
Chapter 9- Necromancers

(A/N This chapter has some violence that may trigger for some of the audience. Please be advised)

Lucas's POV

That little witch. How dare she go against her covens laws and not allow me to claim her? Male witches are extremely rare and since the last war there are even fewer pairs made of witches by the goddess. With each non-witch pairing our powers become weaker and weaker. We can't let that happen. And since she is the next head of her coven she would be perfect. I even dumped what's her name once I found out that the Blood Moon and Midnight Star covens would be joining each other through me and Xanderia.

"Lucas I hope you know that your father is not pleased with you right now." My mother says as she turns into the driveway. This house isn't in the best condition on the outside. But the insides is like a fortress built after the wars to keep the coven safe.

"Why would I care about that? Xanderia will be mine. She just doesn't know it yet."

"Not anymore Lucas. You forced her hand to claim you as hers. Which as I can see didn't happen. And thank the goddess for that. You'd be dead if she did."

"Whatever." I get out and walk into the house. The smell of death and decay swarm around me like bees trying to protect their hive. We are necromancers and will not stop that trade. Sure Blood Moon would have been better off with us tying to Midnight Star but they are nature loving hippies and everything living is scared. I wouldn't be able to practice or anything.

"Lucas Allen Bruin! How dare you mess up this chance!" I hear a male yell before the sound of my cheek meeting a fist fills the room.

I fall to the floor and barely move. I've already been beaten up once today now my father. This is going to be a very long night for me.

"Corbin you know not to lose your temper." My mom says as she walks up to him.

"And you need to mind your own business Marie," My father states before back handing my mother making her fall to the floor unconscious.

I jump and swing. Just before contact I feel a pull coming from the other direction stopping me from making contact.

"You know it is useless to struggle against me little brother. If it weren't for the fact that you just fucked up for all of us I might have helped you." My brother Micheal said with a smirk on his face. "And you couldn't even follow through with your plan to claim that cute little witchling Xanderia. I still say I would have been better suited to pair with her than you."

"That's enough talk Micheal, this time he isn't going anywhere until he's learned."

As I look up from the restraint my father comes and punches me in the jaw again. Hear a loud crack as my jaw breaks. "You are nothing but a waste of space," With a swift kick to the gut making me cough up more blood.

As much as I tried to break the curse I couldn't. I had to let them do this to me. I'm nothing but weak. Another crack could be heard through the house as my father shin come in contact with my ribs. I'm already a bloody mess. But he continues.

"Father I think he's had enough for now. He's hardly breathing after that kick. We can't kill him."

"Take him to the dungeon and clean him up. He has to look somewhat reasonable when he begs the Midnight Star to over look his transgressions against Xanderia."

"Why not make a new pact with me being the one paired with her? I'm the oldest after all and not only that I can get past the mutt and vampire without a single problem." Micheal says trying to please father.

"Take him to the dungeon. I won't say it again."

Micheal levitates me and starts taking me down the stairs. I've always hated this place. Ever since I was young I was sent down here for everything. Micheal being the older brother got everything. Any time he's mess up I got the beatings. After a while you learn to live with all the problems in the world. Your own demons haunting you.

We get to the end of the hallway and open the door to my cell. With a flick of his wrist Micheal throws me into the wall with a hard thwack against it making my head spin more. All the years of my blood being on the floor and being healed just to be beaten again. It wasn't worth all this.

"I hope you're happy with yourself. You had one job Lucas. One. And you can't even seem to do that right. You would have been much happier with them you know." my brother speaks into the mirror as he preps the salve to heal me again. "But since you fucked up again I have to clean up your mess. You're so lucky to be paired with someone so beautiful. I know you don't like her. We should tell dad it's me who is going to take your place if young miss doesn't take you. Or maybe we should involve Shane."

Looking at Micheal I freeze. We can't involve Shane.