



Kiara force her mum and Ryan and promise to stay with each other forever; after they made the promise and Kiara smile happily and say they are the best; in the world

The next day Ryan return from work and come meet his parents at home with Juliet; just when Ryan walk in and his mom trough herself into Ryan hand and hug him tight and warmly! After which and she let go of the hug and held Ryan cheeks; and say; I miss you so much; while Ryan is still mute standing!

Ryan) mum and dad! I told you; I was going to come to your place! What are you doing here; and Juliet rush towards him and say; is this how you welcome your parents in your home! Please come have sit and Juliet drag him to the dinning table; and he sit;

After which; they're are eating and Ryan dad said; son when are we going to meet your girlfriend, you are not getting any younger?

Ryan was shy and say; dad I told you not to talk about this anymore!

Ryan mum) son; I hope Juliet is a good friend of yours? and I can see she is a good person! And Ryan mum tell Juliet to help Ryan find girlfriend; that is suitable for Ryan!

Ryan) mum? And his mom said; don't worry everything will be fine!

After three days Ryan and Juliet went for shopping and meet gray in the shopping mall; just when gray set his eyes on Ryan and Juliet; and he start laughing; that court everyone attention;

Gray) walk towards them; and say; they say love is blind; but this love is stupidity! How can a well business man son like Ryan; dating a girl that belongs to the streets! Gray walk around towards Ryan and put his arms on Ryan shoulder and say! You don't deserve prostitute like her; and Ryan get angry inside him! Ryan tight his blows slowly! And Juliet notice he is angry and she grab Ryan hand and shake her head to Ryan not to fight and Ryan lose his blow smoothly and smile, while everyone say! How can a son of billionaire date a prostitute and Ryan held Juliet hand tight and they walk out in the cloud!

After which in Ryan mansion; Ryan walk inside while feeling angry; and Juliet walk opposite him and say! I'm sorry; if not because of me; this would have not happen; because of me people are insulting you! Ryan tern face her and say; is not your fault; your husband; is the idiot! How can someone treat a woman who has child for him in such a way?

Ryan) why did you marry him at first? After which Juliet explain to Ryan and Ryan said! You mean the marriage license between you two was fake! And Ryan say, no wonder he treats you that way; because you don't have any power on his things; you are just his girlfriend not wife!

Juliet) I was stupid to believe him

The next day; in Ryan mansion compound! Ryan and Juliet is playing basketball; Ryan defend while Juliet strack to score!

After which Juliet wanted to score; and Ryan rush towards her to safe the ball from scoring and they crash and Juliet fall. Ryan struggling to help himself not to fall but after few seconds of struggling and he fall on Juliet but he use his hand support himself; and his lips touch Juliet own smoothly! They stay on the ground while they're lips on each other like their are kissing and the chief maid; and Kiara chase each other; and run to them; just when they reach there and Ryan stand up and say! I'm sorry; I didn't mean to! And walk direct inside!

Evening time; Ryan and Juliet is in room and Ryan bring two clothes out and ask; Juliet to choose the one that will fit him! And Juliet tell him to Wear the Blue one! And Ryan get back to the bathroom and put it on and come back!

Juliet) wow you look mmwah, but you forget one thing! And she move close and put something in the pocket and Ryan said thanks! But I don't want to go to club; And Juliet say; you have to go! it will help you get someone to date Easily and she push Ryan outside and open the car door and push him and he entered and close the door and wave him bye bye! And Ryan move the car and go

10:00pm and Ryan return back while he is drunk! And Juliet is still sitting in the living room waiting for him! Ryan open the door and entered; he almost fall and he grab the couch and Juliet; rush to him and held him; and say you have got drunk?

Ryan) no I'm not drunk; am ok and he try to go upstairs, he almost fall again and Juliet catch him and help him to his room

In the room; Juliet help Ryan and put him on the bed; and turn to leave! And Ryan grab her hand and pull her back on the bed and rape his arms around her waist! And say; please don't go; I really like this eyes; and your smile is brighter than the sun; I love it; and he move to kiss Juliet and Juliet stop him and say! You are drunk! You have to sleep! And Ryan grab her tight and say! If you are my woman, I will hold you tight! so you will not run away from me; Ryan was so romantic that Juliet lost her control; she almost kiss him; and she get back to herself and push Ryan away and say you are drunk that is why you are saying all this nonsense and she get up from the bed to go and Ryan grab her hand and pull her back and she fall on him on the bed; she look direct to Ryan eyes deep and move close to kiss him; just when Juliet close her eyes and feel Ryan warm breast coming close to her lips! After which; Juliet didn't feel Ryan breath anymore! when she open her eyes; Ryan has already asleep;

And Juliet get herself from his arms smoothly and turn Ryan well on the bed and rase the duvet cover him; and went out to her room!

