



Lily walk out and Juliet walk towards kitchen

After which in Ryan office; Lily walk in and greet Ryan and Ryan respond to her!

Ryan) how was your night and and Lily said! It was great so far as I look forward to see you, it was long night; but at last am here; and Ryan walk towards her gentle and say; Lily what are you talking about; is there something you are not telling me or?

Lily) am' nothing; just that my work is more important to me; and you are my new boss so I have to look forward to see you; everyday so we can work with our new projects

After which on some road Ryan and Lily is returning from business meeting and stop on the road to buy coconut and Ryan phone ring and he answered the call and walk away to talk to the person on the phone; and Lily took the coconut to drink the water and someone said auntie Lily! Lily turn and saw Kiara stand opposite her wearing school uniform and Lily said you didn't go school?

Kiara) my school is just here and she stretch her hand towards the school; and Lily give her money and tell her to go inside and study just when Kiara turn and walk towards the school and Ryan also walk towards lily; Ryan pass opposite Kiara but they didn't see each other

Ryan) am sorry and Lily said is ok and she handed the coconut to him; and Ryan start drinking the water while lily stared at him quietly and Ryan smile and say; why are you stared at me like that; and Lily smile and say nothing; and they walk towards Ryan car

After one month! Juliet is in the bar cleaning and she started feeling unwell; and getting weak; she wanted to go out and she feel down and fainted and people in the bar; rush her to hospital;

In Ryan office; Ryan enter the office with happiness and hug Lily tight and Spain her around and say; thank you so much! We have won the contract

Lily) are you serious? and Ryan said; yes! am so happy; this cause for celebration; and Ryan said tell all the staffs; we will celebrate it evening in kora restaurant; and Ryan return to his office!

In the hospital, the doctor walk in Juliet ward and say; madam Juliet there is nothing serious happen to you! Congratulation you are positive!

Juliet) positive like how? And the doctor said; you are pregnant; and Juliet scream what? And the doctor said; ma'am are you not happy or?

Juliet) am; I mean I'm happy, I have always wanted this! now see me am going to have a child on my own! And the the doctor handed the pregnancy results to her; Juliet look at the results in her hands quietly and and shed tears slightly;

After which and the doctor tell Juliet not to stress herself too much; if not she will get weak all the time;

10:pm in Lily house! Ryan drop Lily on the gate and return back and Lily walk inside the house; in the living room; Lily greet Juliet and said; am tired we will talk tomorrow and she went straight to her room;

In Ryan mansion; Ryan entered and the chief maid greet him; and Ryan said it late and am full, get the food from the table and he walk towards upstairs;

The next day morning Lily is in the kitchen preparing breakfast and Juliet walk in and grab water from the fridge; just when she drink the water finish and she started feeling like vomiting; after which and she run inside the bathroom and vomit

After Juliet return from the bathroom and Lily walk to her and say are you ok?

After which in the couch;

Lily) so what are you going to do now! You will return back to gray again or?

Juliet) is not for gray, but someone else!

Lily) what are you telling me; you have afair with someone else?

Juliet) it was a mistake, I was drunk and he take advantage on me!

Lily) why you didn't report him to the police to get him arrested and Juliet said is because I was the one push him to it!

Lily ok then you have to mention it to him to take care of it; because he is the responsible for it! And Juliet said; I left his mansion with anger after we have afair with each other; I don't know weather he will accept me back or;

Lily) mansion; that means he is rich! you won't have to stress yourself working!

After which in Ryan office!

Lily) sir I have always wanted to tell you something for long time; but I don't know how you will take it!

Ryan turn towards her and say; what is that? And Lily said; I think I have develope feelings for you; I like you!

Ryan) what? Am, sorry Lily you are like a sister to me; I like you but like a sister! I have someone I love and I can't love you. Am sorry but I have someone in my life! And Lily smile in pain like is nothing and say; oh don't worry; I understand; just when Lily turn to leave and her phone ring; and she answered the call!

Juliet) hello; am not feeling fine can you pick Kiara from school for me?

Lily) I told you not to go work today; why are you stressing yourself; and Juliet notice something is not going well in Lily voice! And Juliet ask Lily are you ok; why you sound like you are crying; and Lily said; I'm fine it just stress;

Evening time in Lily house; Lily and Kiara arrive in the living room and Lily greet Juliet; she didn't wait for Juliet to respond and she went to her room! After which and Juliet knock on the door; Lily was crying because Ryan doesn't love her; and she weep her tears quick and open the door!

Juliet notice Lily eyes and say why are you shed tears? Lily try to hide it and say am fine; but Juliet said; am not fool please what is wrong and Lily sit on the bed and say; I confess my feelings to my boss today; but he said; he has a girlfriend; and am like sister to him!

