
whispered promise of love 6


I was sold to a billionaire to save my parents from jail!

Episode 6

Elisa walk out towards downstairs and Diego seat on the bed smiling slightly; feeling happy inside his heart;

After which in kitchen Diego walk towards Elisa and say; do you need help;

Elisa) from who, the person who can't even arrange his life; when you grow up I will ask for your help; childish like you!

After which Diego arrive at his company, just when he is about to walk inside and the girl that crush on him arrive with her friends

The girl walk towards Diego and call him and Diego stopped and turn towards the girl

Diego) good morning; do I know you?

The girl stretch her hand towards Diego and say; hello am maria

Diego) nice meeting you Maria and Maria say; I was thinking if we can have coffee, afternoon time and Diego agree to her request to have coffee with her; and walk inside and Maria say yes yes and her friend run towards her

Afternoon time in a coffee shop maria and Diego is having coffee and laughing

Maria) so you don't even recognize me, even not a little bit

Diego) I don't think I do, I don't remember meet you before,

Maria) ok; do you remember back at SHS, the girl who seat at your back; I was the one;

Diego) oh my God; I'm so sorry for not recognize you; you have grown big and gorgeous;

Maria) thank you; and she bowed her head down and say; back then at school. I was crushing on you; but I was seem invisible in your eyes;

Diego) I'm sorry about that! Is just that I was busy with my study I didn't want any destruction; back then

Maria) but I still have crush on you, before maria could finish say she still have crush on Diego; and Elisa and Marcus arrive in the same coffee shop and Diego see them from distance, Marcus park his moto bike and grab Elisa hand gentle and they walk inside the shop and Marcus pulled seat for Elisa and Elisa seat

Maria) Diego' Diego and Diego respond; huh: am sorry I have to go,

Maria) but I'm not finish yet; but Diego stand up and walk towards Elisa and Marcus

Diego hey you and he grab Elisa hand and say; let's go just when he is about to move and Marcus too grab Elisa hand and Diego stop and look at Marcus and smile

Diego) hey; you street dog, do you know who you are dealing with; don't mess with dragon king, I don't want to make your life miserable for you, so let it go of her hand

Marcus) street dog right; but I'm not like you; please grow up, you are 22 you are not a kid stop, follow your parents decisions; I will rather remain street dog than been like you; Marcus say a lot of hurtful words to Diego; and saying Diego is just like one year boy who always do what his parents say,

Diego) so what? don't forget she is my wife, I have the right to take her away;

Marcus) wife? a force wife! did she loves you? nope! because she loves me, and your stupid parents; just use they are money to buy her , for they're useless kid, who doesn't have any plans in life, all he knows is to do what his parents wants!

Diego was little bit angry and try to drag Elisa away; and Elisa say stop been childish here; I never wanted to marry you at first place; but your parents threatening to arrested my parents that is why I marry you

Marcus) do you think a girl will fall in love with, useless mummy's boy like you?

And Diego flash back, in kitchen; Elisa said when Diego grow up she will ask favor from him

Diego get angry and let it go of Elisa hand and walk out and drove away

In B. P. R mansion

Diego get angry and shut at his parents; and say he wants divorce, after few minutes of talking to each other; Diego parents agreed, and say, if that is what you want

After which in Sammy place: Diego Walk towards the fridge and took bottle of alcohol;

Sammy) hey bro wassup; how is your wife ?

Diego smile and give, divorce papers to Sammy!

Sammy) bro, what is going on; why this?

Diego) nothing, I just feel like, let her go; because we all have plans in life, I can't cage her here forever!

Sammy) but I thought you agreed to marry each other?

Diego) maybe, I was so childish for listening to my parents; and do what they want!

Sammy seat next to Diego and say; bro don't say that, you are amazing; do you know how, many parents wish to have obedient child like you; even sometimes i envy you; no matter how much money you have; you still respect, your elders,

Diego smile and say; stop trying to make me feel happy, and Sammy push his shoulder in playful way and they smile

Evening 8;30 pm in

B. P. R. Mansion

Diego room; Elisa walk out to downstairs, thinking; Diego is there. but when she reach there she didn't see him and return to upstairs in the room again

After which Diego arrive and went to kitchen and took food from the fridge and eat and went straight to his room; just when he enter and Elisa say; you are back? but he didn't respond and went to bed direct and cover himself with the duvet

The next morning! Diego come out from bathroom, while Elisa is arranging, the duvet she sleep on

Diego walk towards the table and took brown envelope and give it to Elisa

Elisa) what is that, and Diego took the agreement papers his father made with Elisa father, about Elisa mum surgery

Diego) this is the reason why you, married me because you are afraid, your parents will go to jail! From now you don't have to be scared of that and he burn the papers and walk out towards downstairs

Elisa open the envelope and saw the divorce papers!, Diego has already sign on it;

After which Elisa walk towards downstairs

Just when Elisa reach on the stairs and Diego mum come out from kitchen and put lunch box in Diego bag and held Diego cheeks and say; Diego I'm so proud to have you! we are sorry for always wants to choose things for you;

Diego) mum it's ok! am sorry about how I speak to you and dad yesterday; and his mum hug him and say; am always happy because you always; choose our happiness over, what you want; and we are sorry! from now do what ever you want!

Diego) mum stop that, I want you to give me what ever you think is good for me; I love you! I have to go and he walk out

Diego mum look at above and say, may God bless you my son, while Elisa stand on the stairs, and Diego mum went to kitchen again