
The Way You Look

A Story Of How the Priestess Kagome and the Mighty Lord Sesshomaru Fell in Love.

AKEN0X · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


In the quaint village where Inuyasha resided, a sense of unease had settled within him. The absence of both Kikyo, his beloved, and Kagome, his companion, gnawed at his heart, leaving him feeling isolated and alone. With a growing sense of anxiety, he sought out Sango and Miroku, hoping they might shed some light on their whereabouts.

"Sango, have you, by chance, seen Kagome?" Inuyasha inquired, his voice laced with concern.

Preoccupied with her daily tasks, Sango looked up at Inuyasha, her brow creased in confusion. "No, I haven't seen her. Last I knew, she left with Lord Sesshomaru yesterday," she replied.

Inuyasha's heart sank upon hearing this news. He had hoped that Kagome might still be in the village, but the thought of her being with Sesshomaru, his former adversary, filled him with apprehension and curiosity.

"Do you know where they might have gone?" Inuyasha pressed, his gaze unwavering.

Sango shook her head regretfully. "I'm not certain. Perhaps you could inquire with Rin. She might have some information," she suggested.

Inuyasha scoffed at the idea. "Why would I ask a child for help?" he retorted, his pride improving.

Sango met Inuyasha's gaze with a knowing smile. "It was merely a suggestion," she replied calmly, returning to work around the hut.

Despite his initial reluctance, Inuyasha found himself contemplating Sango's words. Though he had a reputation for being solitary and self-reliant, he couldn't deny the growing sense of helplessness that consumed him. With a heavy heart, he resolved to seek out Rin, hoping she might provide him with the answers he sought.

Inuyasha's frustration was palpable as he called out to Rin, his voice tinged with annoyance. "Hey, Rin, have you seen Kagome and Sesshomaru?" he demanded.

Rin, ever the cheerful one, smiled brightly and shook her head. "Mmm, I haven't seen them. But usually, Sesshomaru goes to his home."

Inuyasha's eyebrows furrowed in curiosity. "And where is his home?" he inquired.

"Oh, it's the Western Castle!" Rin exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement. "Maybe Kagome went with him!"

Rin continued picking flowers, oblivious to the turmoil within Inuyasha's heart. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, that Kagome might be with Sesshomaru. With a heavy heart, Inuyasha turned and headed west, hoping against hope that Kagome wasn't there.

As he journeyed, his thoughts raced. He couldn't imagine Kagome willingly choosing Sesshomaru over him. But the possibility lingered, gnawing at his mind like a persistent demon.

Inuyasha's heart ached with a mixture of jealousy and fear. He couldn't bear the thought of losing Kagome to his long-time rival. Their bond had grown so strong over the years, and he cherished it more than anything.

As he approached the Western Castle, Inuyasha's hands trembled. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he might find. With a heavy knock, he announced his presence.

The door creaked open, revealing a surprised Sesshomaru. Inuyasha's gaze immediately scanned the room, searching for any sign of Kagome. To his relief, she was nowhere to be seen.

"Inuyasha," Sesshomaru said, his voice calm and collected. "To what does this Sesshomaru owe this unexpected visit?"

Inuyasha's chest heaved with a mixture of anger and relief. "I was looking for Kagome," he said, his voice gruff. "I thought she might be here."

Sesshomaru's lips curled into a smirk. "The miko is not here, Inuyasha. And even if she were, it's none of your concern."

Inuyasha's eyes narrowed in fury. "Don't play games with me, Sesshomaru," he growled. "I know you've always had a thing for Kagome."

Sesshomaru's gaze remained steady. "Hn," he replied coolly. 

Inuyasha's rage boiled over. He lunged at Sesshomaru, his claws bared. The two rivals clashed fiercely, each determined to prove their strength and dominance.

The castle shook with the force of their blows. Furniture shattered, and the walls cracked. But neither Inuyasha nor Sesshomaru would yield.

During the chaos, Inuyasha suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Inuyasha, stop!" Kagome cried out.

Inuyasha's movements faltered as he turned to face the source of the voice. Kagome stood in the doorway, her eyes wide with fear.

"Kagome?" Inuyasha breathed, his heart skipping a beat.

Kagome rushed forward, her arms outstretched. "Inuyasha, please stop fighting," she pleaded. "There's no need for this."

