
Chapter Four: The Battle with Little Teardrop Sister

Little Teardrop was quite shocked to learn that the Laisei Sisters were none other than the famous thieves, Cat's Eye.

"But how did you know, big brother?" Teardrop looked at Liyalin with astonishment, wondering how he uncovered this secret.

"I've already said, it's my secret," Liyalin smiled, gently tapping Teardrop's lips with his index finger, signaling her not to inquire further.

Next, Liyalin explained his plan to Teardrop. The distance between Cat's Eye Café and the National Art Museum was considerable. Even by car, it would take half an hour. Therefore, between 10:30 and 11:30 in the evening, the Laisei sisters wouldn't be at the café.

Observing them, Liyalin noticed that besides necessary shopping trips, Teardrop and Little Iris rarely left the café. This indicated that there were likely many secrets hidden within.

As the clock struck ten, Liyalin and Teardrop concealed themselves in Liyalin's room, listening intently for any sounds. The soundproofing of the house was so effective that they couldn't hear anything, much to Liyalin's chagrin.

Time passed slowly, and when the clock struck six, it was time to act. Liyalin and Teardrop exchanged nods and quietly opened the door, peering into the corridor.

The hallway was pitch black, and the moonlight was obscured by clouds, creating an eerie atmosphere. Teardrop instinctively clung to Liyalin's arm, reminiscent of scenes from horror movies.

"Littl Iris," Liyalin called softly. No one answered. After calling Teardrop and Little Love's names, also with no response, Liyalin finally relaxed, turning on the lights on the wall, ready to start work.

Their first stop was the café's basement, but after a thorough search, they found no basement. Had Liyalin been mistaken? He searched again but found nothing.

"What do we do now, big brother? Only the sisters' rooms are left, but if we go in without their permission, won't we get scolded?" Teardrop asked, worried.

"You silly girl," Liyalin chuckled. With only three rooms left, he decided to search himself, as there was still plenty of time. It was exactly eleven o'clock, and Little Iris and the others should have just succeeded.

Whose room to search first? Liyalin thought it best to start with the oldest to youngest. Thus, he opened Little Teardrop's door first. However, as soon as the door opened, Liyalin froze in place.

What was going on? Teardrop was at home? And what was she wearing? A white bathrobe, the belt loosely tied around her waist, revealing her ample chest. Her wet hair indicated she had just taken a shower.

Stay calm. Liyalin had to stay calm. It seemed that the sisters didn't take tonight's museum guards seriously. Little Iris should be the only one stealing the "Roman Girl" painting, while Little Teardrop remained at the base, possibly monitoring Liyalin and Teardrop. After all, with two outsiders living here, how could she leave without worries?

Damn it, didn't expect this. Liyalin realized he still had much to learn about understanding people.

"Is there something, Yalin? It's already so late," Teardrop looked at Liyalin with confusion, not questioning why he had intruded into her room, just smiling and asking.

"Okay, Teardrop, let's be frank and open now. It's tiring to keep guessing each other like this," after a moment of silence, Liyalin made his decision, his expression becoming serious as he stared at Teardrop, speaking each word carefully.

"Being frank and open? Sure, Yalin, what do you want to talk about?" Sitting on the sofa in the room, Teardrop's ** were now right in front of Liyalin. This kind of stimulation was quite significant for Liyalin, a magician.

"Um... Teardrop, would you mind changing your clothes first?" Swallowing hard, Liyalin managed to tear his gaze away from Teardrop's fair **.

"Haha... Alright, I won't tease you anymore. But Yalin, you're still as cute as ever," Teardrop giggled, standing up and walking into the bathroom to change into a more casual summer outfit. Although Teardrop's charm was still as captivating, it was much better than before. At least Liyalin could talk to her calmly now.

"So, let's be straightforward. Teardrop, you and your sisters are Cat's Eye, aren't you?" Sitting across from Teardrop, Liyalin's expression became serious, his gaze fixed on Teardrop, each word weighed carefully.

"Hmm? Of course, we are. We run Cat's Eye Café, after all," Teardrop replied nonchalantly, even adding a playful tone to her words.

"Teardrop, you know that's not what I mean!" Not misled by Teardrop, Liyalin raised his voice gradually.

"Yalin, how did you find out? When you joined our café, you already knew, didn't you?" After a moment of silence, Teardrop's tone became serious as well, but looking at her, it seemed like she knew everything. It should be said that she truly lived up to being Little Teardrop. This mysterious woman!

"It seems like I've lost this game from the start, but losing to you, Teardrop, I'm convinced." Liyalin shrugged, expressing his admiration for Teardrop.