
Chapter 10- Love in waves

Xain's POV

A knock comes on the door as Xanderia was thinking of telling us about the claiming. From what I've read it's kind of like a marriage between humans only there is something that they call a blessing involved. Though that part is unclear on what this blessing actually is.

As I walk to the door I can hear Camile and my mother talking behind the door.

"Why would Xanderia do that mom? Just because there is an energy shift doesn't mean she claimed him."

"Camile if she did claim him before she ascended to her next level then there is something serious going on. With Lucas being of blood clan and Xia calling off the marriage between her and Lucas, that leaves one thing that could of happened. She is the goddess in human form like I've seen before Xia had Xanderia."

I stop just short of the door as Xanderia comes to me holding my hand. "It's ok Xain. Open the door and I'll talk to your mother."

Looking into her eyes I see flecks of gold and silver. Like a shimmering jewel capturing the sun light just right to shine. Turning the handle the door open and my mother comes walking in while Xanderia is still holding my hand.

"Xanderia I need to talk to you."

"As you wish Mrs. Alexander, but I do have one request."

"And that would be?" my mother says rising an eye brow.

"I need my mother and Kyle's mother here first. I will explain everything once they've both arrived." Xanderia bows from the waist down and holds the stance. This is one of the highest forms of respect in our family and Xanderia is doing this for my mother.

My mother bows in return and walks away. I let out a breath that I didn't think I was holding until just a moment ago. Turning to Xanderia I see a brilliant smile light up her face as she lets go of my hand and walks to Kyle.

Kyle's POV

I walk out of the bathroom to see Xanderia bowing to Xain's mom. Unsure of what to do I stand there looking like a dumbass. Why is Xan bowing to her and how does she know proper protocol was needed just now?

"I need my mother and Kyle's mother here first. I will explain everything once they've both arrived." is all I could hear before Mrs. Alexander leaves and Xan comes walking up to me.

"Kyle I have a favor to ask of you." she says before looking into my eyes. I look over at Xain as his eyes turn red. Like there is something that I missed.

"Okay. What's the favor?," I lean down just slightly with out knowing what I'm doing.

"Close your eyes and don't open them until I tell you to."

Her eyes sparkle and my heart starts to pound even more. Why am I feeling like this is the start of some kind of romcom?

"Xanderia," Xain calls behind her, "What are you going to do?"

She looks at me and smiles the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. Being pulled towards her like some kind of magnet. "The same thing I did to you."

Looking at her I close my eyes. Not knowing exactly what to expect my heart beats even faster. "She's claiming us. Our mate is claiming us." My wolf says as if I would know what that means. As soon as I start to reply to my wolf everything stops. All I feel is Xanderia's lips on mine with a jolt of energy. Like I just licked a fully charged C battery. The energy starts to flow all through out my body like a wave calming caressing the shore on the beach.

As soon as it starts it stops and I'm being tackled by Xain.

"Dude what the hell!? She's mine!" Xain yells as he tries to throw a punch.

"Like hell she is! She's my mate!" I growl and dodge his blows.

Xanderia step between us both with a blast and holds us to the walls. "I'm both of yours." That's all she had to say before everything started to click.

Xanderia's POV

Using the strength that I had to push the boys apart was a challenge and a half. I need to explain this to both of them so they understand. I'm doing this for us. If what my mother and I have been seeing is true then our only hope for all of us to be safe is for me to claim both of them before next Saturday.

"Now both of you sit your asses down, away from each other, and I will explain once all the mothers are here. I can't do that until they are." I sigh as I pace in front of both of them. Both of them glaring at each other.

I snap my fingers and both of them stop. Feeling the tense atmosphere it's bad. The boys don't know what to do or what to think. It's kind of cute with how confused they are. But I think that best thing I can do right now is explain to them what a claiming actually is.

"I've known both of you have had feelings for me for a while. And I can't say that I didn't have feelings for the either of you." I start to twist my pewter triple moon ring to help ease my nerves. "I'm not going to explain everything at once, since some of it I need to explain to our mothers but…" The boys look at me with a starry eyed expression. "I claimed both of you."

"My wolf told me just before you kissed me."

"That is what the little spark was when I held your hand?" Xain says with a smile on his face.

"Yes that is what it was Xain. You see with a claiming each partner holds a different part in it. With you being a vampire a physical touch can link two hearts together. Sometimes it feels like a little electrical jolt. For a werewolf it needs a little more concrete version. Like a simple kiss on the lips or where the marking would go. Once the process has begun it can't be undone. But there is more to a claiming than just that." looking away from both of them I start to blush and pace the floor. How do I explain the fact that I would have to make more of a connection before it's a complete claiming?

"Xan," Kyle looks at me with a half cocked smirk on his lips, "Does this second faze involve something of the bedroom nature?"

I spin and look at him in shock. How did he..

"I can smell it on you. And I'm sure Xain can to.���

Looking at Xain I sigh. Of course you both can. Just because I'm a witch doesn't mean I'm not a human. I don't have all the abilities that they do. I turn around and look out the window. I notice my mother walking up and Kyle's mom is talking with her and Mrs. Alexander. Well here goes nothing.

"Everyone is here. We need to go to the study." Xain says with a sigh. Looking at both of them I smile. How did I get so lucky?