Inuyasha hesitated, his anger slowly dissipating. He looked at Kagome, his love for her evident in his gaze.

"Kagome," he said softly, his voice trembling. 

 Kagome's heart sank as she beheld Inuyasha, his golden eyes filled with desperation and longing. "Inuyasha, why are you here?" she questioned, trembling slightly. Pain twisted Inuyasha's features as he looked into Kagome's compassionate eyes. "Kagome, it's Kikyo. I can't find her, and I... I thought I'd lost you," he confessed, his voice hoarse. "I thought I was ready to accept that you'd left me and gone to him. I-I'm sorry. Please come back."

Kagome's gaze softened, reflecting the complex emotions swirling within her. "Inuyasha, I understand your feelings, but what's done is done. Kikyo is waiting by Sunderlam Lake. Go to her before it's too late," she replied, her words tinged with sadness and a hint of regret. A sense of resignation washed over Inuyasha as he absorbed Kagome's words. He nodded silently, his heart heavy with unfulfilled love. With a pang of longing, he turned and ran towards the Sunderlaml Lake, leaving Kagome alone in the soft sunlight.

A sigh of relief escaped Kagome's lips as she watched Inuyasha disappear into the darkness, knowing that he held a special place in her heart despite the complexities of their relationship. As she turned to leave, she couldn't resist the fleeting thought of longing for Lord Sesshomaru's luxurious silver locks, who stood nearby. His commanding presence and striking appearance captured her imagination.

With a composed demeanor, Kagome approached Lord Sesshomaru, her heart pounding with a mix of trepidation and curiosity. "Shall we head inside and continue, Lord Sesshomaru?" she asked, her voice steady despite her racing thoughts. Lord Sesshomaru's piercing golden eyes met hers, and he offered a curt nod in response, his long silver hair flowing elegantly behind him. As they made their way inside, Kagome couldn't shake the feeling that Lord Sesshomaru's stoic exterior concealed a depth of emotions she yearned to explore.

My body grew restless as I sat back at the desk where Lord Sesshomaru and I had been seated. He sat at the opposite end, engrossed in his paperwork. The air in the room was thick with anticipation, and I found myself fidgeting with my fingers, unable to contain my excitement. With each passing moment, my desire to escape the confines of the room grew stronger. Finally, unable to bear it any longer, I slowly rose from my seat.

"Lord Sesshomaru," I said, barely above a whisper, "I believe I shall stroll outside. Please excuse my absence."

He did not look up from his work but merely nodded in acknowledgment. With a deep bow, I left the room, eager to explore the wonders that awaited me beyond its walls.

As I stepped out into the open air, I took a deep breath of the fresh, crisp air. The sun shone brightly overhead, casting a golden hue on the lush green landscape. Trees swayed gently in the breeze, their leaves rustling like whispered secrets. Birdsong filled the air, creating a symphony of nature's beauty.

I strolled, savoring the peace and tranquility of my surroundings. With each step, I felt my mind and body relax, leaving behind the stresses and concerns that had plagued me within the confines of the manor. As I explored, I encountered various creatures and beings that inhabited the forest. I came across a family of deer grazing in a meadow, and their graceful movements were a testament to the harmony of nature. I watched a group of butterflies fluttering among the wildflowers, their delicate wings shimmering in the sunlight.

Further along, I stumbled upon a tranquil stream, its crystal-clear waters reflecting the blue sky above. I sat on the bank, letting my feet dangle in the cool water. A sense of serenity washed over me as I closed my eyes and listened to the gentle lapping of the waves.

Time seemed to stand still as I immersed myself in the beauty of the natural world. It was a sanctuary where I could escape the complexities of the human realm and find solace in the embrace of nature. As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the landscape, I knew it was time to return to the manor.

With a renewed sense of purpose, I returned to the desk where Lord Sesshomaru was still sitting, diligently working. As I entered the room, he looked up.

"Your exploration was fruitful, it seems," he remarked.

"Indeed, Lord Sesshomaru," I replied, bowing respectfully. "The natural world holds a beauty and wonder that never ceases to amaze me."

He nodded in understanding, his gaze returning to his paperwork. 

