
Web of Dragons

Spider-Man was issues away from making a deal with the devil when he was suddenly transported into a new world of alien threats, martial arts, and Dragon Balls. How will Peter return home, read and find out in the next episode of Web of Dragons!

Daoist_Over_God · Cómic
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11 Chs

Alien Threats

"Well, this is easy. Let's see…why can't you trust an atom?" Peter grinned.


"Because they make up everything!" Peter laughed alongside King Kai.

"That was pretty good. You're alright, Peter," King Kai snorted and said, "Alright, your turn."

"Uh…I couldn't figure out why the baseball kept getting larger, then it hit me?" Krillin said while scratching the side of his cheek.

King Kai busted up alongside Peter as he approved of Krillin and looked at Goku.

"What do comedians read?" Goku asked.


"Comic books!" Goku said with a red face.

Peter and King Kai were rolling on the ground while clenching their stomachs.

"You can't be serious," Raditz blushed.

"If you want my training, you make me laugh?"

"Ugh…What do you call a comet wrapped in bacon?"


"A meat-eor."

King Kai laughed while Peter waved his hand side to side and said, "Eh…5 out 10. Space joke for the alien? A little on the nose, isn't it?"

"So what's the training?"

"Well we can't start until you all adapt to the gravity. Oh, and get some weights on that Saiyan," King Kai grinned.

"Right," Peter said as he used a clothes beam to change Raditz's outfit to the same martial uniform Goku wears, only the colors were inversed.

Raditz hit the ground face first as Peter said, "I put about 2 tons on him."

"Good enough. Alright, I want you all to run laps. When you can finally maneuver like you can on Earth, we'll begin the advanced training."

And so the training for combating the evil space tyrant began. The group managed to adjust to the gravity in just a mere two weeks. Goku taught Raditz the basics in manipulating and sensing Ki. Once he could sense the other's level of Ki properly, he gasped at just how powerful his brother and the earthlings were.

When it came time to learn how a Kai manipulates and uses their Ki, Peter excelled more than the other and went through his own metamorphosis.

When it came time to learn the Kaio-ken, Peter once again showed he was an entirely different kind of beast. Goku and the others felt the strain of just doubling their Ki, but for Peter, it felt like someone was just prickling his skin.

"I see, even without Ki, your unique physique is even more powerful than a Saiyans. You might even be able to take the technique further than I ever could," King Kai commented.

They learned the Spirit Bomb, improved martial arts skills, and since they had time, Peter asked, "Hey, so this is the afterlife, are there other strong people we can learn from? Like ancient masters from across the universe? Surely there were people that were stronger than this Frieza guy."

"Actually, yes, but most of them are busy. How about I let you talk to them," King Kai offered his back to let them learn from some fighters that have long since passed on.

They weren't a visited by deceased heroes of this universe. However, they were able to open a line of discussion with Metamorians, old heroes from earth, ancient Yardratians, and even a few Namekians that taught Piccolo the secrets of their people.

Peter learned of many different training methods and thought they would be a good idea to try out at a later time. They had to focus on the training of the Kais.

Krillin managed to mix Master Roshi's max power form with the Kaio-Ken. With the full strength of his physique, he was able to gain an additional 1.5 times to the multiplier and handle more of the strain.

Goku copied him.

Peter managed to apply the Kaio-Ken in a way that allows him to push out more energy than what the technique he provided. By flooding a Ki blast or technique with an excessive amount of his Ki, Peter was able to reduce or offset the strain of his Kaio-Ken, allowing him to push it into even higher levels without breaking his body. It was draining, and it required not just excellent Ki manipulation, but a drastic increase in speed for expelling Ki. However, as a last ditch trump card, it had its uses.

Goku copied it.

Piccolo was probably the most suited for Kaio-Ken and was able to push it even further than Peter with less strain. However, what was most impressive was that he managed to mix the principles of the Spirit Bomb with his special beam cannon. By using the life force from the atmosphere, flora, and fauna, he was able to drastically increase his Ki gathering rate by tenfold.

Goku copied it.

Raditz wasn't permitted to learn any techniques, but King Kai did polish his martial skills and Ki control.

Raditz and Goku spoke a lot about the Saiyans. He spoke with pride when he explained how his father was rapidly climbing through the ranks, how much of a warrior he was, and what their mother was like.

