
The Way You Look

A Story Of How the Priestess Kagome and the Mighty Lord Sesshomaru Fell in Love.

AKEN0X · Cómic
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16 Chs


 As the week ended, my time with the enigmatic Lord Sesshomaru ended. With a heavy heart, I returned to the familiar confines of the village. As I approached, my friends warmly embraced me and inquired. "Kagome, he didn't hurt you or anything?" Sango asked anxiously.

Before I could respond, my mind wandered back to the passionate nights we had shared, the memories of our intimate moments still fresh in my heart. I blushed deeply, my face betraying the emotions I was trying to conceal.

"No, he didn't hurt me," I replied softly. Sango let out a sigh of relief, her tense shoulders relaxing.

 Sango stood with a look of mingled concern and desperation on her face. Her twin babies, wrapped snugly in blankets, began to wail loudly from a distance away. "Why don't I help you, Sango?" Kagome offered with a caring smile.

Sango nodded gratefully, her heart filled with relief and a hint of sadness. "Thank you, Kagome. Miroku has been busy helping other villages with Inuyasha."

The mention of Inuyasha's name sent a sharp pang through Kagome's heart. The memories of their tumultuous relationship flooded her mind—the heartbreak, the endless arguments, and the constant pain of Inuyasha's unwavering love for his long-lost lover, Kikyo. A wave of gloom washed over Kagome's face, casting a shadow on her usually cheerful demeanor.

"Kagome?" Sango's concerned voice broke through the fog of Kagome's thoughts. "Are you alright?"

Kagome shook her head, forcing a smile. "Sorry, let's go," she said, taking a deep breath to compose herself.

Together, they made their way toward the source of the babies' cries. As they approached, Kagome couldn't help but feel empathy for Sango. She knew what it was like to have a broken heart, and she admired Sango's strength and resilience in raising her children alone while Miroku was away.

During their journey, Kagome couldn't shake the feeling that her heart was torn apart. On one hand, she longed for Inuyasha's love and presence, but on the other, she longed for Sesshomaru's love and presence. It was a constant battle within her, and she often felt lost and alone.

As they reached the babies, Kagome helped Sango soothe and feed them. Despite her inner turmoil, Kagome found solace in the simple act of caring for the innocent children. The warmth of their tiny bodies and their contented gurgles brought her a sense of peace and tranquility. 

As the days turned into weeks, Kagome's inner turmoil intensified. The weight of her indecision pressed heavily upon her, causing her mind to unravel at the seams. She sought solace in the tranquility of the moonlit nights, wandering through the ancient forests surrounding her village. The gentle caress of the night breeze and the silvery glow of the celestial bodies offered a brief respite from the chaos within her soul.

During her nocturnal strolls, Kagome encountered a wise and mysterious figure, the Dreamweaver. With ethereal eyes that seemed to pierce through her very being, the Dreamweaver listened intently to Kagome's heartfelt confessions. Understanding the depth of her anguish, the Dreamweaver guided Kagome on a journey of self-discovery, helping her to confront her inner demons and find clarity amidst the confusion.

Through a series of vivid dreams and reflective conversations, Kagome began to unravel the complexities of her emotions. She realized her love for Sesshomaru stemmed from his strength, dignity, and unwavering loyalty. His composed demeanor and unwavering resolve provided a sense of security that Kagome yearned for. 

As the sun rose, casting its golden rays across the tranquil village, Kagome embarked on a journey to share her innermost feelings with her closest friend, Sango. With each step, her heart echoed with anticipation and trepidation.

"Sango! Sango!" Kagome called out as she ran into the village. Her voice carried the weight of a secret she had longed to confide in someone.

In the midst of washing clothes, Sango turned her head, her eyes widening in surprise. "Yes, Kagome?" she replied, sensing the urgency in her friend's tone.

"Sango, I have something to tell you," Kagome said, trembling slightly. She took Sango's hand and led her into a nearby hut.

