
Three choice regresser.

Theo_5201 · Fantasía
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4 Chs

The system

Turning around I see a small ball of white light floating behind me. "Who are you?"

"I am a Unique event fairy. This is your first regression, hence I was triggered to tell you about your new system." The fairy kept floating around me, going in slow circles.

I know what a fairy is but, "What do you mean by 'unique event'? Also what do you mean by regression"

"You have been given a once in a life time chance to grow stronger. All you have to do is survive for seven days, if you don't and you die you regress back to the beginning of the first day."

"As for the unique event, I am a one time being, only available during this regression. So any questions you have, save them until the end of my speech."

Most of what she's saying makes sense, so I continued to listen, "You've been given a system to help you along your way. We've even given you a small boosts to your basic stats." With a wave of her hand a screen appeared.


Name: Wes Rill

Title: None

Occupation: None

Level: 1

-Experience: 0/100


Strength: 12

Intelligence: 10


Dexterity: 11


Charm: 5




While most of my stats didn't surprise me, my charm was underwhelming, it was probably because of my skinny physique.

"While these are your beginning stats they will change as you make your way to the end of the seven days. Also as you've seen the timer has stopped. It will stop only for events. If and when you come across one, time across this world will stop and you'll be able to explore the whole event before time resumes."

"Certain events are permanent and will happen every time, some happen randomly, some are time sensitive and some are unique. Will only happen once, they will be waiting out there for you to find and once you do they will disappear forever."

"Events can give you many things, skills, new stats, items, and some even contain dungeons."

"Do you have any questions?" The fairy asked as she buzzed back and forth.

"What can you give me to halo with my journey?"

The fairy looked at me like I had just shot in it's cereal. "Why would I give you anything?"

"You're and event right? And supposedly a one time one at that. If I don't seize this opportunity now wouldn't that be a waste?" I make the best argument I can hoping for something.

The fairy's face changes to a grin, "I like you kid, you know how to strike when an opportunity presents itself." It then approached my forehead and pressed its hand on it.

:(New Skill Learned):


"Well my time is up good luck on your choices, goodbye!" She pushed off and just like that she disappeared and just like that the sun rose once again on this world.