
Web of Dragons

Spider-Man was issues away from making a deal with the devil when he was suddenly transported into a new world of alien threats, martial arts, and Dragon Balls. How will Peter return home, read and find out in the next episode of Web of Dragons!

Daoist_Over_God · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

5 Years of Peace

Once that was out of the way, Kami taught them everything he knew and Popo did his best to instruct them to master their Ki and Bodies, to move without thought, strike faster than lightning, and feel the world around them.

Peter also managed to make use of the Clothes Beam Technique to work it into his Ki-Webbing and made real webs manifest when he used it. He could give his Ki webbing unique properties like electrical shocks, intense heat, or simply make the webbing out of materials he had memorized. He could even make the webbing out of mythical materials like Vibranium and Adamantium.

It kind of reminded him of the time when he was the host of the Enigma Force. Weaving the Ki like they were molecules and then manifesting them as different types of webbing.

With ever increasing weights and Ki control, the group made rapid improvements. Yamcha even managed to join during their second year of training. However, since he cheated on Bulma, he was less than welcomed. Everyone that knew him had given a hard time. They made sure he understood how bad he messed up by reminding him every time they met up.

Once the second year passed, Bulma told everyone that he and the cheater had worked out their differences, and while Bulma and the gang had pretty much forgiven Yamcha, he was still skating on thin ice whenever he interacted with them.

After much discussion about what they should wish for, the group decided to use the dragon balls again and made the sun an eternal object, never losing energy, never aging, and most of all, completely stable, so no deadly solar flare that could destroy an entire planet.

During the third year, they reached the peak of what Kami could help them improve upon. Thanks to hearing the dragon explain that Earth would face many dangers in the future, the Guardian God of Earth put everything he had into training the group.

He showed them the time room, which allowed for them meet with various martial artists throughout their world's history. He let them fight previous versions of the God's of Earth, and even informed them that he put in a word to have them trained by a higher god than he.

Of course, that would take time.

Piccolo showed a series of changes as he was exposed to the Z-Fighters and their morals. He came to understand just how wrong his father was about earthlings, and even started to clear up the darkness that was within him, becoming close friends with Goku and the others was only a matter of time.

Another thing that was constantly discussed was how they should use the dragon balls. Bulma and Peter had many ideas, but they ultimately decided on making wishes that were impossible for humans to accomplish on their own.

So during the third year, they made two more wishes on the dragon balls six months apart. Of course, with their new residence being in the time chamber, that was a 182.5 years.

The first of the two wishes was for Mars and Venus to enter the goldilocks zone and perfectly align them so it never gets close to earth or mess up the solar-system's gravity, as well as clearing out any asteroids that might threaten their planets.

The second wish was to make the planets mars and Venus earth like, which included environments, seasons, moons, and day and night cycle. Shenron even threw in animals from earth to populate them.

"Well, with this, Humans shouldn't run out of living space for quite a long time."

"I never thought I would see such selfless wishes," Kami held back his tears.

"Each of them was made for the benefit of this world and its people," Popo smiled happily.

When Kami explained that their time training was up, and that there was nothing left to teach them, Goku said, "Well…now what?"

"We live peacefully until something bad happens," Mary Jane smiled as she held Peter's hand.

"Right, so should we meet up in the tournament?" Krillin smiled as he desperately wanted to show his master how strong he had gotten.

"Nah, flashy expos aren't really my thing. But I'll root for you guys," Peter smiled as he and Mary Jane flew off.

"I'll call when you make the farmlands," Bulma said as she too flew away.

"So we're really starting a Senzu Bean farm?" Goku chuckled.

"It's a good way to earn money and keep up fed, not to mention, it won't get in the way of our training," Chi-Chi followed up.

"Fine with me!" Goku cheered as they took off.

The tournament went as usual, with the finals coming down to Krillin and Goku. However, this time, Krillin managed to win by a narrow margin.

With Krillin walking away the victor, they all ate and celebrated his win with a feast.

