
whispered promise of love 15


I was sold to a billionaire to save my parents from jail!

Episode 15

In Diego room, he carry Elisa in his arms and put her on the bed smoothly, and start kissing her, and romancing her; and Elisa turn him, while still kissing each other,

The next morning; Elisa wake up on Diego, chest, and stared in Diego face and give him peg on his cheeks, and Diego open his eyes, and say, good morning!

Elisa) fine morning how was your night?

Diego) it was extremely enjoyable; the most sweetest night in my life; and Elisa smile and say; well; let me go and help mum in kitchen,

Elisa try to stand up from the bed; and Diego grab her and pull her back on the bed, and raped his arms around her, tight on the bed; and say, it still early, let be like this, and Elisa look in his eyes and kiss him on the lips and say, but I have to help mum!

Diego) but that is not necessary; just let us be here!

Elisa) ok. then let it go of me; and Diego Los his arms while Elisa is laying down on his chest; and she held his hand and say stand up and Diego stand up from the bed; and Elisa hold him from backside and push him towards bathroom and say; you have to brush and take your bath! while Diego act lazy and she kissed him and push him inside the bathroom and went to kitchen;

After which and Diego come out from the bathroom and dress up and went to downstairs; and give his mum peg and Elisa brought his breakfast on the dining table; after few minutes, he finished eating and say; am off to work and give Elisa peg, while her mum is stare at them from distance

After some hours, in Diego office; Sammy walk inside the company and ask the H. R. If Diego is around, and the H. R. Said; Diego is in his office and Sammy walk towards Diego office

In Diego office, Sammy walk in and Diego shake his hand and give him light hug and pull the seat for him and say, sit;

Sammy) how was, last night?

Diego) everything go smooth!

Sammy) I mean what happen between you and Elisa?

Diego) we confess our feelings to each other, so now we are living like husband and wife; but my parents is not aware of that!

Sammy) men, I'm happy for you guys; finally, and Diego say: is time for you to propose maria; and Sammy laugh and say; you weh enter relationship last night, you come dey advice me! And they, laugh

In B. P. R mansion, Marcus call Elisa on phone, while Elisa is watching TV, and she ignore the call; after which and Marcus text her that; hey go WhatsApp right now, I will send you something!

After which and Elisa open the WhatsApp app, and saw the things Marcus send her, and Marcus ask her to meet him at some random place

After few hours in the random place Marcus ask Elisa to meet him!

Elisa) Marcus, don't be ridiculous; you don't have to do that!

Marcus smile and walk close towards Elisa and say! I can't lose both, if I lose you to him; I most gain money from it! You see those pictures and the video, I sent to you; they are with me!

Elisa) why are you doing this? And Marcus said; I want you to give me; 100,000 Ghana cedis; or you come back to me; if not I will release the pictures and the video; on the internet! And think about it, that is going to spoil your beloved husband reputation,

Elisa) what? you can't do that! You know; I don't have that kind of money!

Marcus) your husband owns all the big properties in this country! that money is just like, one cede to him! I will wait for your call when you get the money ready and he climb his moto bike; Elisa try to stop him and talk to him; but he didn't mind and drive away!

Evening in B. P. R mansion; Diego return back from work and I went to upstairs in his room, when Diego enter the room; Elisa was sitting on the bed thinking; she didn't even notice Diego foot steps; and Diego drop his bag and walk towards her on the bed and sit opposite her; and punch her shoulder in a playful way and say; wassup?

Elisa) hey; you are back; welcome come back; and she kissed him; and held Diego hand and say; I love you, while she seems worried!

Diego) What is wrong, why are you worried?

Elisa) nothing; I was just thinking about you and Diego say! Then let me take my bath and we will go have dinner!

Midnight Elisa wake up while Diego is asleep and she start shed tears while cover her mouth, she doesn't want to make noise; and say; that is all my fault; I should have focus on my marriage back then; see what I have got myself into; and Diego open his eyes and say are you are awake; and Elisa weep away her tears immediately and turn towards Diego and say; I'm fine, and she lay down and put her head on Diego chest!

The next day morning; Elisa wake up and saw Marcus message on her phone! After reply to the message and left the phone on the bed, and turn to go bathroom and Marcus send another message, just when Diego stretch his hand to grab the phone and Elisa rush towards the bed and grab the phone!

Diego stared at her and smile and say; since yesterday you have been acting strange, is there something you are not telling me or?

Elisa) there is nothing; just that I'm preparing something and it a surprise, that why I don't want you to look on my phone! And Diego say oh ok,

Afternoon in Sammy place, Diego Walk in and Sammy walk towards him and shake his hand and they sit on the sofa!

Diego) charlie I need your help, Elisa has been acting wired, I think she is hiding something from me!

After few minutes of talking and Sammy say; ok don't worry, I will find out for you; and they hug each other and Diego walk out!

Elisa meet Marcus on some place and Elisa beg him not to release the pictures; she ask him; to give her some time to arrange the money, while she is shed tears and Marcus walk towards her and held her shoulder gentle and say; just return back to me; we will be happy forever; and Elisa move backwards from his arms.

Marcus) ok am going, call me early; I hate delay and he move away; Elisa look around and walk away;

kitchen in B. P. R mansion; Elisa is preparing meal and Diego walk towards her and grab her from back; and kiss her on her neck, and say; what can I do to help you;

Elisa) mm; nothing, just stay here; and Diego grab her tight and Elisa say; I'm cooking, don't distract me;

Diego) I'm hungry, but I'm not hungry for food; am hungry for you; I just want you in my arms, and Diego mum walk in and mention Elisa name and Diego separate himself from Elisa immediately and open the fridge and took water and walk towards the door, while his mum stared at him and he bored his head down and walk out

In the living room, Diego walk towards his father sitting on the couch and say, hey dad, while his father is busy watching TV and he sit opposite him