They learned that the only other two surviving Saiyans was the Prince Vegeta and an Elite Class Warrior named Napa. He had heard that the second prince was sent away when he was a kid for being a weakling, but he didn't know whether or not he survived.

The question came up why Goku was sent to Earth, but Raditz dodged the question by saying, "I suppose he thought you'd easily conquer this planet since your PL was too low."

"Actually, Bardock and his wife wanted to change. They sent Goku to earth so he could survive. He was a strange one, for a Saiyan. He wanted to protect something for a change, and Gine is a down right anomaly, a pure hearted Saiyan who never saw the battle field. Unlike your father, she was able to go.." King Kai pointed up.

The Saiyan's eyes moistened as he covered his face with his hand.

"Huh, maybe we can bring them back to life with the dragon…" Goku was interrupted by Peter placed his hand over his mouth.

"What he's trying to say, you never know if you'll see them again someday," Peter glared at Goku and said, "That trick doesn't work if they've been dead for longer than a year."

"Sorry," Goku grinned innocently.

245 days after their training began, Peter and Goku had learned everything they thought they could from the Kai, and because of their constant increasing of weights, they were able to mimic higher levels of gravity.

Everyone's Power Levels were…

Goku: 4.5 Million.

Peter: 4 Million.

Krillin 3.5 Million.

Piccolo: 3.6 Million.

Raditz: 1.28 Million.

"Hmm…with the techniques you've developed, you might actually be able to defeat Frieza. However, listen to my warning; avoid King Cold until you've grown more than three times stronger. He hasn't used it in years, but his final form is much stronger than Frieza. If you have to fight him, don't give him the chance to transform."

"Got it," Peter gave a thumb's up.

They all flew off in King Kai's near weightless clothing. Peter simply wore what the Metamorians did for pants and belt, without the boots. With his suit underneath it, basically Spider-Man with harem pants. On the right side of the leg was King Kai's symbol.

Goku and Krillin got their Turtle School Gi remade alongside Raditz's inverse version got the same treatment.

Even Piccolo got it stamped on his chest.

"Those outfits are more durable than the Saiyan armors you're used to. It can stretch, so you can even use them in your Oozaru form."

"T…thank you." Raditz gave an honest bow.

"Huh? Maybe there's hope for you yet. Keep this in mind, Raditz. Sinner's go to hell, saviors are rewarded with heaven."

Raditz gulped as he nodded his head and flew off.

"Thanks for the duds," Peter smiled.

"You should drop me a line every now and then. With the connection we've established, just think of me when you want to joke around."

"Will do, smell ya later!" Peter took off.

Goku was fiddling with his weights as he mumbled, "Wow, they're as light as a feather. Big difference compared to Kami's weighted set."

King Kai smiled, "Too light? Maybe you should look into training on planets with heavier gravity."

"That's a great idea! Later, King Kai!" Goku smiled and flew off.

They all flew off and made back to earth in time to meet up with most of their family members training on the Lookout with the other Z-Fighters.

"You're back!" MJ jumped into Peter's arms.

"Who's watching the kids?" Peter asked as he hugged his wife.

"Kami, actually," MJ smiled as she pointed to living area of the Lookout.

"They just went to bed," Kami said as he walked out.

"Thanks for looking out for them," Goku smiled as Chi-Chi clung to his waist.

"It's the least I can do after all you've done for Earth and its people," Kami nodded his head.

Raditz informed them that the other Saiyans would be coming to earth in a couple of months, and that they wouldn't be as accepting of change as he was. However, he pleaded to give them a chance.

"Please, there are so few of us Saiyans left," Raditz bowed.

"Since you're Saiyans, I guess that responsibility falls on me to make sure you guys change your ways," Goku patted his brother's shoulders.

"Kakarot…thank you!"

They all celebrated their return, and Peter told them what they learned. He spent the next few weeks teaching them the basics of what King Kai taught them.

He was impressed with their growth. Everyone was in the high 900,000 to 2 Million PL range.

Chi-Chi and Mary Jane were neck in neck with PLs of 1.5 Million.

Tien almost died going too deep into the time chamber, but his near death experience and the life threatening training he underwent helped him grow to a PL of 2 Million.

Chiaotzu was at 980,000.

Yamcha was 1.2 Million.

