
Chapter 8- Claiming

Xanderia's POV

After that spark that came between Xain and I can't stop thinking about it. I claimed Xain as part of my coven without him knowing. The only way to complete that claiming is to be with him. This way I know he will be safe from the Blood Moon coven. Once someone is claimed as part of the coven they are protected with all the force of our magic. But how can I claim him as mine when I'm engaged to Lucas. Let alone having the same feelings with him as I do Kyle.

Kyle is such a cute wolf. I've always been closely connected to wolves ever since I was young. Not only that but it explains why I always see a bunch of wolves around his house. I thought they were just pets. Not werewolves. Still awesome though. I pet Kyle on the head one last time and tell him he needs to shift back so we can go get the movie and pizza.

"By the way Xan you are no long engaged to that creep Lucas." Xain says as Kyle walks back into the bathroom. "Your mom displayed a large amount of power and threw it at Lucas's mom. From what Camile told me your mom laughed after she was threatened with weakening the coven if this wedding didn't go through."

Then I guess it was a good thing I claimed Xain. If I can claim Kyle as well the three of us will have one of the strongest alliances in history. The Alexander's being the most powerful vampire families and Woodsman being one of the strongest packs we'd have nothing to worry about.

"I heard the same from Dameon as I was driving here. So I guess Lucas is going to be in some huge trouble with the Patriarch of his coven."

I shiver knowing that is never a good thing when it comes to coven law. After my father and brother passed away things got really messy. Saying our rules will always be out of wack since there aren't a whole lot of male witches in general. And we must have balance. My mother of course fought tooth and nail to claim her spot. Also the fact that she is one of the most powerful witches I was going to train under her once I became of age.

"This is good news for me at least. I'll be able to choose my own bound mate or mates when the time comes."

Both the boys look at me with shock. They don't know all the laws but something tells me they aren't too happy with the words mates. In our world most species have only one soul mate. But with witches we sometimes are bound to more then just one. Once you find them that is it.

"Mates? Like more than one? I thought male witches were rare." Kyle says while walking to me.

"Yes as in more then one. We can be bound by more than just witches. It all depends on the Goddess and her blessing."

"That explains why Lucas as all over you at school. He tried to claim you because of the pact between your two covens." Xain says matter of factly, "But how do you claim each other as witches? For vampires we drink from each other in a ritual ceremony."

"And when we find our mates we mark them will having a passionate night to ourselves to make the bond complete." Kyle says with a curious look.

I just knew they would ask. But if I say anything then Xain will know he's been claimed by me. Should I tell them or not. As I'm thinking about it, there is a knock on the door.