
Chapter Five: Little Tear's Test and Task (Three More

"Did you and Tear receive a mission? Did someone ask you to join Cat's Eye?" Upon hearing Li Yalin's words, Xiaolei's delicate eyebrows immediately furrowed. What does this mean? Have certain people or organizations set their sights on us sisters? Or is there some other hidden agenda? Xiaolei couldn't figure it out even after thinking for a long time. In the end, she could only look to Li Yalin to see what explanation he could offer.

"Don't worry, Xiaolei. Your identities haven't been exposed. The only ones who know are me and Tear. How should I explain this? It all starts from the beginning..." Facing Xiaolei, Li Yalin briefly introduced the Godhood Game. After all, the Godhood System didn't prohibit disclosing information about the game. Speaking out would be a win-win situation.

"I see. I understand," Xiaolei nodded thoughtfully after hearing Li Yalin's explanation.

"Just understand? Xiaolei, do you believe me?" Li Yalin looked at the charming Xiaolei with surprise. If it were an ordinary person, their first reaction would likely be that he was lying.

"Don't underestimate me. I can tell whether someone is lying with just one glance. Besides, Yalin, you're not good at lying," Xiaolei smiled and winked playfully at Li Yalin.

"I see. I was actually planning to have Tear confirm it," Li Yalin sighed lightly, realizing that his preparations were in vain.

"Tear confirm? What could Tear confirm?" Li Yalin's words piqued Xiaolei's interest. She quite liked Tear, a girl whose name was similar to hers.

"I haven't been given any special abilities, but Tear is different. She's a wind manipulator, capable of controlling the wind. Although her current level is low, she'll definitely become stronger after some training," Li Yalin replied with a smile. There was no need to conceal this. On the contrary, Li Yalin wanted Xiaolei to see his and Tear's remarkable abilities. Only then would they be qualified to join Cat's Eye.

"Control the wind?" Well, Xiaolei admitted that she was indeed intrigued by Li Yalin's topic. Was it a magical ability like a magician's?

Seeing that he had successfully piqued Xiaolei's interest, Li Yalin immediately summoned Tear. Xiaolei was momentarily stunned as she watched Tear's demonstration of her ability to summon a whirlwind. This ability truly exceeded her imagination.

"I suppose, Xiaolei, you won't have any more doubts now, will you?" After Tear's demonstration, Li Yalin turned to Xiaolei and asked.

"Although I can sense that you're still hiding something from me, it's not a problem. As long as I know you don't have any ill intentions towards us sisters, that's enough," Xiaolei said with a knowing smile as she looked at Li Yalin.

"That's great. In that case, can we join Cat's Eye now? That's wonderful, big brother," Tear exclaimed with a smile, jumping up in excitement. She had thought this mission would be difficult, but it seemed like it was going to be completed easily.

"It's not that simple. If you want to join Cat's Eye, you must pass a test," Xiaolei shook her head unexpectedly. A test? Hearing this, Tear's excitement immediately waned.

I knew it wouldn't be that simple. Although my physical abilities have been enhanced by the system, I can instinctively feel that I'm definitely no match for Xiaolei, Xiaoting, or even Xiaolei. Even facing Xiaolei alone, I don't stand much chance. After all, I'm just a homebody who's good at playing games and watching anime. How could I possibly fare against skilled fighters? With my current abilities and Tear's, how could we be recognized so easily?

"Another test?" Tear's face instantly fell upon hearing Xiaolei's words.

"Xiaolei, please tell us about the test. Tear and I will do our best to complete it," Li Yalin made up his mind. In order to live a better life, he must work hard. With such good conditions now, it would be a waste not to utilize them.

"No problem at all. The necessary support will be provided," Xiaolei nodded satisfactorily, fully convinced that she hadn't misjudged Li Yalin.

"Xiaolei, we're back!" Just then, there was a noise outside Xiaolei's room window. Xiaoting and Xiai, both wearing tight-fitting suits, had flipped in through the window. In that instant, Xiaoting's eyes met Li Yalin's.

"Ah!" With a scream, Xiaoting, whether out of shyness or something else, turned and ran out, heading straight for her room. With a bang, she slammed the door shut and fell silent.

"Big sister, what's going on?" Xiai, dressed in an orange-yellow tight-fitting suit, looked at Xiaolei with a puzzled expression, still not understanding what had happened.

"I'll tell you later. Go check on your second sister for now," Xiaolei chuckled. This was also good. They wouldn't have to hide anymore. Xiaoting and Li Yalin's relationship was bound to make great progress.

And so, the test mission was decided. As for Xiaoting and Xiai, Xiaolei explained the situation, and they were both quite surprised by Li Yalin and Tear's identities. However, Xiaoting was particularly pleased to hear that Li Yalin could join Cat's Eye, although she didn't admit it verbally.

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