Goku told them that Chi-Chi and he were getting married and were going to live in his old place on Mount Paozu. So Bulma gave him a nice house and the seeds to start his farm as a wedding present. The ceremony was extravagant, fancy, and with the Ox-Kingdom fully recovered, it was a springtime beautiful scenery that had everyone cheering for them to have a happy and fulfilling marriage.

For five years, they group kept up their training, and the world was at peace.

Goku and Chi-Chi ended up having Gohan around the time Mary Jane announced that she was pregnant.

Peter was over the moon, and couldn't be happier that he had a little girl he named Annie Mayday Parker.

Of course he called everyone to tell them he was going to be a dad. They threw baby showers and met up with the group to celebrate the new life being brought into the world.

Bulma also decided on using the dragon balls to wish for the Son and Parker families to live long and healthy lives. She could think of no better wish to make for the girls that had become like their sisters.

Shenron interpreted this wish as to give their families immunity to poisons, illnesses, and diseases while extending their lifespans by double.

They raised their children and Peter even moved to Mount Paozu to work on the farm with Goku. He had poured his heart and soul into inventing various things in this world alongside Bulma, and he wanted a break to raise his kid. He had plenty of money, a nice house, a strong healthy family, and has never been more at peace with balancing his personal life and hero activities.

Strangely enough, Tambourine and the other life form King Piccolo created were ordered by Piccolo himself to work as Senzu farmers on their land. They were a bit volatile at first, but with enough tempering and teaching, they began to mellow out. He gave them paychecks and kept an eye on them for months before Peter finally felt he could trust them somewhat.

Of course, he was still on edge most the time they worked on the Son Parker joint farm. However, after seeing how much they had changed, Peter had rethink on how he handled his villains. He didn't just stop at arresting him. If they couldn't be rehabilitated, then he would find a way to strip them of their powers.

He took a very scientific route to understanding his powers. After years of research and studies, Peter discovered every being had their own version of a Ki network and center. Technique he developed was almost surgical in nature. He could not only destroy but remove an opponent's Ki center, making it impossible for a person with weaker Ki than him to lose their ability to control or produce Ki.

Tao was one such person that got this technique used on him first hand. Due to the way they imprisoned people with Ki, weighing them down with heavy cuffs and weights made from the D-Metal Bulma and Peter made, it ended up making him stronger.

He thought he was hot stuff adjusting to 500 pounds, so he went on a rampage and escaped from the prison.

While he was on the job, Peter caught wind of the murders and tracked him down. Seeing the bodies he piled up behind him leaving an obvious trail, it wasn't hard. When Peter found him and defeated him, he severed his Ki-network and destroyed his Ki-Center, making Tao just a slightly stronger than normal human.

It was the last time the criminal would harm another.

He had to use the dragon balls to revive the people Tao killed, but he had learned a hard lesson about sparing his enemies. While the lesson was a harsh one, the world was safer place for it. When Peter returned to New York, he vowed he would do the same to his villains.

He wouldn't kill, but he would disable what made them threats. With what he learned in this world, the tech he could make when he returns could solve a variety of problems. This planet was hundreds if not thousands of years more advanced them their own and he had learned from the best scientific minds on it.

When Gohan turned four, Goku came over and said that they were going to meet Roshi and the rest of the Z-Fighters.

When he saw May climbing on the ceiling, Goku smiled and laughed as he said, "I see your kid inherited your powers."

"My kid isn't the only one that's inherited something from their father. I sensed your son's Ki spiking a few times. The kid is a prodigy," Peter chuckled as his daughter jumped on her dad's back and said, "Horsie!"

"It sounds like fun. It's been a while since everyone has gotten together. Not since Tien won the last tournament," MJ was down with a get together, and the group decided to go as a family. Even Chi-Chi tagged along.

While they flew to the island, Raditz arrived with more than a confused expression.

"1,150? 1,200? 1,500? More than ten power levels above a thousand? What's going on? They're all gathering in one spot with the 500 PL."

Raditz flew off to see what his brother had been up to, "Did he take over the planet and become its king? How are there so many power levels above a thousand but the majority of the populace is a 5?"

While Peter and the group met up with each other, Goku was the first to sense it.

