
whispered promise of love 11


I was sold to a billionaire to save my parents from jail!

Episode 11

Elisa walk towards downstairs and lying on the sofa to sleep in the living room

In Diego bathroom, Dora follow Diego enter the bathroom and Diego ask her; what do you think you are doing?

Dora) you said we should shower first, I'm in to shower with you!

Diego) are you out of your mind; you are here for one night stand; not to play wife duty; you can shower first and Diego walk out

After which Dora shower finish and Diego enter to shower, after few minutes Diego shower finish and return to, bedroom, and meet Dora seating on the bed wearing his shirt

Diego) what? Where did you get that shirt from?

Dora) in your closet! And Diego get angry and tell her to remove the shirt fast; after which Diego open his closet and brought out bundle of money and trough it toward Dora and say; here is your money, take and get out!

Dora) why?

Diego) who give you the authority to open my closet! The next thing is for you to start, checking my files and properties; just get out before I get angry and Dora walk seductive way towards Diego; and he get more Angry and shut at her, and Diego call someone to come and pick her, after some minutes on the gate;

Diego) never come close to me or anything close to me! And Dora enter the car and the driver, move away!

Just when Diego get to the living room and Sammy called!

Diego)📞 hello; Charlie where did you get that girl from?

Sammy) 📞what happen? why did you chase her out?

Diego) can you imagine, I went to shower, when I return back, the girl have the got to open my closet and wear my shirt! Elisa lying on the sofa, she could not hold her laughter and bust it out!

Diego stared at her with so much anger and walk towards upstairs, after which and Elisa too went to the room!

The next morning in kitchen, Diego walk towards his mom and greet her and give her peg

Diego mum) your father want you and Elisa to go to Kumasi for some business deal!

Diego) mum; that is impossible; because I have some contract to close this week!

Diego mum) your father has already decided; so get ready, to go, this evening! the deal is Saturday and Sunday

After few hours in Diego office; Diego give all the necessary documents about the contract he supposed to close it on the next day to his manager to take care of everything and went to Sammy house

Sammy) hey bro, you are coming here and you didn't call? and he shake Diego hand and give him light hug; and Diego say; dad has become something else; can you imagine he wants me to go Kumasi with Elisa! for business trip;

Sammy) that is good you will get enough time to rest, over there as long as you want

Diego) can you be serious for once in your life; Elisa is going with me;

Sammy) I think that will upgrade your love for Elisa to better level! And Diego took the pillow and hit Sammy; and say; stop joking,

Evening time in Kumasi buss station! B. P. R company in Kumasi send people to take Diego and Elisa to a hotel, and they come pick them from the buss station to hotel

In the reception room! Diego walk to the girl in the reception room and say, I'm Diego; we have make reservations for two rooms here! and the girl say; ok;let me check after few minutes and the girl say; sir I'm sorry, only one room has booked under your name

Diego) what? Check it again! after which the girl check again and say; only one room is booked under your name;

Diego) ok; can we get another room and the girl say, yeah only one room left, and Diego give his card to the girl and say he wants that room too!

After which and the girl say! Sir it seems like your card doesn't work, Diego tell her to try again and she try the Same thing and Diego take the card and went out and call his father! and his father say; yes am the one block your card, you will not be able to use it until you return from the business trip

Diego) what? Dad! before he could say something and his father say, enjoy your trip and he hung up; and Diego return to the reception room again and tell the girl to make the room ready for him, he will call someone to send the money and the girl say, I'm sorry sir, this couple has already take the room right now! Diego stared at the girl quietly and breath out and took his bag and walk towards the room; they booked under his name and Elisa follow him up

In the hotel room; after some minutes Elisa bath and went to the reception room!

In the middle of night Diego wake up and seat on the bed; while Elisa is lying down on the floor, and the way she has made herself shows that she feels coldness; and Diego took her to the bed and cover her with the duvet

The next day morning; Elisa wake up and find herself laying on the bed, but Diego is not in the room,

After which in the reception room! Diego meet the people, they went to do business with,

Diego and the people is talking about business and

Elisa walk from upstairs, towards downstairs; just when she get to the last step and she trip and twist her leg, just when she is about to fall and some guy grab her; and Elisa say; thank you; and the guy say, it's my pressure; Elisa try to move but her legs hurts and the guy hold her again; and say I can take you to, your room, what is your room number; just when the guy go down to Carry Elisa in his arms and Diego grab the guy hand from behind, and drag him aside and carry Elisa by himself towards upstairs without saying a word, while Elisa stared in his eyes; while he is walking to upstairs