
Villain in the world of Naruto

Akuma, standing under the red light of the moon that mimicked the pattern of his eyes, stared at the destruction of the world. Cries, cries of despair, pleas for mercy were heard, but he only smirked and said: "Devil, it's your time!"

_DilLen · Cómic
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39 Chs

Chapter 14 Two Months Later

-Fu-fu, you're getting better every time, Obito," I said, easily dodging a shuriken flying at me. But not enough!" I shouted as I threw and took his hand in my grasp. He tried to get out, but only made it worse. I quickly let go of his arm and let him get up, and I gave him two pointed punches to the tenketsu. He, after losing his ability to reinforce himself with chakra for a few seconds, was quickly beaten by me. After that, Obito quickly conceded defeat and we, after talking some more, parted ways.

Two months passed after I visited him. More than 10 sparring sessions with Obito have taken place in that time, and each time he gets a lot better than his old self.

Akuma's thoughts.

All that damned Sharingan. Uchis are talented in their own right, but those who awaken it, especially at a young age, are geniuses among geniuses. That's okay. The important thing is that my development doesn't stand still, either. These months have been very productive for me, too. "Status!"

Name: Yakushi Akuma


Age: 2 years






Chakra Control:13%

Proximity to attributes: Lightning 100%


Transformation Technique LVL2 71/100

Passive skills

"Shurikenjutsu LVL3 51/100

"Taijutsu Fundamentals LVL3 5/100"


10% to mind techniques.

5% to physical damage

"Taijutsu Fundamentals LVL5 1/100"- In-depth knowledge of combat skills. Increases Strength and Dexterity by 1.0

"Shurikenjutsu LVL 4 40/100"- Passive skill. Gives the user a basic knowledge of how to properly use throwing weapons. Increases Shuriken, kunai, senbon, and knife-throwing abilities by 25%.

While the stats didn't grow as much, the increase in strength I got was huge. The most important thing I think is the transition of the Taijutsu skill to level 5. It gave me a lot of new knowledge about the methods of fighting and training methods, which made it much easier for me to analyze my opponent's actions and to predict his movements. The second important improvement was the Transfiguration Technique. With its help my money is much more. Every night I pretend to be a different person. Sometimes someone's relatives, homeless people, or animals, after which I steal money from people. At least I have money for food. What Dog brings me is not enough. With the help of this I was finally able to put together a fully balanced diet for myself that helps my body grow. Recently I learned from talking to the locals that there was a battle between Hiruzen's disciples and Salamander. That means Orochimaru will be back soon. I'll finally have a teacher. I recently made an important discovery for myself. My medical knowledge and my control began to be enough to use simple healing techniques. These are now the simplest of techniques, with the most you can do is heal superficial cuts. But in my situation, these techniques are useless. The wounds I inflict on myself every day are getting worse. Whereas before they were small incisions, now they are deep bleeding wounds. Every day I have to go through terrifying pain, just to get stronger. If someone saw my naked body, they would scream. Even now there are about 5 cuts there, about 10-12 cm long. And that's where one problem comes in, the hatred I've been throwing at Obito, now I can't take comfort at his expense. I'm getting angrier by the day. I'm having a hard time keeping my disguise. I'll have to find some fun, or all my plans will go wrong.

Night of the same day.

After going out for another robbery of the locals, I decided to take a little walk around Konoha. Tonight was one of those nights I love. It was raining with a thunderstorm. Grabbing an umbrella from some man, I quickly left. Walking through the empty streets and thinking about eternal things, someone called out to me

-Hey boy! Come here!" some drunken men shouted. I looked closely and found the treads on them. They were Genie's. "Are they trying to rob me?" I thought. "Well, that's my excuse."

As I approached them, just as I thought, they began to threaten to beat me up if I didn't give them money. Tired of their chatter, I took a senbon out of my belt and stabbed one of them in the kidney. I applied poison to all my senbons from the herbs I'd gathered in the woods nearby. Its only function was paralysis. The second one had a pretty good reaction and, noticing what I'd done, quickly attacked me with his kunai. Maybe if he was in normal condition he could have competed with me, but since he was drunk he moved unnaturally, staggering around. Calmly repelling his kunai with my own, from my sleeve, I made a sweep. He didn't have time to react and fell to the ground. Quickly inserting the senbon into his body paralyzed him as well. In general, this paralysis is very bad for ninjas. But because they had alcohol in their blood, it worked better. I didn't hesitate to start hitting the second one. I hit everything I could get my hands on. But I quickly got bored with that. I noticed a cellar not far away. Going in and not seeing anyone, I dragged the two of them there. I quickly made my way to some store and got some rope and all the tools I needed. When I got back there I noticed one of them, the one I hadn't beaten, starting to move. Still, the senbon wasn't too sharp to do much damage, even to internal organs. That's even better. I tied their hands together and tied their mouths. Finding chairs I sat myself and them down. They tried to moo something, but I didn't pay attention. I wanted to get rid of the hate, at least for a little while. Once they were seated, I began to speak:

-So here's the deal. Now I'm going to untie your mouths. If I hear even a squeak from you, I will break every bone in your body, along with this treating you and bringing you to consciousness, so that you do not die prematurely. Then I'll rip open your bellies and turn all your insides outward, making you eat each other's insides, and then I'll find out about your families and perform similar procedures on them. Though who knows what will be waiting for them. I have a rich imagination," I said with a wink.

- Do you understand me? They sobered up and sharply nodded their heads.

-That's fine," I said, freeing their mouths.

-Now we're going to play a quiz. I'll ask questions from ninja academy, answer correctly - nothing happens to you. If you answer wrong, you don't want to know yet. Let's save the suspense. Let's do this. When one gets five right answers, I'll let him go. I'll even give him 100,000 ryo. What awaits the second, shall we say, an unforgettable journey into the land of pain and despair, Well, men know what I mean.

-Don't... Please don't kill me, I have a wife and kids. One of them started begging me in tears.

-Did I ask that? -I asked a rhetorical question. I went up to him and broke the little finger of his left hand.

-You are only allowed to speak when I ask you, is that clear?!" I shouted. The guy with the broken finger took the pain and answered "Yes!" The other one also answered "Yes!" I looked at the other one. He already had a foul-smelling puddle under his chair.

-Well, now that you understand everything, the game is open! -I said happily...

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Ps.... On my patreon, it's already out two chapters ahead.

I hope you like my work. Write your thoughts on how it can be made better.

_DilLencreators' thoughts