



In the hospital Ryan mum walk in while Ryan sitting next to his father on the bed and shed tears; and his mum hug him tight and rub his hair gentle and say; stop shed tears everything will be alright

11 o'clock in the night in Ryan and Juliet room; Ryan knelt down; while shed tears and ask God to help his father regain his health fast! While trying not to cry out loud and Juliet heard him and wake up and saw him on his knees while crying and covered his mouth and Juliet stretch her hand and hold his shoulder and Ryan turn and hug Juliet tight

Juliet) please come and sleep; everything will be fine; your father will be fine; God will help him! And Ryan lay down on the bed;

The next morning in hospital Ryan enter his father wald and sit opposite him!

Ryan) good morning dad! Get well soon; you always said I should be brave enough to pass whatever comes my way! Please don't leave us! After which and Ryan said! Dad am going to work; I will come back evening! And he walk out!

Afternoon time in Bryan wald! Juliet sit next to Mr Bryan and held his hand and say! Sir please get well soon! Your son can't eat because of your condition! He cry all night; you are the only hope he has because; you have always be there for him!

After three days

In Ryan work! Ryan sit one corner and thinking about his father condition and the manager walk up to him; but he didn't notice the manager and the manager; touch his shoulder! And Ryan get up and say; sir am sorry and the manager said; what is bothering you! after which and Ryan explain everything to the manager and the manager give him one week off in work! And Ryan went straight to the hospital!

Ryan entered his father wald but his father is not there and he rush to the doctor's office!

Ryan) where is my father and the doctor said; he has been discharge, and Ryan; went to his mansion;

Just when Ryan entered the house and his mom hug him tight and Mr Bryan guards; spread roses on him! Ryan was confuse and his mom said; come on have a sit Just when Ryan sit on the couch and his father walk from upstairs to downstairs and he stand up and walk to his father and said dad, how do you feel; is good to see you doing well

Mr Bryan) who said am sick?

Ryan) what is going on? And his father punch his shoulder in a playful way and say sit down and Ryan sit and his mom said! Your father was never sick; your father here thinks because of the pressure he gives you, that is why you decide to marry Juliet; so he bring up that plan to confirm if you truly loves Juliet!

Ryan) what? So am his son ? And Bryan smile and say; silly boy you are my son; my blood; I just want you to remember that; in marriage, you are going to face a lot just prepare yourself before entering there!

Ryan mum) one more thing; the restaurant you work in; the J restaurant is actually Juliet restaurant; your father open it for your wife to be Juliet; and Ryan start shed tears of joy and hug his father tight and say! Dad I love you so much and hug his mom too; and Mr Bryan said now go bring your wife to be home;

After which in the place Juliet and Ryan live; Ryan entered while smiling and walk towards Juliet!

Juliet) what is the matter: why are you this happy and Ryan hug her and Spain her around and drop her down

Juliet) what is it that makes you this excited!



Juliet what is that makes you this excited?

Ryan) you are now a rich girl; and Juliet said; rich girl like how?

Ryan) the J restaurant I work in; is open in your name; dad gifted it to you! He said we should come home; and Juliet move backwards small and say! What are you talking about? And Ryan said; I Know it will be hard for you to believe! But dad was actually testing me to see if I truly loves you!

Juliet) you mean you are his son; and Ryan said yes of course; and Juliet hug him tight after which and Juliet look in Ryan eyes while holding his cheeks and kiss him and say thank you for loving me and Ryan smile and hug her tighter;

After which in Ryan mansion; Juliet and Ryan walk towards living room and Ryan mum walk towards Juliet and welcome her and hug her!

4;30 pm in a restaurant Ryan and Juliet sit and they ordered food! While they're eating and gray and his younger brother arrive in the same restaurant!

Just when gray is about to pass by Juliet and Ryan table and he see them; and stop and move backwards to them and say; hello while smiling; and Ryan said; hey how are you loser! Juliet couldn't not hold it and boost out laughter! And gray look around; while people are watching him; he feels embarrassing and walk out without going to his brother; and his younger brother stand up and chase after him; and Ryan and Juliet boost out laughter again and give each other high five!

