There was absolutely nothing wrong with her expressing her sorrow, in fact, it would only be unhealthy if she were not to do so. So why should she be criticized for crying?
Why should anyone be criticized for crying?
Be it if they are a child, a baby, an adolescent, an adult, an elderly, a man, or a woman, an orphan, or a rich kid.
Why would there ever be a restriction, a stigma on people who were able to show how weak they are?
Emilin was not endorsing people who only knew how to cry, without the will to solve anything, waiting for others to do so for them, in fact, she didn't believe people needed to cry to express themselves, but for Emilin, who had been suppressing it for so long, this was a breath of fresh air.
Why should those who are able to admit that they are weak be ostracized when in reality, they are the ones who are truly strong?
The ones who are able to come to terms with themselves.
That was the key point, right there.