
Victoria Alexandra Alexia ~ The Multiverse Traveler

This is the story of Victoria Alexandra Alexia, who gets reincarnated in the British royal family as a girl in 1892 with the ability to be a multiverse movie or TV show traveler. ================================================================ The MC is a Futanari and a lesbian, and yes, there will be harem. ================================================================ This is inspired by "Movie World I am king" and "Past life returner" for the start bit. ================================================================ This novel will have a business side as well as R18, and if there is something wrong, be sure to type it in the comment box.

groomable · Película
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24 Chs


(A/N: Thanks for the power stones, guys. Even though I do not know what they are used for, thanks.

A comment mentioned setting up a dynastic marriage, and I've been looking for a way for Alexia to get her hands on Russian old money, and this seems like a good way.

We will see about it later, and, oh yeah, the MC is going to be dressed as a girl in her early years because she has both male and female reproductive organs.

In the upcoming chapters, I'll try to establish a relationship between Alexia and her family before going on her adventures. Okay, no more spoilers, I promise.

I have been trying to make way for both this story and my entrance exams for universities, so comments will be appreciated because they motivate me to write.

Okay, now let's start the chapter, you fuckers.]


Did you ever notice how addicted we are to technology? Oh my fucking god, it was so boring to stay in the womb for 4 fucking months. (A/N: According to research, a baby has fully functional brain nerves from 25 to 29 weeks, which is 5.5 months.) (That is when our MC woke up.)

I mean, yeah, I was sleeping most of the time, but still, I was in the same position. If I were to describe this feeling, it felt comfortable and uneasy both at the same time because I could hear the rhythm of my mother's heartbeat, but at the same time, the feeling of my body not being in control felt uneasy for a period of time, but later it also became comfortable.

I spent my four months between sleeping while being covered in amniotic fluid or listening to my mother's mumbles.


Not much of the amniotic fluid was left. I mean, I knew being born was a painful experience. But, damn, it was like hell.

The pressure coming from all over was overloading my senses. All I knew was that I just wanted to get out of here.

It felt like I was being crushed. I mean, I had grown more in my mother's womb in the last 4 months. But I was still a fragile baby.

It was like my skin was being crushed and my muscles were being shredded. I wanted to scream, but something liquid-like threatened to fill my mouth.

I knew I couldn't scream because, right now, both my mother's and my life were in balance.

The pain was overwhelming me while I was being forced through this narrow tube. I knew I had to endure this pain if I wanted to build my business empire that spans universes and the harem. Can't forget my harem.

The feeling of my skull being compressed at the end of the narrow tube was unlike anything else. It felt like my brain was melting, and it felt like it was being pushed through my nose and eyes. It felt like I was dying again.

It was at this moment that I heard my mother's cry, like a scream, and what I think a midwife and a doctor were saying.


"Ppuuuussshhhh," both the doctor and the midwife said.

I knew this was a do-or-die moment. So I spent the remaining strength I could gather and pushed, albeit in the feeble attempt of a new-born baby.

The moment my head got out of the birth canal, I could finally let out the scream that was being repressed. But all that got out was crying with a slap on my buttocks.

"Gaa Gaa Gaa.."

While going to sleep in my mother's embrace, all I heard was, "Ssh, sleep now."


One year later..

I don't know if it was a coincidence or fate. But I was born in the same room where my mother, {Mary of Teck}, and my great-grandmother, {Queen Victoria}, were born. [Image in the comment box]

The whole family adores me. When I was born, my great-grandmother came to visit me and said I was adorable.


I had a conversation with Katie after a month, and I asked her, "Why did she make me go through all that pain?" and the answer she gave in her new feminine voice was, "If you can't even go through a little adversity, how will you make your business empire?"

I couldn't help but fall in silence and think, "Maybe she is right; if I can't even go through this pain, am I even worthy of a device like her? Won't I be like everybody who just gives up when faced with a little adversity?"

I could only say "sorry."

She said, "It's okay."

She asked me, "When will we start our adventure?"

I answered, "In four or five years."

She asked me, "Why later? Why not now?"

My answer was simple: "If we can't change the plot, we will have to wait energy for nothing, and if I go there now to change the plot, I will have to stay there, and I will definitely grow older and bigger. How will anyone be convinced that this is normal?"

She understood and said we would watch a movie later when my mind adapted to me staying here longer. We just talked for another 5 minutes, and I left. Who knew she could be such a good person to talk to?

We still get together for longer and longer periods of time as I get older.