And Juliet sit opposite her on the bed and hug her tight and say; am sorry for that; and Juliet; confront her after which and they return; to the living room! And Kiara run to her mum and say mum I meet daddy today;

Juliet) what did he say? And Kiara say; he shed tears and say; he has been looking for us; I give him the address to here

Lily) gray know here, he doesn't need this address before coming! And Juliet said; not gray and Lily said; who is her father; and Juliet explain why she call Ryan her father and Ryan is responsible for the child in her wom now! But Lily pretend as if she doesn't know Ryan

In Lily mind! I don't have to let Juliet know; Ryan is my boss; I don't have to bring them problem, if she find out! she will be sad thinking she is the reason I didn't get my; love!

Juliet touch Lily and she get back to herself and Juliet said what are you thinking; do you know Ryan or? You have be quiet since I mentioned him

Lily) nope! am; I don't know him! _



Juliet ask Lily if she knows Ryan and Lily said no she doesn't know him

Lilly) so what are you going to do now,,

Juliet) maybe I will let him know that am pregnant,;

The next day in hospital; Ryan is from the doctor's office and bump up to Juliet; and she trip to fall and Ryan grab her and they stared in each other eyes quietly; and Ryan lose control he move close to kiss Juliet on her forehead and Juliet push him!

Ryan) Juliet; what are you doing here? Are you sick or?

Juliet) am ok and she walk towards the doctors office and Ryan follow her while telling her to wait! the doctor's office and Juliet stop and say stop following me; and Ryan stop and turn and walk out?

After which in Kiara school, Ryan pick Kiara from school and they went to Lily house! But Lily was not around;

Juliet open the door and ask; Ryan; what are you doing here?

Ryan) at least offer me a seat and Juliet; say seat huh; all you wanted was to sleep with me; now you have got what you want, why are you still following me!

Ryan); you think so; Juliet I love you; I have everything in this world; but I wake up everyday feeling empty! I go to bed with tears! because you left me! I wake up thinking it's going to be a better day; but end up with tears! There is millions of girls out there! but I only love one; and that is you; can't you see the love I have for you?

Juliet) I don't care;

Ryan) I Know you are pregnant and the baby is mine; if you try to push me away from my unborn child; I will sui you in court; try me and he turn and left the house;

Kiara) mum; you promise; me! you will not leave dad; and Juliet sit on the couch and rub her forehead thinking about what Ryan said;

The next day in Ryan office; Ryan and kiara walk inside and Kiara see Lily and she call Lily name

Kiara) auntie Lily and she run towards Lily and hug her;.

Ryan) you know her? and Lily said; yes I do, she is my sister's daughter!

Ryan) Juliet is your sister? and Lily said yes;

Ryan) hmmm and Lily said why? And Ryan said why is it that Juliet hate me that much? And Lily said; you think so! She doesn't hate you, is just that; she find it hard to trust men Again after getting so many broken hearts from them

After which; in some restaurant; Lily and Ryan is having lunch!

Ryan) am sorry for, everything, we can still remains like brother and sister! And I want you to talk to Juliet for me!

Lily) sir; don't worry I will talk to her! And Ryan thank Lily and hug her; after few seconds of hugging and they broke the hug and Ryan said; sorry.

Evening in Lily house;

Lily is talking to Juliet about Ryan; and Juliet turn to walk away; just when Juliet is about to step out from the room, and Lily said! Yeah I know Ryan; he is my boss; and because of your stupid behavior; he always lost in his mind thinking! he has lost you and Juliet stop and turn to Lily and ask her; what did you just say?

Lily) I thought you say you don't care; why should I tell you? And she walk out; while Juliet is trying to ask Lily to tell her the what she said;

The next day in

Ryan mansion!

Ryan is on call with his father;

Ryan) 📞 dad; I have to tell you this! And his father said; go on am listen; and Ryan; said; Juliet is pregnant; and am the responsible;

Ryan father)📞 what; are you kidding me?

Ryan) dad am serious; and his dad said; I thought you say; she is married? And Ryan said; yes she was but now they have break up! And his father said; we will visit you next tomorrow to talk about it!

The next day in Lily house!

Lily said to Juliet! You are the most luckiest girl;. Ryan love you so much! I have try my possible best for him to love me! But he said he has girlfriend; even when he doesn't know where you are!

Juliet) stared at Lily and held Lily hand and say! Am so sorry that; because me your love for him could not work! And Lily smile and say; don't be sorry am happy for you; is a time to live happy? And Juliet say! Thank you;

After which in Ryan office; Ryan and Lily is talking about business and Juliet arrive on the door; Ryan turn towards the door to say something to Lily and saw Juliet stand on the door and Ryan go mute and walk towards Juliet and Juliet too walk closer to him!