"Um…is Piccolo coming too?" Goku asked.

Sensing the energy coming their way, Peter shook his head, "That doesn't feel like Piccolo."

"You're right, it's too weak," MJ said.

When the person in question came into sight, Raditz landed on the beach and looked around.

He read his brother's power level as 1,500. He couldn't believe that his brother managed to reach his power on such a weak planet, much less Peter who had the exact same.

Mary Jane was at 1,250.

Chi-Chi had a PL of 1,200.

Krillin's was 1150.

Bulma's was at 1,080.

Gohan was at 800.

"Kakarot, what happened on this planet? Did you take it over?"

"Huh? Who's Kakarot?" Goku tilted his head.

"You are! I am your brother, Raditz! How do you not recognize me?!"

"Whoa, you have a long lost brother?" Peter lifted a brow.

"I think you have the wrong guy, my name is Goku."

"No, you're name is Kakarot! You are the spitting image of our father, Bardock. Our tails are proof that we are Saiyans! A proud warrior race from the planet Vegeta!"

"You're an alien?" Everyone looked at Goku.

"Huh? I was wrong about you being a mutant. I didn't consider the alien angle," Peter joked.

"Well…he's still my Goku," Chi-Chi smiled.

"I think I recall Gohan saying something about you falling into a ravine and hitting your head when you were little. Maybe you forgot?" Roshi commented.

"Oh yeah, grandpa said I was a rowdy kid before I bumped my noggin, I forgot about that."

"You forgot?" Raditz said, careful to not mention what Goku was brought here for. He knew the rest were Earthlings, and he knew he didn't stand a chance if they all decided to jump him.

"So you're my brother, huh? Why are you so weak?" Goku tilted his head, "Ooh, I got it. You're suppressing your Ki, right. Darn, and I thought I got pretty good at seeing past that."

"Suppressing? Ki? Are you telling me you're stronger than what my scouter can read?"

"Scouter?" Bulma popped her head out from behind Goku.

"Ye…yeah. Your current power level reads as 1,500. The same is mine…" Raditz said with a sweat drop running down the back of his neck.

Peter held out his hand and asked, "Do you mind?"

"Er…it's kind of important, and you can't read it because it's written in the tongue of the Frost Demons."

"Cool! Come on Goku, let's see what this computer can calculate!"

"Sure, sounds like fun!" Goku said as he removed his weights and made Raditz's gasp.


Goku then started to power up, shaking the environment around them until it hit 50,000 and then exploded.

"Er…" Peter looked like Aunt May caught him sneaking cookies before dinner as he plucked up the broken scouter and said, "We can fix this…"

"How, how'd did a low class warrior like you get so strong?" Raditz shivered.

"Oh, I just trained a lot," Goku chuckled innocently.

"Training? What kind of training," Raditz noticed the weights Goku was putting back on.

"How heavy are those weights?" The Saiyan's eyes looked to the large dents in the sand.

"Oh, each of them weighs about 25 Tons, so with the weighted Gi, it's about 225Tons."

Raditz felt very scared at the moment as he glanced at the same weights on the rest of the group.

"So, what are you here for, er…brother?"

"Er…well, about that…I'll need a moment to uh, why I came to check up on you. I've been rather…busy, yes, busy so I couldn't leave my job…but since there are so few of us left after a meteor destroyed our planet, I went out of my way to come and pick you up."

"Wait, our home planet was destroyed by an asteroid?" Goku's eyes widened.

"Hold on…you said Goku were at the same power, 1,500. Is that high class?"

"No…it's still in the low ranking. Our parents were both low-class warriors. You'd need a minimum of 2,500 to 5,000 to be considered Mid-Class. Elite Class is anything above 5,000."

A light gleamed in Peter's eyes as he made the same realization his boss had, "I see what you're getting at, Bulma. Yeah, that doesn't make sense. How does an entire planet full of space-faring moon-busters loose out to an asteroid? Did it sneak up on them? You guys do have tech that can capture that kind of stuff, right? Like a planetary defense system, high tech sensors, a star gazer with good eye sight?"

