
The, Wingless

A world with magic and mystery. A young girl named Raina sets her sights on becoming a monster hunter to become stronger. but fate has it out for her, for she found herself in a terrible situation looking into deaths eyes until someone saves her. This someone agreed to take her under his wing to become stronger in this monster hunting world. But her teacher has some secrets himself and soon to be discovered the stronger Raina becomes.

Zgr · Fantasía
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17 Chs

New Student

Tamaki is in a room with metal walls and a hallway. Blue light strips going down the hallway. He walks down holding Nina and a knocked-out Raina. Down the hallways, they were glass showing into other rooms with scientists performing experiments in each room.

He eventually makes it to a room where a metal door slides open to find a woman with dark red long messy hair and wolf ears who is messing with chemicals.

She has a veil with a blue chemical in it and she cuts her finger and is about to drop some blood in the veil.

Tamaki: "Hey, Makino, I got a personal memory I want you to wipe!"

She jumps dropping her veil onto the ground and breaking it.

Makino: "Hey! Warn me next time I was doing research"

Tamaki: "Yeah, just wipe her memory"

Makino: "Not so fast Tamaki, You owe me money, those chemicals cost a lot of money and are hard to find, and now it's in my carpet!"

12 minutes go by and Raina wakes up in a chair, she has her arms and legs strapped down and is unable to move. She looks forward to seeing Makino writing on a clipboard and Tamaki slapping her head to focus on the memory wipe.

Raina: "WAIT!"

They look up at her.

Tamaki: "Last words before you forget we ever exist"

Makino: "Thats harsh!"

Raina: "Please! Train me, paladin, Tamaki!"

Makino is dumbfounded as she looks at Tamaki's while he whistles behind her. A smirk goes on her face and Makino turns back to Raina.

Makino: "So, little girl, why do you want to get stronger?"

Raina looks down with a lifeless look. Raina: "I just dont want to be weak"

The way she said it expressed regret and pride at once. Tamaki takes notice.

Makino: "Really, thats a ordinary response"

Tamaki smiles and speaks up.

Tamaki: "You're interesting, I'll take you up on your offer, and I won't wipe your memories"

Raina accepts quickly and Tamaki looks at Makino and she lets out Raina.

Makino: "This was a massive waste of time"

She sighs but then Tamaki cuts her off.

Tamaki: "Not really, scan the memories of the witch I brought back and send back any information about the church of Kagutsuchi"

Makino: "Fine but I'll charge you!"

Tamaki starts rubbing her head at a very fast rate.

Tamaki: "Wow, you are gonna charge a close friend"

Makino: "Close friend! I hardly think of you as an acquiescence"

Tamaki: "harsh"

Makino: "But if you going to train her, you gonna need to abandon they undercover paladin title"

Tamaki: "So, I made enough money for a couple of months' worth of rent so I can train her before then"

Makino: "Ah I see, well then have fun"

She waves him off as he takes Raina outside the lab.

They walk near the exit and Raina asks where they are. Tamaki responded that they are within the 3rd city of knowledge right now.

The 4 cities left after the war against the wingless and dragons were named into 4 categories. The 1st city of power, 2nd city of lust, 3rd city of knowledge, and finally the 4th city of Faith.

{the story started at the 4th city}

Tamaki: "Training starts tomorrow, so I'll get us back so get some rest"

Raina: "Right!"

The sun goes down and Tamaki opens a portal, and it's because Tamaki's spatial magic is spatial magic. They walk through and end up in the city of faith, with its primitive buildings, nothing compared to the city of knowledge, people outside having fun, merchants selling weapons, blacksmiths making or refining weapons, families, and friends eating at restaurants and drinking at bars. Finally, in the middle is a church with a dragon crescent on it.

Tamaki looks at it with a face of disappointment but Raina runs off to her house and waves off Tamaki, Tamaki has his back turned on her as he looks at the church, filled with people praying and pastors speaking loudly.

This was the beginning of change.

Gonna try and make longer chapters in the future

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