Inside the hut, Kagome poured out her heart to Sango. She expressed her growing feelings for Lord Sesshomaru, Inuyasha's elder brother. She shared the pain and confusion she had experienced since arriving in the feudal era, torn between her love for Inuyasha and her newfound attraction to Sesshomaru.

Kagome's tears flowed freely as she recounted the events that had transpired. She told Sango about Inuyasha's decision to leave her for Kikyo, his former love. The betrayal had left a deep wound in her heart, and she found solace in the unexpected connection she had formed with Sesshomaru.

Sango listened intently, offering a shoulder to cry on and a sympathetic ear. Though surprised by Kagome's revelation, she understood the complexities of her friend's emotions.

"Kagome, I know this is a difficult situation," Sango said softly. "But you need to find closure with Inuyasha before you can move on. It's important to face your feelings and resolve any lingering issues."

Kagome nodded, wiping away her tears. "I know you're right, Sango. I need to talk to Inuyasha and find a way to make peace with the past."

With Sango's support and encouragement, Kagome resolved to confront Inuyasha and seek the closure she desperately needed. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but she was determined to move forward and embrace whatever the future held.

As the sun set, Kagome left the hut, feeling a sense of newfound strength. She had shared her secret with Sango and received the understanding and guidance she needed. With a renewed sense of purpose, Kagome set out to find Inuyasha and face the challenges ahead. 

Kagome ventured into the enchanted forest in the twilight's embrace, her heart heavy with a burden she longed to unveil. As the rustling leaves whispered secrets beneath her feet, she stumbled upon a solitary figure perched atop an ancient tree-Inuyasha. His eyes were shut, his features etched with serenity and longing.

"Inuyasha," Kagome's voice softly broke the silence.

His eyes fluttered open, revealing a glimmer of surprise as he met Kagome's gaze. Leaping down from the tree, he landed gracefully before her, a mixture of curiosity and concern etching his handsome features.

"What is it, Kagome?" Inuyasha inquired, his voice low and rumbling. Did something happen in the village?"

Kagome hesitated for a moment, her heart pounding in her chest. "No, Inuyasha. It's something between you and me," she replied, her voice steady despite the turmoil.

Inuyasha's ears twitched in confusion, his keen senses detecting a shift in the air. "I know everything," Kagome continued, her gaze meeting his. "I know about you and Kikyo. And I also know you don't have any feelings for me anymore."

A wave of emotions washed over Inuyasha's face as he struggled to find the right words. "Kagome...I..." He faltered, unable to complete the sentence.

Kagome offered him a gentle smile, a touch of sadness lingering in her eyes. "It's okay, Inuyasha. I understand," she said, her voice soft and understanding. "My heart is not troubled by this. Sesshomaru has claimed my heart; he is the one who possesses it."

Inuyasha's eyes widened in surprise, his emotions swirling in a storm. "Kagome, you can't like him," he exclaimed, his voice laced with anger and concern. "He tried to kill you on multiple occasions. He'll only use you. His heart isn't capable of love."

Kagome remained unfazed by Inuyasha's outburst, her demeanor calm and composed. "Inuyasha, I could say the same thing to you," she replied, her voice steady. "You can't love a dead being. Kikyo isn't a real human anymore."

Inuyasha's expression morphed into shock as he realized he had never considered things from Kagome's perspective.

"I just wanted to let you know so that neither of us has to hide our feelings any longer," Kagome said, her gaze sincere. I want us to remain friends and companions. We still have many journeys to achieve together. We weren't meant to be romantically involved, and that's okay."

A gentle smile spread across Kagome's face, dispelling the tension that had hung heavy in the air. "Now that I've gotten that off my chest, I must go," she said, her voice light and carefree.

With a nod of acknowledgment, Inuyasha watched as Kagome turned and disappeared into the embrace of the forest. A multitude of emotions swirled within him, leaving him with a sense of both loss and newfound clarity.