"Well, we weren't known for being tech savy…but yes, we had such devices…Wait…wait," Something in Raditz's mind clicked, "No…he…oh who am I kidding? Frieza despises us…"

"Huh? That is weird, maybe it was moving so quickly it could evade any surveillance tech? Like a small asteroid moving fast enough can wipe out a whole planet," Bulma mentioned.

"But to hit that speed, it would have to be from launched from a close by Super Nova level event," Peter countered as he calculated how close a star would have to be in order for debris to shatter an entire planet into dust. It just wasn't scientifically possible.

"Ugh, they're doing it again," Goku sighed.

"Geeking out is what Pete does best," MJ chuckled.

"You see how important knowledge is Gohan? I want you to learn from your Aunty and Uncle. Kay?"

Gohan nodded his head.

"I uh…excuse me, Kakarot. I need to make a call."

"Sorry about the scouter! We'll fix it, honest!" Peter shouted.

"You can't…" Raditz paused when he saw Bulma use a capsule to pull out some lab equipment, stunning the Saiyan completely.

"God I love having a mobile lab," Peter said as he patted his capsule case.

Bulma got to work, and after inspecting it, she smiled, "The design is ingenious, but its low tech compared to what I can make. Let's see, the hard drive is intact, but all the circuits are blown. Is that a bug?"

"Bug? I don't see an insect?"

Bulma snorted as she looked at Peter who glared back and said, "You are most certainly Goku's brother. No, when I say it's bugged, I mean a device that intercepts audio transmission, spy tech. You working for some police agency or something?"

"No. I'm uh…a…mercenary. The technology belongs to my employer," Raditz scratched the side of his head.

"Ugh, please leave the quips to me. I don't want to have to deal with another merc's b-tier jokes,"


Peter shook his head and thought, "Man, I've been away from New York so long, I'm starting to hear things."

"I can make a better one in a few minutes. Peter, care to assist? I don't know what these metals are, so I'll need you to make some."


Bulma tinkered around for a few minutes and made him a new scouter.

"Here ya go, I used the hard drive from your previous device. Luckily, it wasn't burned, so it still has your call list and other data related subjects. However this one is way better. It should have a much higher read threshold and it won't blow up anymore. I put a failsafe to shut it off two digits before its limit. Seriously, how hard was that? What idiot made a tool blows up in your face?!"

"You made two," Peter said.

"Yeah, I wanted one." Bulma smiled.

"Uh, thanks. I have to go. I'll be back in a bit."

Raditz flew off while Bulma put on her new radar and said, "Now let's see everyone's full power."

"Sounds like fun," Peter said as he removed his weights and powered up to his absolute maximum.

The rest of the group did the same.

Goku was 280,000.

Chi-Chi had 245,000.

Gohan, who had just started basic training, had a power level of 5,000.

Peter had a PL of 290,000.

Mary Jane had 240,000.

Krillin's PL was 250,000.

Master Roshi's was at 2,500 because he stopped after trying to catch up to Goku and the others during their youthful years.

Mayday surprising had a PL 7,000 and hadn't even started training yet.

Bulma had a PL 18,000. She didn't train as much as the others, and barely wore her 2 Ton weights much less increase their heaviness like the other martial artists. And honestly, she didn't feel like it was necessary since her Symbiote could allow her to hit around seventy five times harder than what her power level would provide.

Over the years, Bulma decided to experiment with it a bit to try and increase the Symbiote in some way. She not only made it more durable and provide better enhancement, she mixed in several different alloys that made it nearly impenetrable.

Having Peter's powers was pretty good, but since he was the one with the super body, the Symbiote could amplify his powers more than her own whereas she was like how he was before he got the Symbiote.

They joked around and started cooking while waiting for the rest of the group to show up.

Peter told tales of his time as a Super Hero on another Earth while Gohan listened with stars in his eyes. Mayday was clung to Gohan while half-paying attention. She could speak somewhat, but not nearly as well as Gohan.

Even Goku paid attention to the stories as he liked hearing of all the strong people he fought against or alongside.