As I walked behind the noble Lord Sesshomaru, a naughty idea sparked. With a light chuckle, I gently placed a delicate flower crown adorned with vibrant petals upon his head. The sudden gesture surprised him, and his golden eyes gazed up at me in amusement. "Miko, what have you placed upon my head?" he inquired, his deep voice tinged with curiosity.

I met his gaze with a mischievous smile, feigning innocence. "Oh, nothing important," I replied, batting my eyelashes playfully. "Just a little decoration to brighten your night."

A hint of a smile tugged at the corners of Sesshomaru's lips. "You are a playful one, Miko," he remarked. "But this Sesshomaru is not accustomed to wearing such adornments."

Undeterred, I reached out and gently tagged him on the shoulder. "You're going to be the seeker!" I exclaimed, my heart racing with excitement and anticipation. I had grown tired of the endless scrolls and papers that filled our days, and a sudden burst of energy surged through me.

"Miko, I do not engage in such childish games," Sesshomaru replied, his tone amused yet slightly exasperated.

"Oh, come on, Sesshomaru," I pleaded, my eyes twinkling with mischief. "Just for once, let loose and have some fun."

Seeing the sparkle in my eyes, Sesshomaru let out a soft chuckle. "Very well, Miko." he conceded.

With that, I turned and dashed down the expansive hallway, my footsteps echoing in the silence. I darted through open doorways and quickly shut them behind me, hoping to slow down Sesshomaru's pursuit. As I ran, my laughter filled the air, and the sound of Sesshomaru's footsteps grew closer.

I twisted and turned, navigating through numerous rooms until I encountered a secluded chamber. It was a dark and shadowy space, with only the faint light of the moon filtering through the windows. In the dimness, I spotted a small piece of furniture that could give me a hiding spot. With quick movements, I slid the door closed and positioned one of the furniture pieces against it, effectively blocking Sesshomaru's entry.

The room was pitch-black, save for the gentle glow of the moon slowly rising in the sky. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart. Would Sesshomaru even bother searching for me? A wave of doubt washed over me as I questioned my plan.

As my doubts consumed me, I heard Sesshomaru's deep voice echoing down the hallway. "Miko, you are not particularly skilled at hiding," he called out.

My breath hitched in my throat, and I remained perfectly still, hoping he wouldn't discover my hiding spot. I held my breath as I listened to Sesshomaru's footsteps growing closer. The door to the chamber slid open, and the faint light from the hallway spilled into the room.

I peered cautiously, only to find that Sesshomaru had turned away and was walking in the opposite direction. Seizing the opportunity, I slipped out of my hiding spot and tiptoed out of the chamber. With silent steps, I went down the hallway, my heart pounding with excitement and relief.

When I thought I had escaped undetected, I felt a pair of strong arms encircle me from behind. I let out a soft giggle, acknowledging my capture. "I guess you found me after all," I sighed, turning to face Sesshomaru.

His golden eyes met mine, a hint of amusement dancing in their depths. "Indeed, Miko. You may be quick and clever, but you cannot escape my grasp," he replied, his voice smooth and deep.

As I stood there, caught in Sesshomaru's embrace, I realized our game was more than a playful diversion. I giggled. "Lord Sesshomaru, shall we continue somewhere else?" I suggested

After a moment of thoughtful silence, Sesshomaru spoke, his voice deep and resonant. "Very well," he said, picking me up the bridal way. 

A wave of unease washed over me as I was carried into the dark room. The only light source was the dim moonlight that filtered through a small window, casting long, eerie shadows that seemed to dance and writhe on the walls. The air was thick and humid, and the silence was deafening, broken only by the occasional creak of the old wooden floorboards beneath my feet.

My heart pounded as I strained my eyes to make out the room's shape. The walls seemed to stretch forever, and the ceiling was lost in the darkness above. As my eyes slowly adjusted to the dim light, I could see the faint outlines of furniture and objects scattered around the room. 

I felt the soft sheets caress my skin as I lay on the bed. The darkness enveloped me, and I couldn't find anything in the room. I could hear the gentle rustling of fabric as Sesshomaru moved around, but I couldn't see where he went. The sound of his footsteps faded away, and I was left alone in the darkness. I closed my eyes and tried to relax, but my mind raced with thoughts. The silence was deafening, and I could hear my own heart beating in my chest. Then, I felt Lord Sesshomaru's mouth on mine. The night was beginning.