even want to go back to the party, the only reason he came was because he knew she was going to be there and he just wanted to see her again so he left and went back home after all he wanted to prepare for anne's arrival.

" Mary" he called immediately he arrived his house

" yes my lord " She answered walking towards him from the kitchen.

" I need this house clean for tomorrow, am expecting a guest and prepare one of the rooms for her. Probably the one on the second floor....." he paused as if trying to remember something and then he said.

" Yes, i need you to make nice dishes for tomorrow, is that clear."

"Yes my lord" Mary replied and left.

He went up to his room which was on the first floor and laid down with his eyes closed he trusted mary to make the house comfortable enough for anne.



"I am so freaking tired anne" Gaby spoke as she collapsed on her bed

" Me too " anne replied sitting steadily on the couch in Gaby's bedroom.

"It's almost morning anne, you should sleep, you know he's gonna be here by 8 ." Gaby said clearly concerned.

" Yeah you're right, i'll be in my room"

Anne replied standing up and walking towards the door so she could get to the room she sleeps in.

I couldn't sleep at all. I kept thinking about him and his eyes and how i felt when i touched him. it was like he didn't have one body temperature and she felt he knew she wasn't comfortable so he just became warm. it felt so good touching him.

i walked over to the dressing table stood in front of the mirror and pulled my clothes. suddenly i thought of how it would feel if alex undressed me or if he touched me.

why on earth am i thinking of such, it wasn't as if it was going to happen anyway.

I changed my clothes immediately and went to the bed, i rolled and rolled until i sat up. What was wrong with me, why can't i just sleep. i checked the time and it was 4 am, i wasn't going to do anything till i leave by eight.

I made up my mind that before i leave i will be spending at least two weeks at Gaby's place, i had to lie or else they wouldn't have let me act on my plan.

i would also be going to the orphanage but not every day.

i walked over to the dressing table again and i took the notebook and pen out of the drawer walked over to the cupboard took my small note pad out of my handbag and then went back to the bed and to sit down.

i opened up both the note book and the note pad and began to transfer every thing that was on the note pad to the note book in my best hand writing. As i wrote each of them i drew small boxes at the end of them to put in a tick anytime they had been done. As i finished i walked up to the dresser and put them in the drawer.

I went up to the bed and then remembered i was going to live with alex as from tomorrow, i felt a strange feeling in my tommy. I looked at the wardrobe and realized that i had no clothes here with me to go over to Alex's house. Oh no, what was i going to do now. i debated going to gaby's room to ask her for help but then i finally agreed i was going to go to her. I got up from my bed and just as i was about to open up the door i heard the handle on the outside click, it opened and gaby walked in with a suitcase trailing behind her. i looked at her and smiled realizing she was also thinking about what i was thinking.

" What will i have done without you"i said helping her with the suitcase

"Absolutely nothing"

And we both laughed out loud.

That was true i couldn't do anything without her plus she always had my back and i was grateful for that.

she helped me with a lot of clothes and then some makeup ' Not like i needed them anyways'. I didn't really look at the clothes in the suitcase i just but the case close to the door in the room.

I turned back to my friend and noticed the worry on her face.

" I'll be fine" i told her

" i know that honey, i trust him to keep you safe"

Anne was shocked to hear that because gaby never really trusted anyone easily.

" I'll miss you " gaby said.

" me too " i said hugging her she hugged me back and cried. Gaby never cried so i was really surprised when sh started crying.

" I'll really miss you " she said still crying

" you don't have to miss me to much," i said patting her her back

" you can come see me and anytime i visit the orphanage i'll come see you."

she heard me and i could feel her sobs reduce as she let go of me.

" let's go eat, you can call your dad after eating".

i looked up to the clock and realized it was already 6:45, how did time pass by so fast.

we went to the dining and then we sat down to eat, we ate and discussed. After breakfast i called my dad and informed him i was staying over at Gaby's place for two weeks. After that we went to watch movies in the sitting room. we had already brought my bag downstairs just in case alex arrived.

it was at exactly 8:00 alex arrived with his black Mercedes. The latest one.

we heard the think and rushed outside carrying the bags. Alex was nicely dressed with a black jeans that wasn't tight and a blue colored polo just like my eyes. he had a black sneakers on as well.

we put the bags in the trunk and i hugged gaby goodbye before i entered the car and we zoomed off.