
Chapter Six: Prelude to the Mission (Please bookmark~)

Of course, for newcomers like Li Yalin, there was still much to learn from Xiaolei and Xiaoting. For example, some techniques related to theft, walking movements and postures, and Xiaoting even taught Li Yalin some knowledge and skills about fencing and karate. During these few days, Li Yalin was constantly honing himself, preparing for this mission.

"Welcome, oh, it's Junfu. Why do you have time to come here today? Isn't our director always busy?" On this day, a special guest arrived at the Cat's Eye Coffee Shop. He was Junfu Uchiumi, Li Yalin and Xiaoting's high school classmate and also the original male protagonist.

Wearing his perennial gray suit, he had a handsome face, but he seemed a bit downcast.

"Huh? Yalin, what are you doing here?" Junfu hadn't been to the Cat's Eye Coffee Shop in a long time, so he was very surprised to see Li Yalin working here.

"Just as you see, I'm working here. What would you like to order?" Li Yalin smiled and replied.

"Just a cup of coffee. I'm not feeling very good today. Cat's Eye has issued another notice, it's really unlucky. The last failure was bad enough, and if we fail again this time, I'll probably be demoted." Mr. Junfu Uchiumi always spoke his mind, which gave Li Yalin an opportunity. It was indeed fortunate.

"Cat's Eye is at it again? That's serious. Can you share where Cat's Eye is targeting this time?" Li Yalin casually asked while grinding coffee beans.

"It's the newly built International Trade Building in the East District. They've organized an art exhibition on the top floor, and Cat's Eye has set its sights on it again! It's despicable. If I catch Cat's Eye, I won't let them off!" Junfu gritted his teeth, seemingly determined not to give up until he caught Cat's Eye.

"So that's the case. I've heard of that International Trade Building. It's over two hundred meters high, right? If it's the top floor, as long as all exits are sealed off, Cat's Eye should be helpless," Li Yalin nodded knowingly.

"Let's hope so. As long as Cat's Eye doesn't disappear into thin air, you'll definitely succeed, Junfu," Li Yalin smiled slightly, rescuing the fragile coffee cup from Junfu's grip.

"Disappear into thin air?" Junfu fell into deep thought at Li Yalin's words. Disappear into thin air?

Seeing Junfu lost in thought, Li Yalin knew that half of his plan had succeeded. What remained was to carry out his plan.

"Do you really have confidence, Yalin? Although you've made rapid progress in your studies and have good physical fitness, this mission is different from before. It's very dangerous and difficult." At night, as Li Yalin was perfecting his action plan, Xiaoting knocked on the door and entered Li Yalin's room. Seeing Li Yalin deep in thought, Xiaoting's heart was filled with a mix of worry and joy.

"Don't worry, as long as nothing unexpected happens, my plan will surely succeed perfectly," Li Yalin gave a thumbs-up, his expression brimming with confidence. He had borrowed miniature timed explosives, a small hot air balloon, and a set of museum security guard uniforms from Xiaolei. With these items, everything was ready except for the crucial moment.

"I'm very worried about you, Yalin. I heard that this game you're participating in is very dangerous. If possible, please don't participate in this game." Seeing Li Yalin's confident demeanor, Xiaoting couldn't help but feel a flutter in her heart. But when she thought about what she had heard from her older sister Tear about the Godhood Game, Xiaoting felt really worried.

"I'm powerless in this matter. But Xiaoting, if one day the person in front of you isn't me, what would you do?" Shrugging, Li Yalin couldn't help but ask when he saw Xiaoting worrying about him.

"What do you mean by 'isn't you'? That's strange," Xiaoting looked puzzled. What did he mean?

"Nothing. You'll know in the future," shaking his head, Li Yalin didn't tell Xiaoting what he was really thinking. In Li Yalin's heart, he belonged to another world. His memories with Xiaoting before were just illusions. But it was these illusory memories that had led to mutual affection and even ambiguous feelings between him and Xiaoting. Was this really okay? If one day the memories were shattered, how would he face Xiaoting?

"What's wrong? You look silly. You're always you, forever yourself. I really don't know what you're thinking," Xiaoting lightly tapped Li Yalin's nose, playfully saying.

"Yeah, what am I thinking? Okay, I need to focus now. The current task is to join Cat's Eye and fight side by side with Xiaoting. That's what I most want to do now!" Patting his cheek, Li Yalin raised his spirits. There's no use thinking too much now.

"Side by side in battle... Yalin, do your best," Li Yalin's words instantly turned Xiaoting's face red. After looking around in panic, she realized she was in Li Yalin's bedroom and hastily stood up in a fluster, gave Li Yalin some encouragement, and walked out of Li Yalin's room unsteadily.

"What's wrong?" Although not a sentimental fool, seeing Xiaoting's current state, Li Yalin was still somewhat puzzled.