8 o'clock in Ryan mansion; Ryan and Juliet walk in while kissing each other and romancing; in the living room; and continue kissing; after which and Ryan mum said! Can you locate upstairs; we are here and Ryan smile in a shy way; and say; good evening mum; and his father; said; we have respond already you can go! And Ryan hold Juliet hand while rubbing his hair and feeling shy; and walking towards upstairs and Mr Bryan and his wife boost out laughter;

After which in Ryan room

Ryan) how can we be this childish!

Juliet) am even ashamed of how to look at mum tomorrow; and Ryan move closer to her and place his hand on her waist and draw her close to himself and kiss her gentle; after which and Juliet respond to the kiss and Ryan put her on the bed gentle and pull his shirt off!

After which!


next day morning; Ryan walk in the bedroom while Juliet is still asleep and he sit next to her on the bed holding breakfast and put it on the table opposite the bed and kiss Juliet on her forehead and Juliet open her eyes and say good morning and Ryan respond and say; get up and have breakfast

After which in gray mansion; in the living room; gray and his squad are having conversation and gray; say; I want to have clean work; don't left evidence back; and the boys said yes boss and they went out; and Gray smile and walk towards upstairs;

After which in J restaurant; Juliet get down from her car and walk inside the restaurant; and the workers greet her; and she went to her office and sit!

On street Ryan drive slow and follow some married couple, after which and the couple reach there home and get down and walk inside the house! some girl is passing by a Ryan get down from the car! And Ask her; who owns this house; and the girl said; Mr Charles and his wife; and Ryan thank her; and the girl walk away; after which and Ryan knock on Mr Charles house main door! And Mrs Charles said wait I'm coming! And Mrs Charles open the door and Ryan greet her and Mrs Charles respond and say; how may I help you?

Ryan) am Ryan a son of Mr Bryan; am here to discuss business with your husband! is he around and she ask Ryan to come in!

After which and Ryan sit on the couch in the living room and Mr Charles arrive and shake Ryan hand! And Ryan said; am Ryan president of V R group; we have rewards your company some contract; and am here to confirm if you will like to work with us; and Mr Charles said; are you serious; which company in the country will not be happy to have contract with your company? after which and Ryan give him some papers and he signed them; and Ryan walk out;

On Ryan way home and his private investigator call him; and Ryan said; thank you for the support! I have made my first move towards the family I hope for the best to come!

Evening in Kiara school; Kiara and her mates stand on the school gate waiting for their parents to come and pick them up; and some of Kiara class mate start; talking and say; Kiara doesn't have family; but Kiara keep quiet and mute; even when some of the parents said things against her mum; after some minutes and Ryan mum arrive with a Lamborghini! And said! Hey darling here and Kiara run towards her and say grandma and Mrs Bryan take her bag and Kiara turn towards his mates and they're parents and say bye bye and she entered the car!

Evening time Ryan and Juliet is walking down on the street while holding each other hands and! Ryan said; what is your mission now? And Juliet said; I wish I can have my parents again; I miss my siblings; and she said again; but now all I want is your happiness and she held Ryan cheeks and give him quick peg and Ryan smile and they continue walking

The next day morning in Mr Charles house; Kiara and Ryan walk inside the house; and mrs Charles welcome them! And call her husband; after which and Mr Charles come downstairs; with his son and introduce his son to Ryan; after which and Ryan said! I will let my accountant to transfer the money to you; Monday; since today is weekend;

Just when Ryan and Kiara turn to leave and Kiara saw her mom picture on the wall and she tape Ryan and say; see mum's picture and Ryan say, shhhh and Ryan turn and ask Mr Charles! Who is this girl? while pointing his hand on the picture; and Mr Charles said; she is my daughter; but she is not around; she has travel small and Ryan smile and say; she look pretty; like someone I know that is why I asked!