The next day morning; Juliet enter Ryan room with breakfast in her hand!

Juliet) good morning!

Ryan) morning how are you? While holding his forehead; and feel headache; and Juliet give him breakfast and handed medicine to him and say; after the breakfast and take this it will help you feel better!

Ryan) how did you know I'm not fine?

Juliet) because yesterday you take a lot of alcohol; I know you will feel headache this morning! And Ryan remember all the romantic and his stupidity yesterday night!

Ryan) am sorry about yesterday night! how I act towards you!

Juliet) don't worry; I know it's because of the alcohol, that is why you act like that!

Ryan) what if I tell you; I really mean everything that happen yesterday night? Beside they say we have only two people in this world who always say the truth! A drunk man and a small child!

Juliet turn towards Ryan while stared at him quietly and Ryan smile and say! I'm joking!

And Juliet get to what she was doing) _



Juliet) take this tablet is will help you recovery fast from that head ache!

Evening 4 o'clock in Kiara school; Juliet arrive in the school to pick Kiara but Kiara was not there; Juliet ask the security guard on the gate; if Kiara is with him and the security guard said! All the children was stand in front here! I don't know where she go; and Juliet rush inside the school compound and search everywhere; but Kiara was no where to be find; after which and Juliet call Ryan;

Ryan)📞 hello; good evening!

Juliet) 📞I'm good; did you pick Kiara from school today?

Ryan) 📞nope; am still at office; you didn't go to pick her or? And Juliet said am in the school but Kiara is not here!

Ryan) did you ask the security guard? And Juliet said yes; he said; he didn't see her! And Ryan said am coming there right now! wait for me there!

After which and Ryan reach at the school; and he and Juliet search everywhere in the school! After they didn't see kiara! And return back to the car!

Ryan) where could she be? Just when Ryan finish speaking; and Juliet phone ring; Juliet check the number and say; why is he calling me for! and she answered the call!

Gray)📞 hey how are you? Nice to have you on this call!

Juliet📞what do you want from me?

Gray) I hope you will like to speak to your darling daughter? And Juliet said; Kiara and Ryan move close and tell her to put the phone on speaker and Juliet put it on speaker! And Ryan press on recording

And gray started threaten Juliet to tell Ryan to restore the deal with his family! if not; he will take Kiara far away from her forever! After gray finish speaking and Ryan said! What you said has been record! I want Kiara in my mansion now! or I will get all your family arrested! Try me! This call will be Prof that you are the one kidnap Kiara! Am waiting for Kiara to drop in front of my mansion! Just when Ryan finish speaking and gray open his mouth to say something and Ryan hung up!

Juliet shout! are you out of your mind? Why did you hung up the call! What if he do something bad to Kiara? And Ryan smile and say; let go home; Kiara will come soon!

After which in Ryan compound! Juliet walk up and down; looking on the way to see; if Kiara is coming; and Ryan tell her to relax; after few minutes and a car arrive; and Kiara get down from the car; and run towards her mum and trough herself to her mum arms

After which and Ryan walk towards her and rubbing Kiara hair gentle and say; how are you? And Kiara reply! Am fine dad; and they go inside the mansion

The next day in Ryan company; Juliet and Kiara walk inside the company and ask where is Ryan and they take them to Ryan office!

Just when they enter Ryan office and Ryan hug Kiara and say; finally you are here again in my office!

Juliet) Kiara have you been here before? and Ryan said yes; she has been here like two times! and Juliet say; why you didn't tell me about it? Kiara! and Kiara say; because friends don't go around tell others about they're friends!

After three days in a club; Juliet and some girls bet on alcohol drinking! the one who can drink more will be the winner and claim her press of 2000ghc! while Ryan is standing away small from them; he didn't know Juliet is challenge that girls on alcohol drinking!