As the moon rose, casting its ethereal glow upon the forest, Inuyasha stood tall, his heart grappling with the revelations that had transpired. Though his feelings for Kagome had faded, he recognized the enduring bond that united them as companions on a shared destiny. And so, with a deep breath, Inuyasha resolved to embrace the future, cherishing the friendship he shared with Kagome and facing the challenges that lay ahead with renewed strength and determination.

As I returned to Sango's hut, my heart raced with excitement and anticipation. I had just encountered Lord Inuyasha outside, and Sango had encouraged me to pursue my feelings for him. With determination in my steps, I entered the hut and relayed to Sango what had transpired.

Sango listened intently, her eyes twinkling with understanding. She then proceeded to share some heartfelt advice, emphasizing the importance of attentive listening and expressing genuine care. Her words resonated with me, and I made a mental note to put them into practice.

Just as I was leaving, I noticed a figure outside the window. My heart skipped a beat as I realized it was Lord Sesshomaru. Sango's smile widened, and she gave me a knowing nod. Without hesitation, I rushed out of the hut, eager to catch up with him.

As I approached Lord Sesshomaru, Miroku emerged carrying one of his babies from the hut. A look of surprise crossed his face as he witnessed our interaction. "Where is she going?" he inquired, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Overhearing the conversation, Sango replied with a mischievous grin, "She's going to make her lover happy."

Miroku's eyes widened in astonishment. "Her and Sesshomaru?" he exclaimed, unable to conceal his shock. Sango nodded in confirmation, her smile radiating warmth and approval.

Witnessing the exchange, Miroku's expression softened. He turned to Sango, his gaze filled with love and admiration. "Now, help me feed our kids," he said, his voice gentle and affectionate.

Sango's heart melted at the sight of her loving husband. With a tender smile, she took the baby from Miroku's arms and cradled it close, showering it with love and attention.

As I embarked on my journey to find Lord Sesshomaru, I carried the blessings and encouragement of Sango and Miroku. Their unwavering support and understanding gave me the strength to face whatever challenges lay ahead. 

"Sesshomaru, wait!" her voice echoed through the tranquil air, carrying a mix of longing and trepidation. Sesshomaru's imposing figure paused at the sound of her voice, and he turned his piercing golden gaze upon her. "Hm?" he replied, a single syllable conveying curiosity and a hint of impatience.

Undeterred by his apparent indifference, Kagome stepped forward, a radiant smile lighting up her face. "Where are you going, Sesshomaru?" she asked, her voice soft and melodic. Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed slightly as if assessing the sincerity of her question. "Back to my quarters, Miko," he answered curtly, his tone devoid of emotion.

A flicker of disappointment crossed Kagome's countenance but quickly gave way to a spark of determination. "Can I come with you?" she asked, her heart pounding with anticipation. Sesshomaru's lips curled into a faint smirk as he met her gaze. "Follow if you want, Miko," he replied, his voice laced with a hint of amusement.

Without further ado, Sesshomaru turned and began walking toward the western castle. Kagome didn't hesitate momentarily; she trailed after him, a broad smile gracing her features. The journey to the western castle was long and arduous, but Kagome didn't feel the slightest fatigue. The sheer thrill of being in Sesshomaru's presence was enough to sustain her.

The moon slowly descended as the night wore on, casting an ethereal glow upon the landscape. The rustling of leaves and the distant hooting of owls created a symphony of nature, accompanying their silent journey. Kagome marveled at the beauty of the forest, but her gaze kept returning to the figure walking ahead of her. Sesshomaru's silver hair shimmered in the moonlight, and his noble bearing exuded a sense of untamed power.

Finally, as the first rays of the morning sun pierced through the horizon, they reached their destination. The western castle stood before them in all its grandeur, a testament to Sesshomaru's dominion. It was a colossal structure with towering spires that seemed to pierce the heavens.