Ryan and Kiara walk out and went back to home in Ryan mansion; Ryan and Kiara sit on the couch and Juliet bring them juice and sit next to Ryan and put her head on Ryan chest and hold him tight; and Ryan held her on his chest and kiss her on her forehead;

Three days later in J restaurant; Mr Charles and his son enter the restaurant; and sit and order for food; and the waiters serve them! When they're eating and Juliet walk from her office to one of the waiters to ask him questions: while the waiter stand next to Mr Charles table; Juliet and the waiters finish what they're discussion and she tern and went back to her office! She didn't see Mr Charles;

Evening in Ryan room; Juliet walk in and Ryan grab her hand and pull her close to himself and Juliet said; let it go of me; I have to change my clothes;

Ryan) nope; just put your bag here and he take the hand bag and put it on the bed; while stared deep in Juliet eyes; and Juliet smile and Ryan grab her waist and pull her closer and Juliet pretend as she want to kiss Ryan and Ryan lose his arms and try to reach up to Juliet lips and Juliet push him backwards and run enter bathroom; while Ryan; hey you and he smiled and sit on the bed!

Downstairs; Kiara and Ryan is playing video game and Juliet walk up to them!

Juliet) Kiara have done your homework; and Kiara said yes; dad did it for me! And Juliet said; because of this video game; Kiara doesn't learn anymore; and Ryan said; ohh, we are busy now; we will talk later and Juliet get angry and went to kitchen

In kitchen Juliet Simms unhappy and Ryan mum ask her; what is wrong;

Juliet) nothing mum! I'm fine; and she started to wash the plates and Ryan mum said; what are you doing; the maids has already prepared dinner!

Juliet) oh am sorry; I forgot we have maids; and Ryan mum; held her hand and say! My daughter; if something is bothering you; you can share it with me; and Juliet said; this days; Kiara and her father always play video games; Kiara doesn't learn; anything! And Ryan mum smiled and say! Don't worry; I will do something about it!

After dinner; in Ryan room; Juliet change to night wear! Ryan try to talk to her; but she ignore him and try to go to bed! And Ryan hold her hand; and say! You are mad at me! Because of the video game?

Ryan) am sorry about that; but you have to understand; Kiara is smart kid! that is why, I have scheduled her time for her! Time to play and time to learn;

Juliet) but I haven't see her leaning since we return back to this house!

Ryan) relax! Kiara always learn; she is a brilliant girl! I always guide her to learn! that is why I give her some time to have fun with me! You don't have to worry yourself too much; because I will never spoil her; I want the best for her!

Juliet move close to him and say; am sorry; I misunderstood you; and Ryan said; I suppose to apologize because; I was rude to you! And Juliet smile and kiss him on the lips and tern and lay down on the bed; and Ryan lay down beside her and say; tomorrow we have somewhere to go; me and you plus Kiara!

Juliet) is there a surprise for us or? and Ryan said! Yes but I don't know if it will happen like how I expect it to! But I pray everything goes well!

The next day; in Ryan mansion downstairs;

Ryan and Kiara sitting on the sofa waiting for Juliet! after five to six minutes and Juliet, arrive in downstairs; and Ryan walk up to her; and say! now I believe angels do come to humans; because one of them is standing in front of me; and he move to kiss her and Juliet stop him and say; Kiara is here and Ryan tern and look at Kiara; and say Kiara let go!

