
whispered promise of love 10


I was sold to a billionaire to save my parents from jail

Episode 10

In Diego room, Elisa walk in and say, you think I'm here because your family's money right?

Diego) I know girls like you! If not because of the money; then what are you doing here; when you supposed to be with your boyfriend Marcus

Elisa stared at him quietly and smile and walk towards bathroom and Diego lying down on the bed; after which and Elisa return from the bathroom; wanted to sleep opposite Diego on the bed and Diego push her and stand up from the bed

Diego) you can't sleep on the bed!

Elisa) why not? And Diego say; this bed is mine and I chose who sleep on it; and I say you are not sleep on it; fine somewhere else to sleep not on this bed

Elisa) but I'm your wife and I have right on your things!

Diego smile and lying back on the bed spreading his legs and arms; and Elsa sleep on the floor,

The next day in Diego office, maria walk in and greet Diego

Diego) hey wassup? how are you?

Maria) good! I have someone to introduce to you! I think I have find my mate as you told me!

Diego) can you tell me about him smile and Maria smile and say; he is so cool handsome and he is a business guy; just like you! and say I forgot I brought you some food

Diego) I can see your love for him through your smile; but be careful not everyone is real in relationship!

After some hours in a restaurant; Maria and Diego walk in towards the table and seat and call the waiter and order for something

Diego) I thought he say; he is not far from the restaurant; why he is not yet here?

Maria) let me call him again! And she call him and the guy say he is outside, the restaurant

After some minutes; Sammy Diego friend walk in towards maria and Diego and hug maria and give her peg and Diego stood up and say; what?

Sammy) what a coincidence, you are here too?

Maria) you two know each other and Diego say, he is actually my best friend I told you about last?

After which and they seat and eat! Just when they are about to go out and Elisa and her friend walk in! But Diego ignore her and they walk out! even Elisa friend trying to say hello to Diego but Diego ignore her!

Elisa friend look at Elisa and Elisa say, have a seat and they seat

Elisa friend) is that not your husband, we just pass by; why did he ignored us? and Elisa say; maybe he is in a bad mood, just ignore him and let enjoy ourselves

After some hours in Diego room! Elisa walk in while Diego seating on the bed and say; interesting; you have started spend my money with your friends!

Elisa) I didn't spend your money! And Diego say; you can't afford to pay bills in that restaurant! So where did you get the money from! Is probably my money; but don't worry! we have to help charities like you and he walk out of the room

Elisa stand in the room quietly and smile and enter bathroom

After which Diego received phone call from someone and the person said; I will give, her your address; so wait for her tonight! And Diego say' ok; but don't disappoint me; oooo! and Diego return to his room and arrange everything; well well! While smiling

After some minutes, in downstairs; a beautiful girl knock on the door and Diego rush towards the door and open it; while Elisa Seating on the sofa watching TV

The girl stretch her hand towards Diego and say; hello am Dora; and Diego say; am Diego; I hope Sammy send you here and Dora say; yeah

After which in kitchen, Diego call Sammy and say; I hope you make her understand that is just for one night stand; and Sammy say; yeah she knows; and don't worry, we have run all the necessary test, she is ok;

Diego) thank you for that!

Just when Diego is about to hung up and Elisa walk in; but Diego ignore her and prepare noodles for Dora

After which Diego return back to his room, with the noodles, after Dora eat finish and say; you actually the one prepare this and Diego say; yeah;

Dora) wow; it so delicious, I really enjoyed it and Dora walk towards Diego and held his cheeks gentle and place her lips on Diego own and kiss him passionately and grab him tight to herself and Diego say; please can we not do this now;

Dora) why not, I'm here for this, why are you acting! and Diego say! Yeah but we have all the night to ourselves, is still evening! And Elisa walk in while Dora holding Diego tight and seduce him; and Diego walk up to Elisa and whispered; why you didn't knock before coming in?

Elisa) this is our room why should I knock before entering my room?

Diego) as you can see; my girlfriend is here and we can't share this room with you!

Elisa) what? Where do you want me to sleep?

Diego) there is so many rooms in this house you can sleep in one; I don't care or in the living room; and he turn towards Dora and say; why won't we shower before and Dora say! That sounds nice; and Diego walk towards the bathroom and Dora follow him there

Elisa look around feeling angry and open the closet and took her duvet and went to downstairs; while talking to herself and Diego mum say; is everything ok

Elisa) yeah, everything is good and Diego mum say, and where are you going with the duvet

Elisa) I want to watch TV small before going to bed and it cold outside that is why! And Diego mum say ok, go to bed early ok, good night