
whispered promise of love 14


I was sold to a billionaire to save my parents from jail;

Episode 14


Diego mum) I saw Elisa wearing your favorite hoodie and Diego said; leave her: she is so stubborn, and he walk out; and his mom smile and say; wow someone has wear Diego favorite and he didn't fight her; and she smile

After which in a restaurant; Elisa and Diego walk towards Sammy and Maria, on a table; and Diego shake Sammy hand and hug him, while Elisa too hug maria; and they sit and order for their meal, after which and Marcus; walk in, and saw Elisa with Diego and Sammy plus maria, and he walk towards them.

Marcus) what is going on here? And Sammy reply, him, what is look like; is going on?

Marcus) Elisa; what is going on; you don't pick my calls; and when you saw my miss calls, you didn't bother to call back, why? while people in the restaurant are watching them;

After which in outside, and Elisa said to Marcus; I'm married, I can't do this anymore, I suggest you move on with your life!

Marcus) what, what happen to our love, and the promises; we made to each other?

Elisa) well; they're promise; I have broke them, I just realized I have to focus on my new family, than to play games, and turn to go inside and Marcus grab her hand and say, we are together, nothing can take you away from me, and drag her close to himself, and hold her tight, while Elisa struggling to separate herself from him; and Diego, said from behind; what is going on! and Elisa respond; nothing, and Marcus lose his hand small and Elisa push him back and walk towards Diego in the restaurant again; and sit

Diego) are you ok?

Elisa) yeah, am fine, and they start eating;

After few hours in Marcus house, Elisa knock on the door and Marcus, open it, and say, come in and return to go and Elisa say, can we talk here?

Marcus); do you think am going to force on something or?

After which; and Elisa explain to him, that; her parents want her to stay with Diego; and now she wants to save her marriage; so Marcus should move on, with his life! he shouldn't wait for her!

After which in B. P. R mansion Elisa walk towards Diego, in the living room and sit opposite him; on the sofa;

Diego) where are you from?

Elisa) I went to do something in town!

Diego) well; I have surprise for you, let go outside! But before that close your eyes first! After which Diego walk Elisa outside and ask her to open her eyes; and Elisa open her eyes, and saw brand new car, parking in the compound! and Diego, said congratulation for your new car!

Elisa) what; you mean, you bought this car for me?

Diego) yes, it's for you and he handed the papers and key to her,

Elisa rush towards the car, and touch it and open the door, and look inside, while feeling so excited and happy, and rush towards Diego and hug him tight and say thank you; so much; and Diego stared into her eyes and say, you look more bright and beautiful; when you are happy, I really wants to see this smile on your face everyday; and Elisa, rase her head and look deep into Diego eyes; and move smoothly and place her lips on Diego own and start kissing him gentle and Diego too respond to the kiss! While the wink's and slow music hit on,, after which and Elisa move backwards and say am, sorry, and she bored her head down, and thank Diego for the car! And Diego walk inside the house and went to his room; and stand in front of the mirror and touch his lips and smile slightly, and jump into the bed feeling so excited,

After which and Diego called Sammy; on phone

Sammy) why you sound so happy, like, you have win jackpot, and Diego say, I think; Elisa has feelings for me! she kissed me today;

Sammy) and, where is she?

Diego) she is in downstairs!

Sammy) find some, excuse and send her to buy, something in town for you; evening time so you will get enough time and arrange; something beautiful, in your bedroom tonight and confess your feelings for her; when she return back

Diego) you are right! Thank you for the support; and they hung up;

8: 30 pm in the night, and Elisa knock on the door and Diego open, the door

Elisa) why the room is so dark, our light has problem or? And Diego clap his hand; and the lights, in the room come on; everywhere was disco lights and beautiful decoration

Elisa turn around in the room and say; wow; this is so beautiful; is this for me? And she Spain her self around the room; and turn to say something to Diego; and saw Diego on his knees

Diego) I know; this marriage, was not based on love; we married because of our parents agreement! But I want to ask you, if we can start everything new; as new lovers

Elisa stared at Diego and start shed tears of joy; and Diego stand up and took; remote and press play; and cool love song start playing and he walk towards Elisa gentle; and carry her in his arms; and walk towards the bed, and put her down slowly, and reach out to her lips and kiss her passionately and Elisa turn him while still kissing