After some minutes in mr Charles house! Juliet get down from the car and held Ryan hand and ask! what are we doing here? and Ryan said a patient dog eat the fattest bone! and they walk to the door and Ryan knock on the door; and Mrs Charles open the door; just when Juliet see her mum; and she said mum! she wanted to hug her mum; but she didn't dare to do it! Juliet mum stared at her daughter while telling them to sit on the couch; and she call her husband,; and Juliet father; come downstairs! Just when Juliet father see her and he mentioned her name while walking close to her and Juliet knelt down and say dad am sorry for not listening to you! Please forgive me; while tears is rolling down and her father walk towards her and hold her shoulder and pull her up and hug her tight! While he is shed tears and he weep away Juliet tears and say; my daughter am sorry for let you suffer; and Juliet said! Dad am sorry for not listening to you; and Juliet mum too hug her tight and kiss her on her forehead and hug her tight again

Juliet father) how did you meet Mr Ryan and Juliet said; he is my fiance and her mum ask; what happen to gray?

Ryan) mum and dad I think you should sit so; we can explain everything to you! And Juliet said; dad and mum; meet my daughter Kiara;

Juliet father) what? Are you kidding me; you are my grandson? come here and Kiara go to him! And Juliet mum said; the first day I meet you I feel close to you!

Juliet) you know Kiara? and her mom said; yes she has been here with Mr Ryan; and Juliet turn and look at Ryan;

Juliet father) your siblings; went out; they will be home soon! Am so happy to have you in this house again;.

After which and Ryan and Juliet explain what happen between Juliet and gray to Juliet parents; and Juliet mum said; we are sorry, you have to go through all that ; and Juliet said; mum am fine now; because I have Ryan now am happy in life to have a man like him!



Juliet mum) my daughter; I really miss you so much; and I have a surprise for you; and she held Juliet hand and say: follow me and Juliet follow her mum to upstairs; in one room; which they have arrange everything in the room just like how Juliet want her room to be and her pictures on the wall and Juliet said; who's room is this?

Juliet mum) we have always believe; you will come back one day; so we always left a room for you! And Juliet look around the room again and hug her mum and say; mum thank you; I love you; and her mum respond; I love you too!

After some minutes on downstairs; Ryan and Juliet father; is watching TV and Juliet father said; I can't believe my daughter finally meet someone special in life! And he held Ryan hand and say; sir thank you so much for standing up for my daughter and Ryan said sir; I should be the one thanking Juliet, because she give me; a joy I never imagine of having in life! And they smile and Ryan said; and again; am your inlaw so you don't have to call me sir; am your son.

Just when they're still talking and Juliet and her mom; brought food to the dinning table and Juliet mum said; the food is ready; come to the table and she return to kitchen again! And Juliet start serving the food while Ryan and her father still sitting on the couch! And Juliet say; dad the food will get cold and her father say; let finish this show and Juliet scream her mum name and say; mum your husband is still sitting on the couch! And her father stand up and tell Ryan; let go; and they go to the table and sit; and Juliet mum walk from kitchen to the table!

7 o'clock in Ryan room. Juliet and Ryan walk in and Ryan turn up to Juliet and grab her and pull her close to himself and say; finally I have meet your parents; what do you think it have left for me to do; and Juliet say; mm nothing; I think we should have fun! and Ryan press her nose and say; naughty girl; I think it's a time for us to get married; and Juliet say; you think so; and Ryan said mhmm and he reach out to Juliet neck and kiss her slowly; just when Ryan is about to put Juliet on the bed and Kiara walk in while calling Ryan; and Ryan move backwards and Kiara say; dad, it's time for you to teach me the mathematics; you promise to teach me! let go; and Kiara grab Ryan hand and pull him out while Ryan look at Juliet and Juliet smile slightly!

In Kiara room; Ryan sit on the bed and Kiara bring out his books; and Ryan start teaching her;

The next day morning in downstairs; Ryan and his father sitting on the couch watching morning news and Ryan said; dad I want us to go and ask Juliet hand in marriage from her parents! And Mr Bryan said; are you not thinking; you are rushing things? And Ryan said; I love her and she loves me; I don't see any reason to wait again! And Mr Bryan said; ok! I will discuss it with your mum! And the chief maid serve breakfast on the table and tell them breakfast is ready; and Ryan and his father; move to the dining table to have they're breakfast and Juliet come down from upstairs while rushing to go to work; and Ryan ask her; why are you this hurry and Juliet said; please drop Kiara in school for me; I have some important meeting to attend this morning; and Ryan said; have your breakfast before! and Juliet return and grab some off the slide bread and drink some of the tea and I put the rest on the table and kiss Ryan on his cheeks and went out!