Juliet) am sorry for make you go trough pain! Juliet didn't finish what she is saying and Ryan hug her tight and say! Thank you so much for return back and he kiss her passionately and Juliet too respond to the kiss! They was lost in kissing each other! And Lily walk out to her office; after which and they stop kissing and Ryan hug Juliet again so tight!

After two days in Ryan mansion; Ryan parents arrive in the mansion and Juliet bring them juice; but Ryan mum act strange as she doesn't like seeing Juliet around in the mansion and Ryan father ask Juliet where is Ryan! And Juliet said! He went out to buy something; he will be home soon; and Ryan father smile and say; ok -



Juliet serve Ryan parents juice and tell them Ryan have go out to buy something; he will be back soon

After which and Ryan arrive; in the house and hug his parents, and greet them, while feeling happy; and smiling; and his mom ask him to sit; and Ryan sit opposite his father on the couch; while Juliet is in kitchen preparing meal;

Ryan father) about the pregnancy, you told me about; is it true?

Ryan) yes dad; it's true! And his mom said apart from all the pretty girls, around the country! Someone's born one! You decide to marry!

Ryan) mum; what is wrong with that? And his father said; me and your mom have give it a thought; and we have made our decision; you can't marry Juliet;

Ryan) dad; what are you saying! I love her; and his mum said; shout up; do you want to bring our family name down! You can't get married to someone's wife; and again she doesn't have family; who are you going to; pay the bride price to! Her family has abandon her; that means she is a course; we can't allow her in our family!

Ryan wanted to say something and his parents stand up and went to upstairs; and Ryan sit on the couch feeling hopeless!

After which in Ryan mum room; Juliet knock on the door while; smiling and Ryan mum open the door and say; you have made your mind right? just when she finish speaking and realize is Juliet; not Ryan and she say; you!

Juliet) mum; the meal is ready; and Ryan mum look at her from head to tool and ask her; do I look like your mum?

Juliet smile and say; am sorry; if I disturb you; and Ryan mum said! Can you do something for me! And Juliet said why not!

Ryan mum) can you please leave my family alone; can you please stop following my son! I beg you in the name of God; stop follow my son; and Juliet stared at her while feeling sad and tears start rolling down and Ryan mum walk away towards downstairs; after which and Juliet weep away her tears and go downstairs

After which in Ryan room! His mom enter the room; while Ryan sit on the bed; and his mom sit opposite him;

Ryan) mum you always say we should help those that doesn't have! why are you against me getting married to Juliet!

Ryan mum held Ryan hand and say; according to your father research; Juliet parents has abandon her because she is a bad luck; that is why her husband; trough her away from the house! Your father doesn't want the family to face any problem because of her!

After which; on the downstairs; Ryan father; bring a bag of money and handed it to Juliet and ask her to take the money and leave Ryan alone!

Juliet) dad, I really love your son! Am not here because of his money!

Just when Ryan father turn to go upstairs and Ryan arrive; Ryan shout at his father to stop humiliating Juliet; and held just hand and pull her close to himself; and say she is the girl am going to marry!

Ryan father turn towards Ryan and say; what did you just say! if you are ready to stick with her; then get ready to park your things and go with her; after all you are not my son! And he went upstairs!

And Ryan mum arrive; on downstairs; and Ryan turn towards his mom and say; what is dad talking about! And Ryan mum tell him to come down and they sit on the couch and Ryan mum said; I have always wanted to tell you this but; I always find it difficult to mention it to you!

Ryan) what is it? And his mom said; Bryan is not your father! I get married to him; after I give birth to you!

Ryan) what? are you kidding me? And his mom said; am sorry for not telling you this!

Ryan) and who is my father? And his mom said; your father run away after he find out am pregnant; Mr Bryan was the one take care of me till I give birth to you; and he take you as his own son; but now you doesn't want to follow his instruction; that is why he decided to tell you;

Ryan stand up from the couch and rub his head; roughly and run towards upstairs; after which in Ryan room Juliet enter the room while Ryan sit on the bed shed tears and Juliet walk towards him on the bed and sit opposite him-



Juliet walk towards Ryan on the bed and sit opposite him; while Ryan shed tears! And Juliet held his hand; and say; am sorry your family is separate because of me!

Ryan) hey; don't say that; this is not your fault; don't blame yourself; and Juliet stand up from the bed and say; we are world apart; I don't want to drag you into my world! You have to stay with your family; they love you; and Ryan stand up and say; what are you saying! please don't say that; I will go with you!

