
Victoria Alexandra Alexia ~ The Multiverse Traveler

This is the story of Victoria Alexandra Alexia, who gets reincarnated in the British royal family as a girl in 1892 with the ability to be a multiverse movie or TV show traveler. ================================================================ The MC is a Futanari and a lesbian, and yes, there will be harem. ================================================================ This is inspired by "Movie World I am king" and "Past life returner" for the start bit. ================================================================ This novel will have a business side as well as R18, and if there is something wrong, be sure to type it in the comment box.

groomable · Película
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24 Chs

Am I?

{Author-chan: Hello, strangers. Welcome to this new chapter. I have read many messages and replied to them as well. I think the pace at which my business side is going seems to be right. But even if it is not, we do not need to worry because the business side will happen in the world where Alexia is born as well. About Gilmore girls, It will have to happen later because I've not watched that series. Fallout can work.

Now, let me know if you like the love character development that I did in this chapter or just make the MC seem perfect so that the heroines fall in love. You know the "fell in love first time saw Alexia," haha, but seriously. Also, let me make it clear that there will be all kinds of sex: incest, vanilla, the Eiffel Tower, and the Tilted Triangle. So don't forget to mention the things you want Alexia to do. Also, make sure to tell me how I am doing, and I appreciate all the power stones you guys are giving. I still don't understand what power stones do, but they look shiny, so I like it.

I got sick after writing the last chapter. I am getting better, but I am sleepy as fuck.

Okay, let's begin the chapter. You Fuckers.}


May 1988

{Age: 25} [Pic in the comments.]

I guess you shouldn't call my home a house because it's a castle. Some might think it is impossible to build a castle in New York. My castle is at 102nd St. Crossing, New York. In my previous life, this place was part of Central Park. But I bought all the area on the right side of Transverse Road. The castle was built on the North Park Meadow with access to Croton Reservoir, later named Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir. The rest of the property was made into a wildlife sanctuary with visitation. I have to say it needed some persuasion. [Pic in the comments.]


I got inside my 1969 Chevrolet Corvette ZL1 and drove to my office. Behind me as well as in front of me were two cars, each filled with bodyguards, and we drove towards the Yggdrasil building. [Pic in the comments.]

I enter the building with my headphones while listening to [Walking On Sunshine, Katrina, and The Waves.] and walk towards the elevator to go to my office with my bodyguards and my secretary, who started following me when I entered the building. They all know this is my morning routine. At this time, they cannot disturb me, so they silently follow me. But then I heard someone call my name. [Author-chan: If you guys still have not figured out why I did this routine, then I know you did not search for and listen to the music name I have written.]

[Jenny Johnson] [Pic in the comments.]

I am going out tonight with Barry. We are nerds and outcasts from high school, so we stick together. I thought if I was going to give my virginity to someone, it might as well be Barry.

Anyway, that's tonight, but before that, we have our school trip today, and I am so excited because I will be seeing Ms. Alexia; she is my idol. She is most girls idol; she is beautiful, she is rich, and she is like a princess charming.

7:30 am

We arrived there early so we could meet the scientists and see the various things different departments are working on without disturbing their work. One of the reasons almost everyone of my classmates was her was because they wanted to see the famous Alexia routine. In one of the interviews that Ms. Alexia's secretary gave, we got to know that she has a routine in the morning that allows her to concentrate the whole day and also increases her willpower. I tried to do it, but I could not follow it for more than a week. I do not know how anybody can do the routine every day.

8:00 am

Here she comes. The bodyguards opened the door, and she walked in. OMG, she is so beautiful. I mean, don't get me wrong, I am not a lesbian. But she looks beautiful. She walked towards the elevator without a smile, wearing some high-tech headphones with her company logo on them.

Even the jocks who were talking earlier stopped. Maybe part of the reason is that the school vice principal told us earlier to not say anything when she comes, or the school will not be responsible for what happens to that student, or maybe they too were mesmerised by her beauty.

I think I understand why many men do not like the fact that she is a lesbian. This was a rumour that was later confirmed by Ms. Alexia herself. I do not know why, but I just had the urge to ask for an autograph from Ms. Alexia, even though we were warned not to disturb her morning routine.

While many things were racing through my mind, I did not know when I spoke out loud, "Ms. Alexia, Can I get your autograph?"

The whole place went silent when Ms. Alexia stopped in her tracks and turned to look at me for a second. When she looked at me with that gaze, like a tiger looking at its prey, I felt my legs go weak, and I almost fell, but I kept myself standing. After that, Ms. Alexia just pointed a finger at me and then turned the finger towards the elevator. Then she started walking again. I did not know what that meant. But then Ms. Alexia's secretary walked towards me and said, "Please follow me."

That's when Barry spoke. "She accidentally spoke, miss. She is sorry. Please, let her go." [Pic in the comments"]

The secretary just looked at Barry and said, "I think it would be better if you did not meddle in this, young man."

I absentmindedly started following the secretary, and I looked behind me to see Barry with his head down. I only had one thought in my mind, which I do not know, when I said it out loud, "Coward," and left.


Alexia's Office [Pic in the comments]

"Come in", The secretary knocked, and then we went inside after hearing the voice.

I sat on the opposite seat while the secretary talked with Ms. Alexia for more than ten minutes. After what felt like torture, just sitting there and not moving. I finally spoke, "I am sorry."

Both Ms. Alexia and her secretary stopped talking, looked up, and then Ms. Alexia spoke and said to her secretary, "You can leave now."

The secretary smiled knowingly and left.

Ms. Alexia got up from her seat, then walked towards me, leaned on the glass desk, and said, "Your name is Jenny Johnson. You are currently in your final year of high school. You are a confused, insecure young girl. So how did you have the courage to interrupt my morning routine? You broke my routine, Ms. Johnson."

I was sweating on my back. I did not know what to do. She knows everything about me. I lowered my head and only wished I had never come on this trip. I just wish this was a dream.

My glasses were taken off and folded by Ms. Alexia. I looked up, and our gazes locked. She said, "What do you think I should do to you, Ms. Johnson?"

I was about to have a breakdown, just when I was going dizzy.

Ms. Alexia waited for a minute, then got close to my face, handed my glasses back to me, and said, "I know, you will work for me."

I was instantly dumbfounded and thought for a second that she would kiss me or just pin me on the glass table and have sex with me, at the thought of which I was not disgusted, even dreaming a bit about it. But before I could even process what she said, she called her secretary to assign my work and send me off.

When I got out of her office, I felt a sense of disappointment that she did not kiss me. Now I only had one thought: "I am not a lesbian."

"am I?"


{Author-chan: Okay, guys, I wanted to try making a little relationship between Alexia and Jenny. Also, because you cannot turn a straight person into a lesbian instantly right that person needs to have some transition. I will get rid of Barry in a chapter or two and complete the business side of this world in the next chapter.

Make sure to tell me how the pace of the story is going. Also, keep recommending me more movies or series. Don't forget to read the weird quote of the day in the author's thought.}

"Writers live twice." ~ Natalie Goldberg

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