Bulma had even increased her Ki to a PL of 56,000, but her biggest improvements came to her Symbiote. Armed with the combined knowledge of the highest tech in two universes, she managed to fuse the Symbiote with a form of meta-metal. The same material she built to hide the dragon balls was something neither organic nor metal, yet somehow both.

On top of that, she installed three Arc Reactors to increase the power output of the suit a hundred fold. With the suit active, she was capable of outputting attacks roughly 500 times higher than her Ki level.

While Peter geeked out on the improvements she made, Goku asked her if she could make a room that can increase gravity.

Bulma tilted her head side to side, "Well, yeah. Especially after dismantling your ship. I learned a lot."

"You did what?" Raditz nearly shouted.

"Relax, I put it back together," Bulma rolled her eyes.

"Cool. I'm sure after you guys spent a year in the Time Chamber, you saw the difference in efficiency between gravity and weight training, and how much quicker Ki grows in higher Gs."

"I'll get right on it. Give me a couple of weeks and I'll have the room ready."

"I'll help," Peter added.

They spent the last two months tinkering away with a gravity room and training in it. With the teachings of King Kai and ever increasing gravity, everyone's powers soared once again.

Goku: 9 Million.

Chi-Chi: 8.9 Million.

Peter: 9 Million.

Mary Jane: 8.5 Million.

Piccolo: 7.4 Million.

Krillin: 7.4 Million.

Tien: 7.4 Million.

Chiaotzu: 2 Million.

Yamcha: 3.5 Million.

Raditz 4.8 Million.

Bulma: 180,000. She spent most of her time working on a new power source that harnessed a microscopic black hole for power. If she was successful, she could improve the Symbiote Armor's output by triple its current limit.

When Vegeta and Napa arrived, they landed where Raditz had stationed his ship. They were in the middle of nowhere and far away from any city when the pods landed.

Vegeta got out alongside Napa and tried to speak. However, before they could get a word out, Raditz shot the scouters off their faces and tossed a new pair while saying, "Here. These are hundreds of times better than what you had, and it has the courtesy of not being bugged."

Napa growled with anger as he shouted, "What the hell are you…"

"Silence, Napa!" Vegeta shouted, lamenting how stupid Napa was. Neither of them could react to the speed of Raditz's movements, much less follow the trail of Ki.

He put on the new scouter and pressed it a few times, "Ugh, it's in the common tongue..."

Vegeta turned cold as he read the PL.

"Is this some trick?" Vegeta asked.

"No trick," Raditz replied.

"The hell! There's no way a runt like you can have that kind of power!"

"Bulma is our weakest fighter, and she still has enough power to match you in your Oozaru form."

Bulma waved her hand as Vegeta frowned, "Prove it!"

"Wow, we get to see Bulma fight?" Peter smirked.

"Oh shut up."

"Napa! Test her!" Vegeta said as he nudged her head.

"My pleasure. I'm gonna get a kick out making Raditz look like an idiot."

Napa rushed forward and punched. However, Bulma caught him with one hand and twisted it until he fell on to the ground.

He screamed in pain as Bulma asked, "Had enough?"

"The hell! I may have underestimated you, but now I'll use my full strength! RAAA!"

*Sounds of crickets chirping*

Napa suddenly found his face buried in the ground while Bulma put him in an arm lock.

"Give up?" She started pulling.

Napa tapped the ground as Bulma grinned and stood back up.

"Impressive…but let's see if you're really as strong as an Oozaru!" Vegeta created a fake moon and tossed it into the sky.

As it landed, Napa covered his eyes and everyone watched as both Goku and Vegeta suddenly transformed into giant apes.

"Whoops! I didn't know it'd do that. So it's an artificial moon, neat trick!" Goku laughed.

Vegeta's eye brow twitched before Bulma activated her Symbiote Armor and lifted him off the ground, throwing him into the air a good twenty feet.

As Vegeta landed on his back, he was completely dumbfounded. He stared blankly at the clouds passing above him as Bulma hopped on to his forehead and said, "With my suit, I can output 500 times more physical strength than my Power Level would suggest. The energy from my power packs energizes my the very cells in my body to unfathomable levels."

"Im…Impressive," Vegeta said as he sat back up.

"Can you do something about that?" Goku pointed to the fake moon.

"Right…" Vegeta released his Ki and the moon faded.

When the Saiyans returned to normal, Goku rubbed the back of his head and said, "Been a while since I was in that form."

"How…how did you all get so strong?" Vegeta asked with a jealous scowl.