After which and they start the drinking challenge; they drink till Juliet get drunk; Ryan tern toward; where the challenge is going on and saw Juliet sit on the table! And he rush toward them! And hold Juliet and drag her from the table;

Juliet) leave me! I have to complete the challenge; she try to return to the table and Ryan hold her tight and bring money from his pocket and put it on the table and carry her in his arms and walk outside towards his car!

After which in Ryan mansion; Ryan carry Juliet in his arms and walk inside the house; in the living room! Juliet held Ryan cheeks and squeeze it and say! You look cute; while she is in Ryan arms and stretch her neck to kiss Ryan and Ryan put her down! And she grab Ryan tight and say! I want to kiss your

Cute face! And Ryan grab her hand and tern her and carry her in his arms again and walk towards upstairs

After which in Juliet room! Ryan drop her on the bed and wanted to go out and Juliet grab him; and stand up! And trying to kiss Ryan force! While they are struggling and both of them fall on the bed: and they stared in each other eyes quietly after which and Juliet smile and kiss Ryan slowly after which and Ryan respond to the kiss and they started kissing and romancing each other

The next day morning; Juliet head is on Ryan chest and she wake up; just when she find herself laying on top on Ryan chest and Ryan open his eyes and Juliet rase the duvet and check! something has already happen last night,, they have spent the night together

Juliet blame Ryan and say; he has take advantage on her; just because she is was drunk!

Ryan try to explain to her that,; she is the one makes that happen! but Juliet get more angry and start crying and run inside the bathroom and lock the bathroom door

Ryan knock on the door so many times; asking Juliet to open the door and let them talk about it; but; Juliet said she wants to be alone and blaming Ryan

After which in Ryan room

Ryan) am the one to be blame! She was drunk I supposed to control myself; but I let that stupid feelings; lead me into this and Kiara walk in and say! Dad why mum said you are bad person? and she have pack our things! she wants us to leave the house! I don't know why she wants to leave here!

Ryan) what? are you serious? And Kiara say; yes! she is in the living room!. And Ryan rush towards downstairs! And Kiara follow him!

In the downstairs; Juliet shout at Kiara; where did you go; and she grab her bag and grab Kiara hand and walk towards the gate! Ryan beg her and ask his maids to help him apologize; to Juliet; so she will stay; but Juliet said; all men are the same; you have got; what you want from me; thank you for letting us stay here!

Ryan try his possible best; but Juliet walk away; and Ryan return to his room while shed tears! he blamed himself; and took his belt out and cane himself for taking advantage on the situation; after which and he wound himself through the belt he use cane himself!

His maids beg him to stop; and Ryan said! If not my stupidity Juliet will not leave this house,! This is what I deserve; and the chief maid said; instead of you chasing her and begged more; maybe she will forgive you and come back! but you are here waisting time? And Ryan stop and trough the belt away; and grab his shirt and run towards downstairs to chase Juliet and Kiara!



Ryan run out and chase Juliet and Kiara; in town Ryan run up and down looking for Juliet but he didn't see her;

Ryan took his phone out and ask people around if they have seen Juliet around while showing them Juliet picture! But he didn't get any information about Juliet!

After which; in some house; Juliet and Kiara arrive on the door; and Juliet knock on the door; and someone respond from inside that; she is coming; after which and the person inside open the door! And mention Juliet name! And say; what is going on? why are you with your bags?

Juliet) Lily am in trouble please help me! let us stay with you for sometimes! And Lily said please come in; after which in the living room

Juliet sit on the couch and Lily sit opposite her and say; what happen?

Juliet start shed tears and say; Lily I was stupid for not listening to you and my parents,; gray was with me because of dad money!

Lily) I told you; but you didn't listen; it ok! And Juliet said; thank you for take me back after years of rejecting you; you still show me love; and they hug each other!

In Ryan mansion; Ryan call his private investigator on phone while walking up and down in the downstairs; and shouting at the investigator to find Juliet at any cost and hung up! And the chief maid; walk up to Ryan; and say; sir please calm down; you haven't eat anything; please have this juice!

Ryan) if something happens to them I will never forgive myself and the maid said; nothing will happen to them! You will find them; and Ryan say thank you so much; you have been like mother to me! You always care about me; thank you

The next day; Juliet went to some bar to find work as a cleaner in the bar! after she is returning home and meet gray on the road; walking towards his car! Juliet ignore him and pass to go and gray tern and see her and he run towards Juliet and start laughing; Juliet try to ignore him and he stand on her way;

Juliet) what do you want?