Ryan mom room! Ryan father sit on the sofa in the room and his wife walk towards him and sit opposite him;

Ryan mum) honey; do you think that is a good thing to do now? and Ryan father stared at his wife, while tears is rolling down on his cheeks and say; I have to do what I have to;

After which; on downstairs! Ryan and Juliet pack they're things to leave the house; Ryan walk towards his father on the couch and knelt down in front of his father and said; dad if there is someone I have loved much in this world; then that is you; thank you so much for the support and love; I don't think I can pay you back; but I have to go and his father stand up without a word and went upstairs;

Ryan mum look at her husband going upstairs and her son too leaving the house; and Ryan hug his mum and say; thank you so much for your love! But I have to go! And he turn around and pick his bag and held Juliet hand and they walk away with Kiara!

Evening time in town! Ryan said to Juliet; we have to spend the night in a hotel! tomorrow I will see what I can do! After which in a hotel; Ryan booked the room finish and give them his card to take the money from the card! After the guy in reception room try and turn up to Ryan and say; sir am sorry; but your card doesn't work; and Ryan rub his hair; after which and Ryan open his bag and took cash from it and pay;

After which in the hotel room! Juliet went inside to bath and Ryan bring his computer out and start applying for job online; after which and Juliet come back from bathroom,

Juliet) are you the only child in Bryan family or?

Ryan) nope, I have a younger brother and sister; but they leave at France; their are the one take care of dad properties in France! You know what? dad always said; he was once a poor man; sometimes he has to spend his whole week; without eating; anything proper; just water and gari; and Juliet sit opposite him and Ryan say; don't worry everything will be ok!

After one week! Some of Mr Bryan guards are passing by a small a restaurant and saw, Ryan working there as a cleaner and they call Mr Bryan on phone!

Mr Bryan)📞 I hope he is doing great; and the guards said; yes he is; but sir don't you think he has suffer enough! And Mr Bryan said; keep your eyes on him! Don't let him get into trouble;

Evening in Ryan mansion! On downstairs; the guards bring Mr Bryan a picture of where Ryan live and where he work;

Mr Bryan; look at the pictures and say ok and stand up to go upstairs; and his guards said; sir are you going to let him live there; Mr Bryan smile and say Keep eyes on him;

The next day in the small restaurant; where Ryan work; Ryan is cleaning while some rich guys are eating and one of them; cross his leg on Ryan front and Ryan fall down; Ryan stand up with anger ; and the rich guy stand up and said; are you going to fight; and he pick bottle of wine and poor it on Ryan and the restaurant manager; come out and tell Ryan to apologize; and Ryan try to explain himself to the manager; but the manager said; they're our customers and customers are right; and Ryan apologize!

After which! And the rich guys who humility Ryan walk out to go and Mr Bryan guards arrive and say; follow us; the guys get scared; after which in middle of road, Mr Bryan guards drop them; and say; if you try this again; you will regret it on your entire life!

Evening in some old house; Ryan return from work; and Juliet; give him water; and a piece of bread and say; please manage this; this is what we have at home;

Ryan look at the bread; and tears rolling down on his cheeks! And Juliet sit opposite him and confront him; not to lose hope everything will be ok!

The next day in where Ryan work! Mr Bryan and his guards arrive and the guards pull seat for Mr Bryan and he sit and they serve him! After which and Ryan arrive and pick bucket and start moping! He didn't see his father sitting next to him;

After which and one the guards scream sir; while Mr Bryan is going down and hold his chest and coughing hard;

After which and Ryan turn towards Mr Bryan table and saw the guards holding him on the floor; while he can't breath well and Ryan rush towards him; and grab him; while yelling; dad dad; open your eyes; while tears is rolling down on his cheeks; and shout at the guards to help him take Mr Bryan to hospital;

After which in hospital Ryan get down from the car and open, the door and the nurse help him; and they rush Mr Bryan to his private wald!

After which the doctor is still waiting time in his office and Ryan run towards the doctor's office and shout at the doctor; to come out right now and give his father service! still the doctor is still asking the nurses to bring his shirt and Ryan hold the doctor shirt on his neck; while tears is rolling down; shout at the doctor to get inside and take care of his father! after which and the doctor come out from Mr Bryan wald; and Ryan rush to him; and ask; how is he doing and the doctor said; he is out in danger; and Ryan rush inside the room; and sit opposite his father on the bed!

Ryan) dad; please; we need you! get well fast; please, you know we cannot do without you! You always say, a brave man can conquer everything; I know you can do this; while tears is rolling down; and his mom arrive;

Just when she entered; Mr Bryan wald and Ryan hug her tight while shed tears; and his mom rub his hair and confront him! Not to shed tears!

Ryan) why is this happening to our family; mum why dad is sick and his mom say; don't worry everything will be ok!

Ryan mum) don't cry your father will be fine ------