"Earth isn't as simple as it seems. The techniques can allow them to fight against stronger opponents, their methodology of energy manipulation, and their teachers are gods, Vegeta. GODS!" Raditz explained as the Saiyan Prince went pale.

The only god he knew of was Beerus, and he wasn't about to start trouble on a planet that would be trained by such beings.

"You should know that my brother has a high possibility of defeating Frieza, and that Frieza was the one to blow up our planet, not some meteor."

"Hmph. I've known about that for years now. Only an idiot would believe a meteor could destroy our people."

"Uh, yeah. Raditz. How could you fall for such an obvious lie?!" Napa followed up while looking the other way.

Ignoring his subordinate's stupidity, Vegeta crossed his arms and said, "Kakarot, as your prince, I demand you teach us the methods you used to get such strength. I will be the one to defeat Frieza!"

"Sure, I can teach you guys, but you have to know, I won't help if you guys don't clean up your act. No more planet conquering!"

"What the hell are you saying, Kakarot?!" Napa frowned.

"Saiyans thrive for combat! Not slaughter. If you want to learn our ways, it starts with cleaning up those hearts of yours. I know what you used to do, but that all ends here. If you have a problem with it, you can leave this planet and never return."

A vein throbbed on Vegeta's said, "How dare a low-class."

Peter appeared in front of him and looked down on the Prince as he said, "Listen up, shorty. You have two options in front of you, change your ways and become infinitely stronger or get beat up and thrown off this planet."

"Ooh, I can call Jaco up and throw them in Space Prison," Bulma smiled.

"Hey, a third option just appeared. How come you didn't tell me you had access to space police?"

"You never asked," Bulma shrugged her shoulders.

"How dare some mere Earthling," Vegeta grit his teeth.

"Hey, you Saiyans respect strength? I knew a certain God of Lightning that taught me how to get you guys to understand," Peter's cracked his knuckles, "So…what will it be? Option 1, 2, or 3?"

"I…accept your terms," Vegeta relented.

"Okay! Great. We'll begin your training and you'll teach us everything about the PTO, what bases are nearby, what technology they use, and what kind of abilities or powers we're dealing with. If we're going to fight off an evil space army, we'll need information."

Vegeta smirked, "I guess I can see why Kakarot got so strong. You Earthling aren't half bad. However, as you said, Saiyans respect strength."

As he took his stance, Goku stepped between them and said, "Oh, I wouldn't mess with Peter. He's way stronger than me. How about we fight? I can test your skills!"

Vegeta nearly choked on his spit, "How much stronger?"

"Well, Peter said now that he is fully grown, his physical output is roughly 75 times stronger than what his Power Level would suggest."

Vegeta did the math in his head and nearly fainted.

"That's if he's not using his suit. That thing increases his abilities around 40 times their norm. Of course, my suit it better," Bulma added.

"I'll be making similar upgrades soon," Peter added.

Vegeta then gulped, "I see…Very well, I shall fight, Kakarot."

The two faced off, however, none of Vegeta's attacks could land, much less harm the one he called low-class.

For the first time in Vegeta's life, he was pushed to the limits of his strength. From the countless battles he partook under the umbrella of the Planetary Trade Organization, he had never once bled, yet now a mere low-class Saiyan was so far beyond him, he felt like an infant trying to fight an adult.

When Goku finally punched back, Vegeta clenched his gut in pain as he looked at him and said, "How, what are you? Are you…the legendary Super Saiyan?"

"Huh? What's that?" Goku asked.

"A Saiyan warrior so powerful that he was feared across the galaxy, it is the legends of our people that a Super Saiyan is unmatched in strength and might. You are one such Saiyan," Vegeta clenched his fists while thinking that it wasn't fair, and that he should have been the one to inherit such strength.

"Uh, I don't know about that. I just trained a lot…Is it some kind of power up like the Kaio-Ken?"

The voice of King Kai suddenly entered everyone's heads, "Actually, it's a transformation."

"Who said that?" Vegeta looked around.

"Ah, King Kai! Sir!" Raditz bowed to nowhere in particular.

"Kai? Are you the god that trained Kakarot?" Vegeta asked.

