
whispered promise of love 12


I was sold to a billionaire to save my parents from jail.

Episode 12

Diego carry Elisa in his arms and walk towards upstairs; after which Diego walk up to the reception room again and take first aid box and return to upstairs; while Elisa seating on the bed and Diego go down on his knees and start applying ointment on Elisa twisted leg smoothly while Elisa stare at him quietly, and smile slightly; after which Diego help her lying on the bed and put the pillow under her head; without saying a word and return back to downstairs


Diego) am so sorry for keeping you guys waiting; let continue from where we stop! After few minutes the other people shake Diego hand and say; we are happy to do business with you!

Diego) don't forget to tell your accountant to transfer the money to my company! And they laugh and say; you and money! after they walk out, and Diego seat back on the chair and smile and say! So simple deal and smile

After some minutes Diego return to upstairs in the room; holding two cup of coffee, and tossing! and handed one to Elisa; and Elisa collect it and say! Why are you been nice to me, all of a sudden?

Diego) do you expect me to be hash on you; so my parents will say, when we came here; I didn't take care of you, right? I'm not doing this for you; but am doing it for my parents! who arrange, this trip

Elisa) oh; I see, and she whispered to herself; he is so arrogant and bossy, he will not even admit it?

Diego turn towards her and say, do you say something? And Elisa reply; nope I didn't say anything, and Diego drop the cup on the table and went inside the bathroom

After some hours in one super market; Diego is shopping and received call from his father!

Diego) good afternoon dad!

Diego father) how are you doing? and how is your wife? And Diego reply, we doing great! and he tell his father that; everything went smooth about the deal; and they have that deal now!

Diego father) where are you? Why there is much noise and Diego said, am in super market to do some shopping! after which Diego return to the hotel and saw Elisa and the guy who catch her yesterday when she is about to fall from the stairs! seating on the swimming pool talking and laughing; the guy was cracking jokes!

Diego get down from the car and took the things he bought and went inside the hotel, even when Elisa call him; he pretend not to see her.

And the guy ask Elisa; is he your brother; and Elisa responded; nope, he is my hubby, and the guy said you are married,

In the room; Elisa enter and Diego say here is the fruits and other stuffs you ask for; and said I thought you where injury on your leg?

Elisa) after you applied the ointment on it! It doesn't hurt anymore and Diego say; ok, and turn to walk out and Elisa said, can I ask you question?

Diego) why not; and Elisa say! Why you always ignore me, when guys are talking to me?

Diego) because I don't want to ruined, what ever you are talking about! Before Elisa could say another thing and Diego walk out and shut the door

Diego went to the pool; and seat and call Sammy on phone📞

Sammy) hey man; you didn't bother to let me know, you have arrive there, what happen?

Diego) I was upset yesterday, that is why, but why you didn't call to check?

Sammy) maria visit me, so I was busy trying to prepare something special for her; so she could; love me unconditionally; after some minutes on the phone and Sammy say! If you know; you will not have sex with Dora why did you let her take your first kiss!

Diego) are you dreaming! who say she is the first girl; I have kissed before?

Sammy) what? so you have kissed someone before and you didn't tell me about it. And Diego say; do you remember the last time; Elisa got drunk on her friend birthday party? that night was my first kiss;

Sammy) who did you kiss? and Diego say, who else if not Elisa; and Sammy say does that mean, you have slept with her already!

Diego) are you out of your mind, I just said kiss, not the other way around, but she doesn't know; I have kissed her before! after which and they hung up from the call; just when Diego stand up and turn to go, boom Elisa is standing in front of him

Diego) am, and he rub his hair; and say when did you come here? And Elisa say, just now,

In Diego mind! Thank God she didn't hear what; I said!

Elisa) are you thinking about something or?

Diego) nope! Not all, I'm going inside after he pass and Elisa smile and seat on the chair he was seating on

Evening time in; the hotel room; they serve Diego and Elisa meal; while eating and Diego say; tomorrow we will go to my father company to check one on two things!

After they finish eating; Diego took his ebook and start reading it slight and Elisa say! If we can't be like husband and wife; why cant us be friends;

Diego) are you referring to me and Elisa say; yes, only if you don't mind;

Diego) that is cool; and Elisa said, like friends let get to other each other better, so tell me about your life;

Diego) nope; you are the one send me friend request, so tell me about yourself first! And Elisa start telling him about her life from time she was child, after which and she said enough about me! Let hear yours too

Diego) many people pray to have life like mine; but I don't have anything special in it; I never had a true friend tell I turn 14 and meet; Sammy on the street! After my parents he is the only one I have in my life!

Elisa) what about your girlfriend? And Diego smile and say, girlfriend; I don't have some; and he started telling why he doesn't have girlfriend, after which; and Diego mention Elisa name but she has already sleep off on the couch and he carry her to the bed and sleep opposite her

The next day morning; Elisa wake up and stretch herself, just when she is about to get down from the bed; and turn towards Diego, and move close to him, while stare at him quietly and smile, and Diego open his eyes, and say what are you doing?

Elisa) hmmm, am; nothing, just when Diego wanted to say something and someone knock on the door and Diego say come in, and the person greet and say; your breakfast and drop it on the table and return! Diego turn to talk to Elisa, but she has already entered bathroom

After few minutes they finish eating and dress up and went out together;

After which in B. P. R company in Kumasi; Diego and Elisa walk in the managers office and the manager greet them

After some minutes they finish whatever they're doing in the company and return back to town, and went to the interested places and have fun together like friends do!

After few hours they return to the hotel and both of them fall on the bed and turn towards each other and Elisa said! it was fun;

Diego) I can't believe we are leaving tomorrow!


The name is still ( Benjamin prince ramzey)