MJ, Bulma, and Chi-Chi chatted about various things that interested them. MJ spoke about clothes that she often provided for free. Bulma chatted about her advances in science. Chi-Chi spoke about how peaceful her life was and how much she enjoyed having a big family.

Tien showed up alongside Chiaotzu and then the party really got started.

Raditz sat back in his space ship and saw the farmer still there.

He took his pod and flew off somewhere else and eventually sat it down on a nearby mountain. Clicking his scouter, Raditz sighed as he thought of what to say.

"Vegeta…if you can hear this, could you come to earth?"

"Huh? You have a lot of nerve. What happened with those Power Levels earlier? Did your scouter malfunction?"

"Uh, yes! Yes it did. Just lock on to my ship's coordinates. We need to talk…in person."

Vegeta caught on and said, "I swear, if this is some stupid…"

"Just get here. I can't tal…look just get here as quick as you can. I'm…faaar too weak to handle my brother."

Napa and Raditz looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders.

"Can't be worse than what we're doing now. Maybe Kakarot can give us a good fight," Vegeta said with doubt.

"Hah, imagine being out done by your weakling of a brother."

With that said, they entered their pods and flew off.

Raditz breathed a sigh of relief as he ended the call and started flying back with his ship in hand.

"I have to get them to make me just as strong. I can't let things sour between Vegeta, Napa, and my brother…this would be so much easier if he was a weakling."

When he reached the beach again, he noticed the barbecue and the delectable smell coming from the plates of food.


"Hey, he's back," Peter shouted.

"Kakarot, what…what are you eating?"

"Oh, this is pork raised on my farm."

"You're a farmer?" Raditz sounded even more baffled. Not even the low class warriors were forced to do such menial labors. He saw it as degrading for a warrior to do such a thing.

"Well, I don't do much other than till, plant, water, and harvest. For a regular person, it's pretty hard work, but for someone at my level, I can do it in a few minutes, and since Tambourine, Cymbal, Drum, and Piano joined the crew, it's gotten a lot easier since they started taking care of the plants," Goku chuckled.

"He mostly trains or spars with me, especially once I bought the farmbots to help with the animals," Peter laughed.

"Can…can you train me? I need to get stronger as quickly as possible," Raditz thought of how Vegeta would slaughter him if his plan fell through. He needed to show him what they could gain if they didn't conquer the planet but rather worked together with the Earthlings.

"Sure, but you're already plenty strong. Why are you in such a hurry?" Peter asked.

"Uh…well…you see…" Raditz tried to think of an excuse, but he decided that it was better just to go for broke.

He collapsed onto his knees and looked at the ground, "I…am not a mercenary. No, I am slave to evil tyrant that forces me to go out and wipe out the population of entire planets to get them ready for sell…"

The group gasped.

"So what you're telling us, is that you've repeatedly committed planetary genocide," Peter felt his sense of reason waning.

"Not by choice. This man, no monster, Frieza…he destroyed our home planet, our mother, our father. He killed everyone!" Raditz gripped his fist through the sands, "We have always been the slaves of this man's family. Even our forefathers worked for Frieza's father."

Goku looked at Chi-Chi and said, "Honey. Take the kids inside."


Raditz's new scouter beeped as he looked up to see angry faces all around.

"I swear, if I had the strength, I'd never work for such scum. But Frieza fears us, fears our race. He would never let us go. If he catches wind that there's a Saiyan close to the strength of his first form…he blow up this entire star system. You have to understand, I have a Power Level of 1,500. Our Prince has a power Level of 18,000. Frieza in his most repressed state has a power level of 530,000. I even know that he has four forms in total. His second form was rumored to be just under 1 percent of his maximum power…and that recorded power level was 1 Million. Rebelling or running away was never an option."

"And because you came here, we're now on his radar," Peter clenched his fists.

"No, even if I hadn't come, that bastard would eventually find Earth. Frieza makes his money off of selling habitable planets. 1/3rd of our galaxy is owned by him. Earth is one such planet…that would…sell well…"

"After hearing what you just told us, why on earth should we train you?" Peter felt his Ki rising with his emotions.