"Yeah, that'd be me, and no, Goku is not the Super Saiyan, he's just a particularly strong Saiyan. First off, there are two types of Super Saiyans. There is the transformation which around 6 Saiyans from Sadala achieved. It increases the power of your bases forms several times over. However, the Super Saiyan of Legend that you speak off is a mutated Saiyan that could not control his strength. His might was so great that it consumed him, and eventually his body became unable to contain such energy, resulting in an explosion with enough force that he destroyed not only Sadala but an entire portion of North Galaxy."

Vegeta couldn't believe his ears, "How do you know so much about our people."

"Because I was around when it happened. Did you forget that I am a God?"

Vegeta shook again.

"I'd take Goku and his people up on their offer. Change your ways, Vegeta, or the only thing that awaits you is hell."

Vegeta crossed his arms as he looked to Kakarot and said, "I'll need a place to live. Prepare a training place as well!"

"I'm not your slave, Vegeta. I'm your teacher," Goku crossed his arms, "Now when you want something, you ask, nicely."

"Hey! Aren't royals supposed to be raised with basic manners? You should know that Goku here is a Prince too since he married the Ox-King's daughter. That puts you both in the same cast of royalty," Peter added in a joke that hit like a jab to the gut.

Vegeta's eyebrow twitched as he looked away, "Very well…I need accommodations. Would you so kind as to prepare some for me?"

"You can room at my place, prince," Bulma said with a flirtatious smile.

"You sure about that?" Peter lifted a brow.

"I can take him on. Besides, you guys visit almost every day to use the gravity room," Bulma replied.

"Point taken…but if anything happens, you call us, okay?"

"Got it. Come on hobos, I'll show you around," Bulma chuckled as she started flying up.

Peter and the crew went with them and listened to Vegeta explain everything he could about the PTO, how they operated, and where they were stationed.

Peter took in all the information and said, "For starters, we should…and I can't believe I'm saying this, we should be space pirates and rob them. If their tech is so advanced that it let them conquer the most of the galaxy, we should steal it from their closest base."

"The first step in attacking a high-tech species, is copying their technology," Bulma nodded her head in agreement.

"There's a base that is about two week trip from here," Raditz explained.

"Listen up, Peter." The voice of King Kai echoed in the heroes head, "You shouldn't think of sparing the PTO members you encounter. I know you don't like to kill, and I don't know how your world would handle such things, but this universe works differently than yours. You are not sinning by simply destroying evil. The souls you send to the afterlife are purified and reborn once all the negative energy is purified. I know it's a lot to ask, but for this war, please throw away your sophistry. As long as you are not killing for evil reasons, you are still just, and in the right."

"I'm sorry, King Kai…but I won't kill unless it's absolutely necessary," Peter replied and turned to Bulma, "Hey, can you get me in contact with the Galactic Patrol? I'd like to learn how they handle powerful prisoners."

"Sure! So, are you really going to use those dinky space pods to travel the universe?"

"Well, if we want to win this fight, we have to fight smart. We're up against numbers that far surpass the populace of this world. There could be entire planets full of soldiers that are easily multiple times our planet's population. If we can steal their tech, we could not only improve our ability to traverse space, we can gain several benefits such as data mining, bases for further operations, and advancing our own technology," Peter said while thinking deeply.

"I see what you're getting at. But I was referring to the fact I could probably make a better space ship," Bulma shook her head.

"Oh…well, by all means," Peter chuckled.

"DAD! WE GOT WORK TO DO!" Bulma shouted with an excited expression, "I've never built a spaceship before."

"I'm helping!" Peter grinned as he looked to Goku and said, "The Saiyans are your responsibility now, train them and try to save their souls."

Goku nodded his head and said, "Come on you two, I'll show you the gravity room."

And so began roughly three weeks of training while they waited for Bulma, Peter, and Doctor Brief to build the spaceship.

Vegeta was taken aback by the world's technology and the resources they had to offer, especially the Senzu Beans. Hell even the armor made by Bulma was countless times stronger than his current PTO model.

With a nearly unlimited supply, they could continue training for days without tiring or feeling the pains of hunger, so the gravity training and Ki control methods allowed the Saiyans to grow like never before.

Vegeta could hardly believe he could get so strong, so easily.

Goku acted as a sort of life councilor to the two Saiyans, and although he wasn't very good at it, he still managed to make some headway into understanding that the lives they lived before only made them weaker. Of course, it was easier with Piccolo constantly helping him.

Within just two weeks, the Saiyans had managed to get closer and closer to Goku's base power.

