
Viajante Witcher - SI AU

Don't expect anything elaborate. I'm just writing as a way to clear my mind and escape my depression. In case I ever post this, you don't have to leave your useless comments, just constructive ones. Whether they are encouragement, because you are enjoying it, or because you can see where it could be improved. Regarding chapters, I have no idea, I will just write and release when I can. I need to finish my degree soon, get a job or I won't be able to pay my bills anymore. The grammar will suck anyway, because I'm really lazy, and no, I don't have people to correct it because it needs money, and I'm unemployed. I don't own any universe that will be used, much less its characters. As for the timeline, I don't give a shit. My patreon is.... https://patreon.com/Noxville753 Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Emerson_Leite · Derivados de juegos
Sin suficientes valoraciones
65 Chs

10. Me Fazer Entendido

My destination was Ban Gleán, the southernmost town in Kaedwen, from there I could follow the road west and enter bloody Redania.

I was on my third day on the road, stopping only to rest Black and get something to eat. At night, I would set up camp and rest.

But one thing was really bothering me. That clueless group that thinks they are hiding from me.

Yesterday, they split in two, with half of them cutting across the road at full speed and passing me.

It was more than obvious, that they wanted to ambush me, and I still can't understand how that fat king has the courage to send such unfit men to try something against me.

Night was beginning to gain its hour, and finding a good place to camp, I began to prepare for the night. I tied Black to a nearby tree but left enough rope that he could move a little.

I put up my tent, put the sleeping bag inside, and created a fire in front of it. This would keep not only me, but Black also warm. It looked like the night would be cold.

Cold and Bloody.

My instincts made me quickly draw my sword, deflecting a knife thrown at my leg. I could see that the blade was bathed in some kind of liquid, which I assumed was poison.

I stood there, sword in hand, waiting for the attack to come. But as it turned out, I had underestimated these guys.

Five minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, and no attack.

My body, as a matter of course, relaxed for just a few moments when a new knife came in my direction. I quickly deflected it too. I turned my attention to the direction it came from, but nothing, only darkness stared at me.

Another five minutes, ten minutes, thirty minutes.

Their tactics were good. If I relax, they make one more decoy, making me tense, preventing me from resting, and irritating me.

If I succumb to irritation, I will try to hunt each one of them, which causes me to fall into the traps that I am sure are waiting for me.

If I succumb to tension, I will lose focus, and this will give them the advantage for an open and accurate attack, and if I succumb to fatigue, they will have no effort at all.

So I will need to appeal, which I really don't want to do.

Taking a few steps towards my horse, I put my left hand on him, creating a shield to protect him. He will be a target, should I take too long to succumb to anger or fatigue.

I place one knee on the ground, and rest my left hand on the ground. "maior hastilia terrae" and the runes on my arm glow with a silver coloration, speckled with light purple.

Not even 10 seconds later, guttural screams can be heard from many places around me.

I walk calmly to the nearest sound, and see one of the men following me with a stake of earth piercing his chest, another in his left leg, and one that, unfortunately for him, has taken away his penis.

With a quick and precise movement, I separate his head from his body with a sword cut. Then I start moving towards the others, doing the same thing.



I wake up startled to feel magic. It felt like someone managed to open a portal in the throne room. Apparently the person is not trying to hide, just doing whatever they want.

Without waiting long, I run towards the place, already clear, asking the guard in the corridor to follow me.

It doesn't take long, and we reach the throne room, which I open without saying anything, accompanied by three more guards that I met on the way, and the two who guard the doors.

The scene inside was bizarre, to say the least.

There were lacerated and punctured bodies, guts, and all sorts of other things scattered about, on the floor, the throne, and the walls. It looked as if a child had been playing with red paint, spinning a full, open bucket over his head.

Worried, I run towards Her Majesty's room.

Not caring about the attempt to stop me, I open the door to the king's room, and see on his bed the heads of those who had been sent to capture the sorcerer. They were carefully lined up, with half looking at the king, and the other half at the side wall.

Written in blood was a short, ominous message.

"My final warning. Stay Away or...


Swallowing dryly, one of the soldiers tries to grab the heads from the bed, so as not to frighten his majesty, but it was too late. Because of the noise of the armor and the opening without the slightest subtlety, the king awoke.

His scream almost made me lose my hearing, the fright was something uncontrollable, and to have this vision upon awakening, it is really impossible to contain a scream.

He slowly begins to calm down, but really, it is just a rage that has begun to take over from the fright. Then his eyes find the message on the wall.

"How did he get in?" the king asks.

"In the throne room, he opened a portal, but how he got in here, I still need to find out." I reply.

"I want him dead," the king orders.

"My lord, I ask that you withdraw the order." I advise him.

"Why should I?" he is uncontrollable from anger.

"If he came in here, and had time to do all this, what will happen if he escapes an assassination attempt?" I ask him.

"What do I have you as my advisor and guardian for?" he tells me angrily.

"Feel free to contact Aretuza, I am absolutely sure they could send a wizard or two at your request to replace me. But I can assure you, even then, if the order is upheld, it will be your head imitating those in your bed." I say, and turn to leave.

I don't want to become the target of a bloodthirsty assassin because of a fat man with a crown. I want to help my magical people, that's why I've been working so hard, only to have it all thrown away by one stupid person.