Kagome's heart raced excitedly as she followed Sesshomaru through the castle's massive gates. She had never been inside the western castle before and couldn't help but feel awe at its splendor. The interior was adorned with intricate carvings, exquisite tapestries, and rare artifacts from distant lands.

As they traversed the castle's opulent corridors, Kagome couldn't shake the feeling that she was intruding upon something sacred. But Sesshomaru seemed oblivious to her unease. He walked with the same detached grace as if he were merely a silent observer in his domain.

Eventually, they arrived at Sesshomaru's private chambers, a secluded sanctuary deep within the castle. The room was bathed in soft light, and the air was tinged with incense. A large desk occupied the center of the room, covered with scrolls, maps, and various other documents.

Sesshomaru approached the desk and sat down, indicating that Kagome should do the same. As she settled into the chair opposite him, she couldn't help but feel a sense of intimacy, as if they were the only two people in the world.

For a moment, there was silence between them. Kagome glanced at Sesshomaru, who was intently focused on a scroll before him. She longed to break the silence and ask him about his life, thoughts, and dreams. But something held her back, a mixture of reverence and trepidation.

Finally, Sesshomaru looked up from his scroll and met Kagome's gaze. A flicker of emotion crossed his face, but his customary mask of indifference quickly replaced it. "Why have you come here, Miko?" he asked, his voice calm and measured.

Kagome took a deep breath and gathered her courage. "I wanted to spend time with you, Sesshomaru," she replied honestly. "I find your company both fascinating and comforting."

A hint of surprise flickered in Sesshomaru's golden eyes. "You are an unusual woman, Miko," he said, his tone thoughtful. "Most humans would be intimidated by my presence."

"I am not most human," Kagome replied with a smile. "And I am not afraid of you, Sesshomaru, you know that." She giggled. 

As I stood up from my chair and approached Sesshomaru with curiosity, I couldn't help but glance over his shoulder to see what had captured his attention. The sight that met my eyes was a scroll, and my heart sank as I realized its significance. It was an arranged marriage proposal, and a wave of envy and jealousy washed over me.

Retreating to my seat, I couldn't tear my gaze away from the sun's warm rays. It was as if I sought solace in its comforting glow, trying to soothe the turmoil within. Sesshomaru, ever observant, witnessed my emotional turmoil as he smirked. His amusement was evident, yet it was tinged with understanding.

"This Sesshomaru will not accept, Miko," he assured me, his deep voice cutting through the silence. A smile spread across my lips, for I knew he would never succumb to such a proposal. Yet, despite the reassurance, a sense of weariness crept over me.

I had accompanied Lord Sesshomaru on our journey all night, and the lack of sleep began to take its toll. Before I knew it, I succumbed to a deep slumber, my body exhausted from the relentless travel.

When Lord Sesshomaru finished his paperwork, he turned his gaze to me, a soft smile playing on his lips as he beheld my sleeping form. He gently removed his kimono top and draped it over me, ensuring I was not cold. Then, he gathered me in his arms and carried me to a sleeping chamber, where he placed me to rest.

As he settled me down, a sense of peace washed over me. The warmth of the kimono and the comfort of the bed soothed my weary soul. Nearby, Lord Sesshomaru remained, engrossed in a book as he kept vigil, his presence a silent guardian in the darkness.

When I awaken, I find myself in a comfortable sleeping chamber. A soft blanket covers me, and rustling papers fill the air. I turn my head and see Sesshomaru sitting at a nearby desk, reading a book. 

"I must have been exhausted," I say, my voice warm and concerned. I sit up and stretch, feeling refreshed and revitalized. "Thank you, Lord Sesshomaru. I appreciate your kindness."

He nods slightly, his expression unreadable. "Hn," he says.

We sit in silence for a moment, watching the flickering flames of the candles cast dancing shadows on the walls. I am filled with a sense of contentment and peace. I know that I am safe here, in the company of Sesshomaru.