
Twin Lives : An Eventful Dream

Name: Unknown Details: Unavailable I transmigrated into the body of a girl with no memories of her own. Learning everything from scratch, I managed to lead a fruitful life in her body. Still, I waited for the right time to get back to my original body which I knew was living well in another part of the same world. Calamity came to my life with him. I was not supposed to be a witness to that incident. But now the police finds me suspicious. How will I get myself out of this mess ? Even if I could, When will he stop pestering me? Wait... why does this guy seem to have a lot of identities? Which among them is real? Join me as I battle my way through, make friends and find my purpose in life. Update: On hiatus. Regular updates from 1 oct 2022

DaoistFuYao · Ciudad
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4 Chs

The Potential Crush :Li Anzi

All of a sudden, I felt my knees buckle. Leaning on the door, I tried to collect my thoughts and compose myself. That person continued to walk around on the other side. I unconsciously covered my mouth with a hand.....as if it would stifle any sound that might unintentionally pop out. I realize my fear.

This is not how I imagine myself. I can't be too weak. It brought back memories I'd rather not remember anymore - horror, confusion, alienation and my inability to speak. In all those eyes that met mine, I didn't see any pity or sympathy; all I saw was accusations. I felt them calling me an anomaly, a misfit, an outsider, unnatural, abnormal... I felt wrong.

Breathe... I repeated in my head. You have survived so far. You will get through this.

I am done for in case he opens this door. Hopefully, he won't. Even if he does, he won't kill me; at least, not in the hospital. You still have a chance to think and plan escape. Even if you can't, you won't die. You will only go back to your body. Yes, my body. This is not mine. But it is good as mine.. no...it is not. Shut Up.

I somehow manages to take out my phone, switch on the silent mode and type out a message to Wen Li. "VIP room no.3 Help"

The door opens.

My breath is caught in my throat.

The door closes.

I exhale slowly. It was the door to the room. It should mean that the person has left. I listened for a while to make sure. I try to open the door and peep in. I see no one. I stealthily step into the room, walk towards the door and locks it from the inside. Let's see who dares to come in now.

This is so frustrating. Why should the guy come back now that he has already completed his mission and why do I have to be the one caught in such a ridiculous situation! I rub my head like a maniac.

The man on the bed looks so calm and unaffected. "Do you think I will let you die peacefully after giving me a scare? Dream on", I scold him in my head

I turn around to look. The package I brought in no longer sits in the same position. I pick it up and notices that it weighs even less. There should be some kind of medicine inside. But, why doesn't it weigh much? I am 100% sure now. That guy must have swapped this.

Thinking about tricking me? Not a chance!

I stuff them in my handbag. Not a soul would know now. I sneer at the thought of spoiling someone's well laid plans.

There is no camera in the VIP rooms. But, I will have to avoid them in the corridor. It is better to take the stairs. That way I can avoid the cameras. "Old man, I have neutralised a threat for you. You owe me one." I looked at the bed one last time as I turnedto walk out of the room.

While walking towards the stairs, I scan the surroundings with my head down. The corridor is unusually quiet.

I have to take it easy. I can't get stimulated by the tiniest of fluctuations in my surroundings. Like any other trauma patient, the hospital also offered me the service of a counsellor. But how can I make use of one so casually? In short, I had nothing to tell her. I was afraid of talking while others thought I had to be eager to get my memories back. She said that my inability to remember is a reflection of my psychological need to forget certain things. Only I knew that wasn't the case. There weren't any long-lasting damage to any part of my brain. Give it some time, they said. I began to talk afterwards but...never mind.

"LI ANZI" I nearly missed my last few steps. I grasped the railing and looked forward only to see Wen Li standing ahead. "The grand Princess Liu Wen Li is here. Why arrive so early?"

"Li Anzi, I have been waiting you for over 15 mins now. My Stomach is growling."

"I waited for 2 hours and here you are, picking a fight with me for a mere 15 minutes?"

"Fight?" Wen Li replied in a seemingly incredulous tone. "Dearest Anzi, I know you have been working very hard these past few days, how about I press your limbs for you?"

" Do you plan to press my limbs into deformity?"

Wen Li brought out her pitiful expression "How can you say this to me when I am being so sincere?"

I have to say that this is what attracted me to her. Her easy going nature and shamelessness should be unparalleled in the whole universe.

Past events forgotten, we bicker our way to the entrance.

It's the peak time. It will be difficult to get a cab. Nevertheless, Wen Li took out her Mobile Phone to book one. "Don't, I can see one coming. Let's try". I extend my hands and signals. The car stops before us. Wen Li gets in. I follow her. Just as I am going to close the door, a hand appears out of nowhere to hold it back.

I tilt my head to look. A face appears in my vision. I get lost in those deep eyes for a moment.

"Excuse me, Sir?"

Done. I have already fallen for this guy. I can hear my throat producing weird but sweet syllables as I continue looking at his eyes in disbelief.

"Excuse me, Sir?" Wen Li's head popped out of nowhere beside me. I looked at her. So I heard it wrong. It was her. Not me. I tried to relax.

"This lady here", he asked pointing at me, "are you alright?"

His voice made me skip a beat. It felt so familiar. "Anzi Anzi" Wen Li's voice wakes me from my reverie.

"I am sorry, I was just caught off-guard" I blurted out . "But" I said, my eyes pointing at his hand that held the door.

"ah! I am sorry ladies, but I have already booked this cab". He showed us his mobile screen.

" The location is the same. May be the driver mistook us for you". Wen Li tried to gloss over.

"May we know where you are heading to?"

"The City Centre". He replied without blinking.

"What a coincidence. We are going the same way. May be we can hitch a ride from you?"I can't help but internally shake my head at Wen Li who testing the waters. "How about this? We will take 75 % of the charge. It is difficult to get a cab here. We have to report back to the hospital very soon. Please don't say No"

I am not amazed at Wen Li bluffing her way through.... but the choice of target somehow doesn't sit well with me.

"Ok, I will ride shotgun."

His eyes retracted from Wenli and passed by me. I felt our eyes meet. For a moment, I felt I could see hope.

This too shall pass

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