
Viajante Witcher - SI AU

Don't expect anything elaborate. I'm just writing as a way to clear my mind and escape my depression. In case I ever post this, you don't have to leave your useless comments, just constructive ones. Whether they are encouragement, because you are enjoying it, or because you can see where it could be improved. Regarding chapters, I have no idea, I will just write and release when I can. I need to finish my degree soon, get a job or I won't be able to pay my bills anymore. The grammar will suck anyway, because I'm really lazy, and no, I don't have people to correct it because it needs money, and I'm unemployed. I don't own any universe that will be used, much less its characters. As for the timeline, I don't give a shit. My patreon is.... https://patreon.com/Noxville753 Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Emerson_Leite · Video Games
Not enough ratings
65 Chs

9. Metal Abençoado

I was in my room at the inn. It was a good inn, and they had clean linens, spacious rooms, and even personal services if you had enough coins.

It was getting late at night, and as I was getting ready for bed, I heard the knocking on the door. I could feel the magic of the person on the other side, and I knew the owner of this signature.

I open the door, pretending to be surprised by the visit. "To what do I owe the honor of such a beautiful and jovial visit?" I ask, looking at Sabrina Glevisseig, the king's advisor.

Our eyes make contact, and I read only in passing what she had planned. Her mission was to come and weaken me, no matter what form she used, but that would leave the way clear for the king's assassins.

Why not be the one to kill me? Simple, there is an unwritten rule about one wizard killing another. If this became fashionable, it could cause a collapse, leaving few or almost none.

Not to mention, that the wizard who kills another, when discovered, is hunted down or removed, losing any chance to reconnect with his equals.

"Well, I won't deny that I have an interest in you, Sam, and even more so seeing how much you hide under that leather armor the Witcher's wear." she looks at me in a lewd and seductive manner.

"I won't refuse the company, so come in, feel your way to your room," I say, giving her passage to enter.

Immediately after closing the door, I go to the dresser, grab two glasses and a pitcher. "Wine?" I offer, and she accepts with a nod. After pouring, I sit down next to her on the bed and stare at her.

She then stares at my forearm, which is covered by a silver metal plate, but which had a pinkish tinge to it. On the plate, many runes are written, in a continuous spiral, starting at my elbow and ending at my wrist.

"A wizard who uses dimerithium, that's a peculiar novelty, Mister Sam." she points to the plate.

"Yes, it is what I call a blessed metal. It can be both an excellent catalyst and a magic blocker. It will all depend on how it is treated in the forge. Of course, we can't forget the runes." I reply, causing her to raise her eyebrows.

"Are you telling me that dimerithium can also be used with magic?" she looked incredulous.

"Yes and no. But I won't reveal that secret to anyone." I tease her, and I could see in her eyes, the determination to have this information, no matter what the cost.

"I like secrets, and I'm very good at keeping them," she says teasingly, as her left hand caresses my thigh, very close to my penis.

"I don't like secrets, they can hurt me. But if you like, I can demonstrate some of my secrets to you, madam," I reply, in the same manner, with my right hand already between her thighs, my little finger lightly brushing her pussy.

Changing tactics, she stands up, moving away from me. She leaves her cup on a nearby table, and starts walking toward the door.

"It's a shame, but I can't, but who knows one day, you'll tell me this secret?" she says, as if nothing is going to happen today.

"Who knows. But I look forward to it." I reply, getting up from the bed and opening the door for her. "I expect more visits soon, madam," I say, waving a goodbye.

Frustrated, and with no way to turn back, she just gives me a slight smile and leaves. I don't wait long, and close the door behind her. I then take from my purse a small stone, enchanted with a *don't notice me* and a *repelling of tricks*, leave it beside my bed, and go to sleep.



I ran as fast as I could to the castle. My head was racing with the implications that wizard had left on me. If it were true that dimerithium could be used like this, many of my sisters would no longer be captured.

It was something new and that so far, none of us had succeeded or had the courage to look for it, just being close to this metal is already pretty bad, even more trying to imbue it with magic. But the boy did.

I must inform the king not to attack him. Even he will be interested in this discovery. If the king arrests him and tries to take this information away, it would not be my problem, and I am sure, my sisters and many wizards would accept it gladly.

I quickly reach the king's chambers. And I knock urgently on the door. I can hear an irritated grumble and the angry shout of the king.

"Come in, damn it."

Swallowing dryly, I waste no more time and enter. I see him in those hideous evening robes, which show how careless with his body and his diet this king is. But it doesn't matter now.

"Your Majesty, I ask that you withdraw the order to assassinate the wizard Sam. He has figured out how to handle dimerithium and can use magic, even though he is in possession of a good amount of metal." I say at once, before the cursed man stops me.

"Repeat that." he asks confused and angry.

"Wizard Sam has discovered other ways to work with dimerithium. On his left forearm, there is a large piece of it, covering something. It could be a wound or containing some curse. But it is there.

He can still use his magic, and even using the metal. It was his own words when he said that the metal could be worked in other ways. But apparently only he knows the secret," I explain.

"Damn man. He is good. I'll cancel the murder order. Let's capture the damned man and make him give us that secret. I expect cooperation from your other wizard friends if you need it." he says.

I nod and rush off, for I needed to inform the Lodge.



It was early morning, and all was peaceful. After doing my morning needs, I was ready to go on my journey. I gather my things, leaving only the most superficial in the large bag I carry on my back, and leave my room.

I go downstairs to enjoy the sumptuous breakfast served by the innkeeper. After being well fed, I walk quietly to the stables, where I find Black being brushed by the caretaker.

"Thanks for that buddy," I say, tossing a coin to the man as I lead Black outside.

I started to notice a few people following me, but I didn't care. I just kept strolling through the busy streets of Aard Carraigh, stopping here and there to buy something of my interest.

First stop, Novigrad.