
Viajante Witcher - SI AU

Don't expect anything elaborate. I'm just writing as a way to clear my mind and escape my depression. In case I ever post this, you don't have to leave your useless comments, just constructive ones. Whether they are encouragement, because you are enjoying it, or because you can see where it could be improved. Regarding chapters, I have no idea, I will just write and release when I can. I need to finish my degree soon, get a job or I won't be able to pay my bills anymore. The grammar will suck anyway, because I'm really lazy, and no, I don't have people to correct it because it needs money, and I'm unemployed. I don't own any universe that will be used, much less its characters. As for the timeline, I don't give a shit. My patreon is.... https://patreon.com/Noxville753 Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Emerson_Leite · Video Games
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65 Chs

11. Sonho

While I rest, I have dreams of what I experienced after my death.

I managed to kill myself.

But as usual, as in any new adventure, it must begin in a strange, if expected, way.

Looking in front of me, an old man, who I call God, for that is how my religion addressed him, is sitting, looking at me as if I were an idiot.

"Sometimes I regret that I raised you," were his only words looking at me.

I was ashamed for what I had done, I don't deny it. But when your mind can't think straight and you get into despair, it's normal to make the most idiotic decisions possible. That's what I did.

I don't deny it.

"I'm sorry." was the only thing I could say, and he being who he is, just smiles and puts his hand on my 'head', letting out a slight sigh.

"It's okay child. Now, let's get to the fun part." He seemed more excited now, and gets up from the table he was sitting at, goes around it and sits down in a nice comfortable chair.

"I don't know who did it, because I wasn't paying attention to it, and I don't even care. But they spread a truth that was supposed to be a surprise. In short, you are going to be reincarnated." he signals for me to stop before continuing.

"It's just like those, what do you call them?, fanfics that you read and try to write for fun, and some of them actually had some truth in them, it was just for my own amusement. Sometimes being here is boring.

Yes, boredom. I appear to each one that has died, in whatever form they can best understand who I am. Again yes, I have myriad other selves in adjacent rooms welcoming each of you," he smiles as he answers my unasked question.

"One more thing, everyone reincarnates. The way they want, doing what they want and when they want. But for people like you, I change it a bit, because you didn't follow the rule of dying at your certain time, choosing to move the process forward. This makes me a little angry sometimes.

So choose your power, and I will send you to one of the many worlds that exist. But think carefully son, because your power is limited to who you are and how far it can take you," he explains, then places his hands under his chin and waits.

When I thought of a character I liked, for his style and for not being too OP, even though he is, he claps his hands together. "Very good, Allucard. That's a good choice kid. Let's go with it."

Without much, he gets up from his chair, coming out from behind the desk and pulls out a drawer, where what looked like a clay doll was. "Create your body, as you see fit. Also some clothes, it's always important."

I then started to do as he said.

I left the doll at a height of 5'8", which was only a little taller than I was before, thin, but with a well crafted physique. Brown skin, because, well, I had brown skin before, and was the son of a black woman, having pulled the Italian color from my father.

I had long hair, because I thought this style of hair was cool, but not big, down to my shoulders only, and only on top, with the back and sides shaved. A nice, well-groomed beard. Golden eyes.

Of course, I made a nice respectful member, after all, having a small penis was a thing of the past. 25cm was a good size for an erect penis.

Then with a piece of the clay, which seemed strange to me now, I imagined what kind of clothes I wanted to put on the doll, and the clay in my hands became the clothes I imagined. Very convenient.

A black polo shirt, navy blue boxer shorts, black cargo pants, a soft leather belt, black military boots, and a black hooded overcoat. Yes, a very dark look, but one that I found quite elegant.

I looked at the God next to me, who seemed to be enjoying himself. He then puts his hand on 'my back' and pushes me towards the dummy. I feel myself sinking to the ground, and this time, I really felt it.

It wasn't pain, but just that I now had a body and my touch made me feel things. The softness of the clothes, the weight of the pants and the boot, my hands touching the wall and the floor, supporting me to stand up.

Slowly but surely, I was getting used to the new body. It was the same as before, but different. But nice. Erratically, looking like an ungainly doll, I stood up, and turned to God.

"Very good, now, the Allucard part you asked for." he creates a sphere of light the size of a tennis ball and throws it at my chest. The thing goes through but doesn't come out the other side. This was expected.

"Now that everything is in order, time to go to your new world. But since I want to have a lot of fun, some things may look different, happen in different ways, and/or take you to different places.

A very important warning, your life is not like those silly fanfics where the guy uses his penis and gets any and all women he wants. So don't think that creating a harem is something cool, it's not.

Be careful, and I wish you a good new life. Have fun." he waves goodbye, and I feel my vision dimming very quickly. When my eyes are completely closed, a flood of images and information begin to invade my head.

It seemed endless, and oddly enough, I wasn't feeling any discomfort at all. What were my powers, my abilities, my knowledge, my weaknesses, everything was there, poured into my brain.

I used this time to catalog it all. I wanted to know about every detail, especially the weaknesses.


Opening my eyes, I found myself in an extremely dark place, but completely visible, at least to me.

The Shadow Dimension, a place that touched every universe ever created by the Creator. Here, looking at the vastness of paths and worlds, I could choose to go back and forth, either to the Marvel universe, or to Planets, or even HP.

Not far away, the DC universe, the Continent, home to the wonderful stories of a certain Witcher, the world inhabited by Hollows and Soul Reapers, even the place where ninjas carrying Mighty Beasts in their bellies were visible.

Well let's start first with a more chaotic world, where I won't be targeted so easily, and still allow me to learn and improve, to get used to my powers and body.

Like anyone else in my position, I created a true story about my new life, becoming just a drop in a woman's womb, and took the time to better understand my power.