"I want to partner up! I want the defeat of the monster that slaughtered my world and countless others. Please, I can be a valuable ally. Kakarot had a power level of 2 when he was born. If he can get this strong with the training Earth provides, not just me, Vegeta and Napa can eventually overcome the Tyrant."

"I will never…" Peter was interrupted.

"I'll train ya," Goku said with a smile on his face.

Everyone looked at Goku like he was mad when Peter shouted, "What the hell?"

"Sorry, Peter. But I want to give him a chance. It wouldn't be fair we didn't at least try. Besides, isn't he kind of like that Silver Turfer guy you told me about?"

"Silver-Surfer…and…argh…" Peter ran his hands through is hair in frustration before letting out a sigh, "Fine, but he's your responsibility. I won't teach a mass murderer, regardless of whether or not he had a choice in the matter."

"I agreed to train you, Raditz. But you must swear off your old ways. No more killing innocent people, no more abusing your power."

"Thank you brother! I won't let you down, I promise to make you proud," Raditz slammed his head against the beach as he bowed.

"What about this Frieza guy? You think it's why we were brought here?"

"It could be part of it," Peter replied.

"If what he says is true, then his PL could be upward of 120 Million. That's quite a distance between our own," Bulma gulped.

"We've gotten this strong, we can get even stronger," Goku smiled.

"Perhaps I can help with that," Kami appeared on his flying carpet.

"Kami!" The group shouted.

"You remember that God higher than myself I mentioned back when you all completed your training?" Kami said as he kept his stoic appearance.

They nodded their heads, "Well, since the name, Frieza came into the conversation, he has changed his tune. He will agree to train a group of people 5 people. Piccolo is already amongst the 5, so chose the remaining four."

"Take Krillin with you instead," MJ said as she nudged her husband's ribs.


"Someone has to take care of our daughter. Besides, you can teach me what you learn later," MJ booped his nose.

Peter leaned his forehead against MJ's head and said, "I'll be back before you know it."

"I'll time you," MJ chuckled.

"Training with…a god?" Raditz couldn't believe his ears.

Goku picked his brother up by the collar of his armor and said, "Come on. I have to keep an eye on you. So you might as well come with me."


Chi-Chi kissed her husband on the cheek and said, "Here, it's a capsule full of Senzu Beans seasonings. I also packed a large lunch."

"Thanks Chi-Chi, you're the best."

With their goodbyes said, the group went off to train while the Earthlings gathered at the look out to use the Time Chamber and train with everything they had. If the Frieza they were warned of was really as strong as Raditz claimed, they needed to get roughly two hundred times stronger.

If they felt that they had no other choice, they could rely on the Dragon Balls as a last resort.

Kami teleported them to the afterlife and there they met King Yemma.

They were warned not to fall of Snake way, but they all simply flew across it with incredible speed with Goku dragging Raditz behind him.

It only took them a few seconds to reach the planet and landed on it with a look of surprise.

Goku, Krillin, and Peter could barely stand with their training weights suddenly increasing by ten times.

Raditz on the other hand seemed fine as he said, "Ah, it's just like home. The gravity is an exact match. I'd say roughly ten times that Earth you've been living on."

"No kidding," Peter was sweating. He never felt anything like this before. It wasn't like lifting heavy weights. Every cell in his body was 10 times heavier. His bones and organs felt like they were working in over drive to keep him standing.

"About time you got here," Piccolo said as he walked around the planet and met up with them.

"Ahem, gentleman. Welcome to my planet. I am King Kai," The blue being announced as he walked out from his house.

"I've been watching you guys for a while now. I'm impressed with the gains you've made. However, if you think it's enough beat Frieza and his army, you got another thing coming."

"So you're going to train us, right?" Goku said as he forced himself to stand back up.

"That I am. However, you have to make me laugh before I do anything."

Piccolo laughed as he said, "HA! Feel my pain!"

"Piccolo told a joke? Aw man, I missed it!" Peter pouted.

The Namekian huffed as he thought that he actually owed Peter. If he wasn't constantly bumbling out jokes, he wouldn't have been able to make the Kai laugh.