The next day, Li Yalin's mission officially began. Today, Li YalinOf course, for newcomers like Li Yalin, there was still much to learn from Xiaolei and Xiaoting. For example, some techniques related to theft, walking movements and postures, and Xiaoting even taught Li Yalin some knowledge and skills about fencing and karate. During these few days, Li Yalin was constantly honing himself, preparing for this mission.

"Welcome, oh, it's Junfu. Why do you have time to come here today? Isn't our director always busy?" On this day, a special guest arrived at the Cat's Eye Coffee Shop. He was Junfu Uchiumi, Li Yalin and Xiaoting's high school classmate and also the original male protagonist.

Wearing his perennial gray suit, he had a handsome face, but he seemed a bit downcast.

"Huh? Yalin, what are you doing here?" Junfu hadn't been to the Cat's Eye Coffee Shop in a long time, so he was very surprised to see Li Yalin working here.

"Just as you see, I'm working here. What would you like to order?" Li Yalin smiled and replied.

"Just a cup of coffee. I'm not feeling very good today. Cat's Eye has issued another notice, it's really unlucky. The last failure was bad enough, and if we fail again this time, I'll probably be demoted." Mr. Junfu Uchiumi always spoke his mind, which gave Li Yalin an opportunity. It was indeed fortunate.

"Cat's Eye is at it again? That's serious. Can you share where Cat's Eye is targeting this time?" Li Yalin casually asked while grinding coffee beans.

"It's the newly built International Trade Building in the East District. They've organized an art exhibition on the top floor, and Cat's Eye has set its sights on it again! It's despicable. If I catch Cat's Eye, I won't let them off!" Junfu gritted his teeth, seemingly determined not to give up until he caught Cat's Eye.

"So that's the case. I've heard of that International Trade Building. It's over two hundred meters high, right? If it's the top floor, as long as all exits are sealed off, Cat's Eye should be helpless," Li Yalin nodded knowingly.

"Let's hope so. As long as Cat's Eye doesn't disappear into thin air, you'll definitely succeed, Junfu," Li Yalin smiled slightly, rescuing the fragile coffee cup from Junfu's grip.

"Disappear into thin air?" Junfu fell into deep thought at Li Yalin's words. Disappear into thin air?

Seeing Junfu lost in thought, Li Yalin knew that half of his plan had succeeded. What remained was to carry out his plan.

"Do you really have confidence, Yalin? Although you've made rapid progress in your studies and have good physical fitness, this mission is different from before. It's very dangerous and difficult." At night, as Li Yalin was perfecting his action plan, Xiaoting knocked on the door and entered Li Yalin's room. Seeing Li Yalin deep in thought, Xiaoting's heart was filled with a mix of worry and joy.

"Don't worry, as long as nothing unexpected happens, my plan will surely succeed perfectly," Li Yalin gave a thumbs-up, his expression brimming with confidence. He had borrowed miniature timed explosives, a small hot air balloon, and a set of museum security guard uniforms from Xiaolei. With these items, everything was ready except for the crucial moment.

"I'm very worried about you, Yalin. I heard that this game you're participating in is very dangerous. If possible, please don't participate in this game." Seeing Li Yalin's confident demeanor, Xiaoting couldn't help but feel a flutter in her heart. But when she thought about what she had heard from her older sister Tear about the Godhood Game, Xiaoting felt really worried.

"I'm powerless in this matter. But Xiaoting, if one day the person in front of you isn't me, what would you do?" Shrugging, Li Yalin couldn't help but ask when he saw Xiaoting worrying about him.

"What do you mean by 'isn't you'? That's strange," Xiaoting looked puzzled. What did he mean?

"Nothing. You'll know in the future," shaking his head, Li Yalin didn't tell Xiaoting what he was really thinking. In Li Yalin's heart, he belonged to another world. His memories with Xiaoting before were just illusions. But it was these illusory memories that had led to mutual affection and even ambiguous feelings between him and Xiaoting. Was this really okay? If one day the memories were shattered, how would he face Xiaoting?

"What's wrong? You look silly. You're always you, forever yourself. I really don't know what you're thinking," Xiaoting lightly tapped Li Yalin's nose, playfully saying.

"Yeah, what am I thinking? Okay, I need to focus now. The current task is to join Cat's Eye and fight side by side with Xiaoting. That's what I most want to do now!" Patting his cheek, Li Yalin raised his spirits. There's no use thinking too much now.

"Side by side in battle... Yalin, do your best," Li Yalin's words instantly turned Xiaoting's face red. After looking around in panic, she realized she was in Li Yalin's bedroom and hastily stood up in a fluster, gave Li Yalin some encouragement, and walked out of Li Yalin's room unsteadily.

"What's wrong?" Although not a sentimental fool, seeing Xiaoting's current state, Li Yalin was still somewhat puzzled.

The next day, Li Yalin's mission officially began. Today, Li Yalin