Gray) Ryan; has trough you out in his house! I knew this will happen; because no man will love someone like you; now you are homeless; will you want to come back to my house and work as house help and Juliet look him from head to tool and walk away without say anything; and gray shouted; don't be rude; if not you will remain on the street like dog; and smile and walk towards his car

The next day in town; Ryan roaming around searching for Juliet; with his car; and get down at some point and walking around searching; he didn't see her; and return to the car and call his private investigator and the investigator said no information yet; Ryan rub his head roughly and say; lord please help me find them

In Lily house Juliet walk in and Lily welcome her and say; how did it go!

Juliet) it was smooth! I will start work tomorrow; and Lily said; so are you going to apologize to your parents or not?

Juliet) I want to do so; but I'm scared, my dad will! Lily didn't let her finish what she wants to say; and she say don't think that! no parents will want their child to suffer; I think he will forgive you if you ask for forgiveness!

In Kiara school! Ryan walk into Kiara class room; and the madam stop teaching and walk up to Ryan!

Ryan good afternoon; is Kiara around and the madam said; she didn't come to school today;

After one week! Ryan went to business meeting; when he is coming home and meet the chief maid on the road going to market to buy food stuffs and Ryan follow her to the market; after which in the market; Ryan and the chief maid is buying fresh tomatoes and Juliet and Lily walk passed Ryan back while Ryan face the other side and they pass by them without seeing each other; and they walk opposite direction!

After which in Lily house! Juliet is in the living room and someone knock on the door! And Lily come out from kitchen! Just when she get in the living room and Juliet stand up to open the door! Juliet walk up to the door and open it after which and she shout the door; without saying a word; and Lily ask her who is that and Juliet say nobody and the person knock on the door again and Lily open the door herself;

Lily) gray what are you doing here? you are here to apologize! and gray smile and say; what; apologize for what! After which and Lily went to kitchen and left them in the living room and gray say! I heard Ryan rep you? that is why you run from his mansion!

Juliet stared at him with anger and smile and say! He is not animal like you you! He has humanity in him; he will never do that! And gray say then why did you left the mansion! Juliet didn't reply him and he say; well am not here for this; we can use that accusation to make money from him; you know he is super rich and Juliet stared at him with anger and say; I thought you don't have humanity in you but you don't have sense too; will you get lost; and she push him out and shout the door!

The next day in Ryan company! In Ryan office; Ryan ➡️ Lily; My father transfer you here to be my assistant! But don't worry I will pay you like one of the managers;

Lily) sir are you serious! And Ryan said yes of course! You have work for my father for years now; you deserve to work as manager but unfortunately they're is no such space here; so! I will pay you managers payment!

After which in Lily house; Lily knock on the door and Juliet open the door; and Lily trough herself into Juliet arms; while feeling happy and Spain Juliet around!

Lilly sit on the couch and say! I was transfer to another company to work with my boss son! You need to see him! He is hot and handsome; he is everything woman will want her man to be! I never believe; love at first sight! But the moment I saw him; my heart started beating fast! He even increase my salary to 10'000ghc

Juliet) I'm happy for you; and finally; you are talking about a man in your life! I can see you are attracted to him; but be careful; and Lily went inside the kitchen and Juliet smile

In Ryan mansion; Ryan is on call with his father!

Ryan father)📞 Lily is the most respectful girl in my office here! Don't misbehave with her ok; and Ryan said; I know you like that girl so much; you even like that girl more than me your son; and his father said; is because you always bring troubles and she help me fix them!

Ryan) what dad? And his father said I have to go! And he hung up; and Ryan smile and walk towards upstairs

After which in Ryan room! Ryan is making phone call with his private investigator and the private investigator said; he has try his best but there is no information to follow;

Ryan) it has been a week; please do something about it! I need to find Juliet!

The next day morning; in Lily house; Lily dress up and walk to downstairs; and Spain herself around and ask Juliet how do I look! And Juliet smile and say; when did you start to care about how you look before left to work?

Lily) now that I have find my soul mate I have to impress him to like me! I will do everything to have him! And Juliet laugh and say someone is in love; and Lily said; am off and she walk out and Juliet went to kitchen