The most frustrating thing about being a baby is that you do not have control over your bladder. I know.. I know.. Many stories say this, but it is indeed embarrassing.

But being reborn as a baby has its perks.

I am way cuter than your normal baby; my hair color is light brown, but the unique thing is that my eye color is different—one is red and the other is purple.

The eye color and my reproductive organs threw everyone off, even the doctor.

********************** [Flashback 3rd Pov] *********************

The doctor was confused. "I've only heard and read about it; Your Majesty and Queen Consort {Both Grandma and Great-Grandma were there}. This is my first time seeing something like this."

[A/N: If you haven't read the character profile, let me tell you. Queen Victoria is the great-grandmother; Alexandra of Denmark is the grandmother who is the queen consort]

The queen consort said in a stern way, "Speak, doctor, what happened to the baby?"

The doctor was sweating on his back. I mean, this is the royal family, and during this time, they had a lot of power. The least they might do is that they would make his credibility so low that he would have to change the country, and the worst is that he would get killed for this secret.

The doctor explained hurriedly. "You have to know this is not our fault; it is genetic. The baby has what you might call heterochromia, which is why its eyes are of different colors, and it also has ambiguous genitalia. I mean, it is very rare to only have one of them, but the child has both of them; this is a very, very rare occurrence." 

The queen consort asked again. "Doctor, what is this ambiguous genitalia?"

Her majesty then said, "Let the doctor talk, Alexandra. Tell me, doctor, what is this? Is this a disease?"

That is when Mary of Trek came inside the room after feeding and letting her child sleep. when she heard that something might have happened to her child, "What disease, doctor? Tell me what happened to my child." 

The doctor who had calmed down explained, "Well, these are not diseases, as you would call them, but conditions that happened due to the alteration in the genes of the child. They are not harmful. As I explained earlier to her majesty and the queen consort, heterochromia iridum is a condition in which the baby has different eye colors, and ambiguous genitalia is a condition in which the child can have both reproductive organs, as in the case of the princess and, may he be in peace, Prince Albert's child. The child has both reproductive organs, so we can't know if the child is a boy or girl."

All three were shocked, but they quickly composed it because they are after all the royal family. They have been trained through years of training.

Her Majesty quickly said, "Nobody speaks a word of it until I find out about it."

*************************[Flashback Ends Back to 1st Pov]**********************

Well, after some time, the topic was closed, and it was decided I would be a girl, and my name was decided to be Victoria Albert Alexandria Alexia.

I was baptized in the cupola room in Kensington Palace. There were many people who were there; even the Queen was there. "It was awesome." There was the King of Hellenes, the Dowager Empress of Russia, and many more. [Pic in the comment box]

I started showing my genius side. I mean a 21-year-old mind in a baby. I mean, compared to normal people in this century, I am a genius. I started trying to control my body since the start, and I could sit up on my own at 4 months. I started crawling and talking to myself at 5 months, and I finally started walking on my own at 7 months. 

I remember wanting to show myself as a genius. So, when the whole royal family was gathered for a gathering of sorts, I think I was 8 months old at that time.

I started trying to stand up and make sure to act like it was my first step, and when I took my first step, the whole room went silent. I knew I had to sell the part and, at the same time, make sure to plant a seed in my uncle and mother's brain to get together because my father was dead. "And I don't know how to feel about that. I mean, I didn't even know him, but I respect him for giving me birth." and my mom and he were not married, so mom and uncle had to get married for the preservation of the dignity of the royal family.

So here I was, taking my totally real first step. I wobbled a bit. but then started walking towards my uncle and future stepfather, George V.

By now, I had everybody's attention, and everybody stopped watching me take my first steps.

I mean, I was the second-in-line of succession if I didn't marry outside the royal family, so I was pretty important right now.

I walked towards my uncle step by step, and he watched. *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap*, and for my final show, ladies and gentlemen, I said, "Da..da...."

I again said it correctly, "Dad."


[A/N: And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. In my new chapter, I'm just making sure that the timeline is not going wrong and also making sure the MC has a real relationship with the British royal family. In these few chapters, after all, in real life, Mary of Teck and George V got married, and it's also self-preservation for the main character's royal background. So, just bear with it; the adventures of the multiverse will start in 4-5 years in MC time.

If you have any other suggestions, make sure to drop them off in the comment box or in my discord. And please make sure to leave a comment about how my book's going so far; it encourages me to write more.

Make sure to read today's weird quote.]

"Every secret of a writer's soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind, is written large in his works." ~ Virginia Woolf

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