
whispered promise of love 13


I was sold to a billionaire to save my parents from jail!

Episode 13

After which they return to the hotel; Inside they're room and they fall down on the bed, feeling so excited and turn towards each other and Elisa say; today was fun

Diego) I can't believe we are return to Accra tomorrow; I wish we could have, more fun here and they all smile

Elisa) so you don't want to go back again right?

Diego) mm, maybe, I want to spend more time with my new friend here!

Elisa) which friend? And Diego seat on the bed and say, don't tell me; you doesn't want to be my friend anymore! And Elisa smile and say; don't be silly! I thought you have find a new friend; and she punch Diego shoulder in a playful way! And lay down on the bed again and Diego too lay on the bed and put his head on her stomach and, Elisa say; hey stand up; while Laughing and push him, and Diego said! Let me rest small,

After few hours Diego wake up, while Elisa is still asleep and Diego touch, her and say; hey wake up it's already, time for dinner!

Elisa open her eyes and say! What? Wow, I haven't sleep like this before, and Diego walk towards bathroom;

After which; they all order what they want to eat, by they're self, after few minutes and the delivery guy delivered it to them; inside the hotel room;

Diego open his food and seat on the table and brought out his spoon and start eating; and Elisa too open her own and start eating

Elisa) what did you get?

Diego) jollof and chicken plus plantain; and you! while eating and Elisa say; as you can see; can I taste yours? and Diego say why not and she draw close to Diego plate and start eating and say; wow that is delicious, and they smile;

The next day on the bus station; in Accra, Sammy and Maria pick them from the buss station! after which in B. P. R mansion

Diego drop his bags and rush towards his mom and give her tight hug and say; mum I miss you so much?

Diego mum hug Elisa and say; how was your trip? and Elisa reply, it was awesome!

After which Sammy drag Diego aside, and say; it seems like you have get along with Elisa now?

Diego) oh, that! we are friends now, and Diego mum call him and he return to them;

In Diego room; they are arranging they're clothes in the closet and Elisa say; finally, we are back!

Diego) do you miss here? Does that mean, you prefer to be here than be with me at Kumasi? and Elisa said, that is not what I'm trying to say! see; you are a wonderful person; you are just exactly what everybody need in they're life!

Diego) does that means; you wish to be with me, than your parents! just when Elisa open her mouth to say something and Diego saw, a picture of Elisa childhood in her closet and Diego say; wait and he walk towards Elisa; while Elisa ask; what is wrong and Diego grab the picture and look at the picture and start laughing and Elisa stretch her hand towards Diego and say, give that to me, and Diego say nope; Elisa rush towards him to take the picture and Diego run out the room towards living room and Elisa follow him

In the living room; Elisa stand in front of the sofa and Diego stand back; and Elisa said; give that to me, and Diego say come get it;

Elisa) if I catch you! You will regret it,

Diego) I think this picture is, the most funniest picture, I ever seen; while stared at the picture and laughing and Elisa rush towards him! Elisa chase him in the living; till Diego get to the couch and Elisa jump towards him and they fall on the couch, while Diego hold the picture and Elisa is on top of him and grab the picture from Diego hand; while Diego stared deep into her eyes quietly and draw her hair away small from her face, while they're both stared deep into each other eyes! And Diego move his head smooth towards Elisa to kiss her, and his mum, walk from kitchen and say! Mm; am, and Elisa get up from Diego immediately and rush towards upstairs with the picture

And Diego took his phone out and pretend, he is doing call and walk out; while saying hello hello, and his mum smile, and return to the kitchen

Afternoon time; in B. P. R mansion, the family is having lunch, and Diego father say! How was your trip to Kumasi, and Diego; say; it was great; and your company; over there is doing great work

Diego mum) I hope you guys have get along with each other? and Elisa stretch her hand to pick water from the dining table; while Diego too has street his hand to pick same bottle, just when Elisa; hand grab the bottle and Diego grab Elisa hand and the bottle together, and they turn towards each other and stared at each other, while; Diego parents are busy eating and Diego, father say; I hope you both share one hotel room?

Diego) am' yeah we did,

After the lunch in kitchen, Elisa is cleaning dishes and Marcus called, Elisa ignore the call first time and he call again; and Diego mum, say please you can answer your call, and Elisa reply, is not important and she ignore it again

The next day in B. P. R mansion, Diego is looking for Elisa in the house, while screaming her name, and walk towards downstairs, to kitchen! just when he come out from the kitchen and saw Elisa trying to sneak out, while wearing hoodie and Diego grab the hoodie at back side, and drag her back towards upstairs, while Elisa say; please let it go off me, I will explain to you; but he didn't say anything and drag her towards his room! And said, give me that hoodie, I want to wear it; just when Diego let it go off Elisa and turn to say something and Elisa run out with the hoodie;

Diego) hey, where are you going? but Elisa didn't stop and run out, and Diego smile and shake his head and open the closet and took another hoodie and wear, and walk out; towards downstairs!

On downstairs Diego, give his mother hug and said, I'm going out with Sammy and Elisa

Diego mum) I saw Elisa wearing your favorite hoodie; and Diego say, yes she is stubborn! and he walk out and his mom smile and say; Diego have allowed someone to wear his clothes, wow; and she smile!