
whispered promise of love 4


I was sold to a billionaire to save my parents from jail

Episode 4

Diego breath out heavy and went to upstairs

After which in Diego room;

Elisa walk in; while Diego seat on the bed and say; who is the guy you go out with?

Elisa) which guy are you talking about?

Diego) don't pretend; I saw you in the coffee shop with him!

Elisa) I don't know what you are talking about, please let me be! And Diego stand up and walk towards her while smiling; Elisa move backwards till she get to the wall and pose.

Diego draw close to her and say; don't play smart, I know your moves already!

Diego was still close to her and go little more close and whispered to her! I don't want him close to you again, and turn to walk out; Elisa almost punch him from back, but she control herself and let him walk out

After which in kitchen, Elisa took bottle of water from the fridge and put it on the table; while talking to someone on phone and Diego walk in and took the bottle and open it and start drinking the water

Elisa hang up the call and walk towards Diego and took the water from his hand by force;

Diego) what is wrong with you; huh?

Elisa didn't mind him and turn to walk out and Diego grab her hand and drag her towards the wall, and hold her shoulder tight, and Elisa push him back, while feeling angry

Diego walk towards her again; and rub her cheeks gentle and turn to go and Elisa rase her leg to hit Diego booty! Just when she is about to hit Diego booty with her leg and Diego turn towards her to say something and her leg hit on Diego balls;

Diego stop and open his mouth and hold his pennies; while going down slowly, and tears rolling down on his cheeks, and fall unconscious

Elisa go down on her knees and shake Diego, but he didn't respond, and she get panic and rase his hand still Diego didn't respond; and Elisa scream; Diego! and Diego mum heard from leaving room and rush inside the kitchen

After which Diego mum call doctor,

Diego room! the doctor was given Diego injections! while Elisa walk up and down, on the door and tears rolling down, Mrs B. P. R . Try to calm her down; but she was scared that Diego will die; and it her fault

After which the Doctor come out and Elisa and Diego mum rush towards him; and the Doctor say; he is fine, he is even awake, Diego mum rush inside the room and Elisa follow her up!

Diego mum seat opposite him on the bed and held his hand and say; what happen to you Diego?

Elisa open her mouth to say the truth and Diego say; I guess is stress; I'm fine, now mum.

But Diego is weak and exhausted

Diego mum went out to prepare soup for Diego to help his health

Diego stared at Elisa with evil eyes and Elisa bored her head down, while standing quiet opposite the bed


Middle of the night while Diego is asleep, Elisa wake up from the floor and walk towards Diego slightly and seat opposite him on the bed and say! There are many reasons, for you to get well. Your family loves and needs you,your family is worried about you. I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you this way; I Know I will pay for this, but I'm sorry!

The next day morning

Elisa made coffee for Diego., in Diego room;

Diego is from bathroom and Elisa say; here is your breakfast,

Diego) you want me to eat your food; so you can finally kill me right;

Elisa) are you out of your mind! it was accident; I didn't mean to hurt you, and besides it's your mum who made the breakfast for you;

The next day


Elisa and her boyfriend were standing on road side charting and laughing and Diego car arrive; Diego get down from the car and walk towards them and grab Elisa hand and drag her to come with him, Diego open the car door and tell Elisa to enter

Elisa) am going to somewhere; to do something but Diego didn't mind her and push her inside and shut the door and return to the boy and say! You; I don't want to see you close to her again, ok and Diego get inside the car and drove away

In Diego company; he get down and open the car door for Elisa

Elisa) hey what are we doing here? and Diego grab her hand and walk towards inside the company while the workers are watching them;

In Diego office

Elisa take her hand from Diego hand and say; what is wrong with you; why are you dragging me like a kid

Diego) I don't want to see that boy around you again!

Elisa smile and say; are you jealous or! I can sense jealous here!

Diego) haha' jealous huh; why should I be jealous, he is just an ordinary street boy, he is no where close to my level;

Elisa) he is better than you; he is gentle and humble, not like you; and Diego say, ok you like him right? you can go and he shut; go! And Elisa turn to go just when she is about to open the door and Diego rush towards her and grab her hand and pull her back and he trip and both of them fall! Diego fall down and Elisa fall on top of him and they are lips touch each other like they're kissing

They stared in each other while they're lips are still touching each other,

After which and Elisa stood up and run out from the office and Diego stand up and seat on his office chair and smile

Diego) why, am I smiling, and he took the files