When Goku found Vegeta meditating, he walked over and asked, "What's wrong."

"He said the Super Saiyan was a transformation…I'm trying to figure out what I can do to access it."

"Hmm…we could ask Shenron to find out," Goku rubbed his chin.

"Who is Shenron?"

"Oh, right…uh, well…I'm not supposed to talk about that. But let's just say that there's a wise old dragon that probably knows more than the gods. However, we can only ask him a question once a year," Goku turned to the side and whistled, showing just how bad lying he really was.

"Well…let's ask then!" Vegeta shouted.

"Right…uh…I'll be back in a bit," Goku said as he left the room and flew off.

After visiting the time chamber, Vegeta felt Goku's Ki vanish from the planet, only for it to return seconds later.

[Within the Time Chamber]

Goku stood face to face with Shenron as he asked, "Can you tell me how to transform into a Super Saiyan?"

"Is that your wish?" Shenron asked.

Goku thought of what Peter taught him about getting answers without expending the wish and asked, "I wish to become a Super Saiyan."

"That wish is beyond my power. In order to transform, you must channel your emotions into the dragon's gate at the base of your spine and mix it with your Ki. Intense emotions such as rage and shock are the best methods of unleashing the Super Saiyan Transformation."

"Hmm…okay, my wish is to learn the easiest way to become a Super Saiyan!" Goku announced.

The dragon humped and said, "An easy wish. You can use visualization techniques, hypnosis, or illusions. But the most optimal source of such abilities would come from your master, Muten Roshi."

"That's great!" Goku said as the dragon started to leave.

He grabbed them and placed them back inside the living quarters and left the time chamber.

"I can't wait ask Master Roshi for help," Goku flew off, excited at the idea of gaining more power. He was curious to see what kind of power he would obtain once he became a Super Saiyan.

He flew off to Master Roshi's house with lightning fast speed. It only took him mere seconds to arrive. When he finished greeting his martial arts instructor, Goku asked his teacher to use hypnosis to help him trigger the transformation.

Once Goku fully explained what it required, Roshi was pensive about following through. His student was basically asking him to traumatize him.

However, considering what they were up against, the more power they had the better off they would be.

Roshi agreed and used his hypnosis technique to put Goku in a trance. He made Goku imagine King Piccolo as an undefeatable existence that was able to kill his family. Since Goku's mind was so malleable, he didn't doubt the illusion.

Roshi made him think that the hypnosis didn't work and his life carried on like normal. When the trauma of his family dying hit him, Goku's body exploded with a golden light and sent shockwaves across the planet.

Vegeta paled as he recognized the Ki signature.

"He's done it…he actually learned how to transform into a Super Saiyan!"

Goku was struggling to maintain it, but the stimulus master Roshi provided was enough to allow him to not fall out of it instantly.

"My god," Master Roshi murmured as he sensed Goku's immense well of Ki.

Panting heavily, Goku wiped the tears from his eyes as he said, "Thank you, Master Roshi…I don't think I would have discovered this power on my own. Or rather, I wouldn't want to."

"I can imagine. It seems this power is a defense mechanism of sorts. Only to activate within times of great desperation or struggle," Roshi shook his head.

"Kakarot! You dog! You actually did it!" Vegeta shouted as he quickly flew over.

"Yeah…but it puts a lot of strain on the body," Goku huffed as he sensed the overflowing Ki.

"Then you must train until it doesn't," Roshi smiled.

"Right," Goku smiled.

"How'd you do it?" Vegeta asked.

"Intense anger, sorrow, hate…all of it…just unleashed in a tidal wave of emotion…" Goku said before he explained what he went through.

Vegeta demanded Roshi do the same to him, but Roshi didn't because he sensed the darkness within Vegeta's heart.

"Come on Roshi, I'll be here, so nothing should go wrong."

"That's not the issue, Goku. I used the trauma of losing your loved ones to trigger your transformation. Goku's trauma stems from his kind heart. Something you lack. Tell me, Prince. Do you have someone you love?"

Vegeta felt something inside him snapping. Years of conditioning, his pride, and everything he knew about the Saiyan race came crumbling down. Faced with the truth that there hadn't been a Super Saiyan since Sadala because of their evil ways, he had no choice but to accept the truth.

"I don't know much about this transformation of yours, but I can tell that it requires a kinder person to access."