
whispered promise of love 5


I was sold to a billionaire to save my parents from jail;

Episode 5

In Diego office, Elisa run out and Diego seat down and pull the files close and smile, after some minutes of smiling, he say; why am I even smiling?

Evening time in B. P. R mansion, Elisa received call from her friends,

Julie) good evening Elisa, where are you?

Elisa) I'm at home and Julie said; have you forget today is my birthday or? we are waiting for you; in garrison restaurant! And don't forget to come with your boyfriend and she hang up!

After which Elisa reach at garrison restaurant; Julie hug her and welcome her, and they give her seat while everyone is with they're fiances and boyfriends

Julie introduce her fiance to Elisa and say he is business man; and the others too introduce they boyfriends to Elisa after which and Julie ask Elisa; and where is your boyfriend?

Just when Elisa open her mouth and say; I'm sorry he is busy with work and Diego arrive in the restaurant

One of Julie friends saw Diego from the door walking towards them; and she say; wow guys see who is here; and everyone turn towards Diego;

In Elisa mind! I thought he say he is busy at office;

Diego walk towards them on the table and say; guys I'm sorry am late, and he took chair from another table and seat beside Elisa and give her peg! everybody was like what; while whispered that, are they dating or?

Diego) Elisa you won't introduce me to your friends or?

Elisa smile and say, huh, am sorry, guys meet Diego my husband!

Julie) what are you guys married; and Diego say yes; she didn't tell you?

After which they google Diego and Elisa marriage, and saw all the pictures and everything

After which they started drinking and dancing; the girls was drinking a lot, and Diego try to stop Elisa from getting drunk, but she was following the fun with her friends

After some minutes in Diego room, he carry Elisa in his arms while; Elisa is drunk

Diego drop her gentle on the bed and wrap the duvet on her; just when Diego turn to go and Elisa grab his hand and pull him towards her; and he fall on the bed and Elisa hold him tight and lying on his chest;

Diego try to push Elisa to get up from his chest but Elisa hold him tight and say; please let me sleep on you your chest!

Elisa start squeezing Diego chest and smile; and ask Diego that! what is that; when Diego try to get up; and she hold him tight on the bed after which and both of them fall asleep

The next morning, Diego mum walk towards Diego room to call Elisa and saw Elisa lying on Diego chest while they are asleep and Diego mum smile and return back to downstairs

After which Elisa wake up on Diego chest but she didn't open her eyes! while her hand holding Diego chest, and squeeze it and smile slightly and hold it tight and Diego say; mm and try to flip on the bed and; Elisa open her eyes and find her self on Diego chest and she get down from the bed quickly and try to rush to bathroom and Diego say; hey stop and she stopped and close her eyes;

She turn towards Diego on the bed and smile and say; I'm sorry, and try to go and Diego say did I permit you to go and she stopped again

Diego walk towards her and say; now you are shy, when you were squeeze me last night! you didn't feel shy; and Elisa run towards bathroom and close The door

In the bathroom Elisa stand in front of mirror while smiling slightly, after which she look at herself in the mirror and say; what is wrong with me; why am I even smiling;

She looks at herself in the mirror and say; you have to face him and she rush outside and stretch her finger towards the bed to say something to Diego,

Elisa) huh where did he go, aww shit and she fall on the bed and say; why do I feel nervous around him this morning?

After Elisa bath finish and went to downstairs,

Elisa) good morning mum; while looking around

Mrs B. P. R. How was your night my dear?

Elisa) great and yours

Mrs B. P. R. What are you looking for; you have been looking around as if you expect someone

Elisa) no; no one! Elisa mind, should I ask her, where is Diego or? No; and she stand up to go kitchen and Diego mum say; I forgot Diego went to the park with his friends, and Elisa stop

After some minutes on street, Elisa is walking down on the street and three girls surround her! One walk towards her and say; so you are the girl?

Elisa) do I know you girls or; and one of the girls say; you, knowing us? no way; one of the girls is crushing on Diego but Diego does not even look at her

The girls that crushing on Diego; walk towards Elisa and say; so you are the reason Diego has been ignore me; while walking closer to Elisa and Marcus Elisa boyfriend arrive and stand in front of Elisa and the girls; and the girl that crush on Diego say! You are lucky, let go girls and they walk away! And Marcus turn towards Elisa;

Elisa) thank you for showing up; after which Marcus grab Elisa hand smoothly and say; don't worry I'm always here for you; while looking direct into her eyes and Diego and his friends arrive; Diego get down from his car; and walk towards them and drag Elisa hand from marcus; and push Marcus and say; let's go

Elisa) I; before Elisa could say what she wants to say; Diego grab her and carry her on his arms to the car and drove away!

After which in some place; Sammy! one of Diego friends smile slightly, while Diego go up and down;

Sammy) Bro calm down, you don't have to be too much jealous about this!

Diego) jealous huh! Me jealous because of Elisa; no, way!

Sammy) ok tell me! Why do get so mad when you saw that boy holding Elisa hand? Hm!

Diego) nothing! It just that I don't want my parents to see her with someone; if that happens, her life will be miserable!

Sammy) and why do you care about that? Diego stay slight small and say; nothing; I'm going home; and walk away

Sammy) huh; hey, wait but Diego didn't not mind him and walk away

In B. P. R. Mansion

Diego park his car, just when he is about to open the door and he remembers his friend questions

In Diego mind! Is it true that I'm jealous, seen that boy with Elisa or? After few minutes of thinking and he say! No that is not true; and he get down and went inside the house towards his room

Just when Diego enter his room and saw Elisa Stand beside the closet and she walk towards Diego

Elisa) what was that for?.

Diego) what are you talking about? While Elisa is coming more closer and Diego go backwards; towards the bed

Elisa) don't pretend as you don't know;

Diego didn't know he has get close to the bed and he continue moving backwards while Elisa is still walking towards him and he trip to fall and he stretch his hand and grab Elisa own to support him stand and both of them fall on the bed;

Diego pressure to lift Elisa e aside and they are eyes crash, and they stared in each other eyes so smooth and quiet

After some minutes! And Elisa stand up and went downstairs without a word, and Diego seat on the bed and smile


I'm sorry for not posting yesterday day! Is because I'm having headache