After some minutes in Kiara school; Ryan drop her on the school gate and return to work!

In Ryan office; Lily walk in and drop some files on Ryan table and turn to leave; and Ryan grab her hand and say; I know you are hurt; but you are a good girl! You are every man dream wife! I know you will get a man who will treat you like the queen you are! And Lily turn back and say; sir I have a request from you and Ryan say; ok am all ears and Lily said; please don't break Juliet heart; promise to take good care of her and Ryan said; I promise I will never do bad thing to her; and Lily turn and walk towards her office;

Evening in Ryan mansion! Ryan return from work and sit on the couch, opposite his father! And Mr Bryan said; your siblings will come home tomorrow; and Ryan said; Why they didn't call me?

Mr Bryan) when they arrive then you ask them yourself!

After some minutes in Ryan room; Ryan is arranging his clothes in the closet and Juliet walk in; and Ryan said; dad said Akira and dave will come home tomorrow; and Juliet said; finally I will be able to see your siblings; I can't wait to see them; and Ryan said, mhmm! and Juliet ask him; what is mhmm? Are you not happy they're coming back home; and Ryan said; am happy, but they always cause troubles around here; and Juliet walk close to him and say; remember they're not kids anymore! Their are the ones managing your father companies in France! And Ryan smile and say; you are right!

The next day in airport Kiara and Ryan stand in front of the airport waiting for Akira and Dave! after few minutes and Akira run towards Ryan and hug him tight; and Ryan said; wow you have grown big; and Dave too hug Ryan; and Akira squeeze Kiara cheeks and say; how are you? And Kiara said; fine;

Ryan) let go; and they took the bags into the car; and they move!

On their are way home and Ryan said; I hope Dave have stop his childishness? because you are now a man! And Dave said; am not childish, I just like having fun with my elder brother!

After which in Ryan mansion; they get down from the car and the maids take they're bags inside the house; and Akira run towards her mom and trough herself into her arms; after few seconds and Dave turn towards the chief maid and scream auntie and he hug her tight!

Dave) auntie I miss you so much; especially that food you made for me every year on my birthdays! And Mrs Bryan said; don't mind him; he wants some! And the family laugh and went inside the house;

Downstairs on the dining table; the family gather on the table; to eat and chill with Dave and Akira! And Ryan introduce Juliet to his siblings and Dave said; oh that is why Ryan thinks he is now matured then me because he has girlfriend; Juliet do you know; he is scored of lizards; and Ryan said; I was but now I'm not scared of them;

Akira) oh I see; finally; we can go to the wearhouse and Ryan said; we are not; because am always busy

After the food; in Ryan room someone knock on the door and Juliet open the door and Dave handed a package for her and say; I bought this for you on my way coming and Juliet thank him; after Dave return to his room and Juliet said; you can tell is the same blood running in them; they all have good heart and she entered the room;

Akira room Ryan sit on the bed and Akira said! Dave is not happy; his girlfriend broke up with him; that is why, I decide to locate home here; he always drink alcohol; after the broken heart; and to be honest you are the one who he truly loves in the family; he doesn't want you to know, because he thinks you always sacrifice your happiness for us; and if he mention it to you; you will be worried!

Ryan) what actually happen between them and Akira said; the girl was dating him because of money; after Dave give the girl some money to open business for herself and she dump him! But one thing for sure; is that he has learn a lot of business tricks from you and dad; he has a lot of contracts in France! The company is actually doing best! And Ryan said; no wonder he smiles; even when the thing is not funny;

On Dave door; Ryan knock on the door and Dave open it and say; hey bro and Ryan said can I come in and Dave say; why not and Ryan entered the room.