
The value of a hero

This is a story about Doryoku Suzuki, a kid whose powerful and uncontrollable quirk gave him many problems throughout his life, and who unlike everyone else, his only dream and goal is to help his mother instead of being a hero. —The story mostly takes place at the same time as when Aizawa was studying at the U.A. —Bnha and the image on the cover don't belong to me obviously. —Any advice to improve the writing is welcome.

Grim_Jester · Cómic
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62 Chs

The Cat

After finding Aizawa and now being a group of three people in charge of the little cat, they all waited until Last laser could attend to them.

Even Doryoku knew that Last Laser's rest was a sacred moment, this because he was always doing something and the few times he allowed himself to rest were rare, short and it would not be a good idea to interrupt him.

"And well that's the story of how I found him…Nothing to write home about" Aizawa said with a bored tone as always, although he always seemed to have the little cat in sight.

"Today was definitely a weird day... Doryoku arriving late, me arriving early and Aizawa being sentimental, Yamada just needs to be quiet and it will be all" Oboro said with a thoughtful tone and finding positive things somehow, besides that he seemed looking forward to his prediction.

"Meow!" the little cat suddenly meowed, causing Aizawa and Oboro to look down for a moment in curiosity.

They had both noticed that he had moved from his spot, which made them tense for a moment, but as they looked around they could see that the little cat had happily approached Doryoku.

"Sorry mate, something bad might have happened to you and I couldn't even think about it until much later" Doryoku said guiltily as he spoke to the little cat as if he really expected an answer.

"Meow" said little feline and then approached him and placed himself on his legs in search of some source of heat.

"How strange... I'm sure he scratched me at least once even knowing I didn't want to hurt him, but with Doryoku he looks like another cat" Aizawa said with blank eyes seeing how docile the cat was around Doryoku.

"Yeahhhhh, you should see him near a dog, it's a strange and fascinating experience…" Oboro said with a nervous smile while Aizawa could only tilt his head in confusion and a bit of curiosity.

Just then, the door to the staff room opened and Last Laser came out, looking anything but rested.

As he left, he quickly noticed the presence of his students sitting on the floor for some reason in front of him, although after looking better he could see the reason.

They quickly got up and approached him, with Doryoku carrying the little cat in a very careful way and without it resisting in any way.

"Laser-sensei, as you can see we have a little problem" Aizawa said, showing his face since he was the one who brought the little cat in the first place, despite the fact that he was sure that Doryoku or Oboro would show their faces if necessary.

"Well, I have to admit that I expected it from everyone except you Aizawa" Last laser said genuinely surprised to see Aizawa's attitude towards the situation.

"Good morning Laser-sensei, do you think you could let me keep the little cat inside the UA until I leave? I promise he won't cause any problems, I'll take care of it" Doryoku said with quite a bit of respect as always, although the little cat seemed anything but happy to see Last laser.

"Good morning boy, I don't know how many times I've told you but you don't need so much respect, I think we already know each other well enough" said Last laser shaking his head at Doryoku's attitude that he had already gotten used to.

"You can keep him, just keep him away from Director Nezu... It's not a good idea for the two of them to meet" Last laser said in a calm tone, although he was being quite serious on that last point.

"And Shirakumo, don't even think of doing something stupid" Last laser said now looking at Oboro who had kept quiet until now.

"B-but I haven't said anything!" Oboro said quite offended as he tried to justify himself even before doing anything.

"No, but that face makes me suspicious just looking at it, just stay calm and I'll be much safer, ok?" Last laser said with an explanatory tone making Oboro nod still offended and Aizawa and Doryoku smile slightly at the scene.

"Well, that's all right? Let's go to the classroom to wait for the rest" Last laser said with a calm tone again and walking towards the classroom, being followed by the group of students, and the cat.



"iiiiiiiiih, it's so cute!" Mirai said with quite a bit of emotion as she saw the little cat and it got as far away from her as possible just like he had the last time he saw her.

"Psss, I only see bad intentions, if he attacks me it's justified for me to hit him" Yoshino said with narrowed eyes while she stayed a little further away from the feline.

Azami was next to her since she was actually allergic to cats, she even started sneezing and her nose turned red just by having him near her.

And Hizashi... Well it turns out that Oboro was somewhat right, since he caught a cold and his voice was barely audible and very hoarse today.

It should be noted that they were all sitting at a table at lunchtime while eating, and despite that the little cat did not move in search of food, just kept close to Doryoku with a lot of caution.

"Come little one, have some meat" Mirai said with a wide smile as she took some meat from her salad with chopsticks and brought it a little closer to the little cat.

He just looked at the food with narrowed eyes and refused almost flatly, he really hated Mirai with all his soul for some reason.

"Meow!" the little cat mewed in Doryoku's direction as he looked up at him with his lovely blue eyes.

"You do realize that I have almost no feelings, right?" Doryoku said calmly and without feeling anything before the adorableness of the little cat, although it did not stop looking at him like that.

Doryoku stared at the little cat for a moment, and then he simply let out a small sigh before handing him a small piece of chicken.

"You're lucky, if it was Oka-chan's food I can't guarantee I would have shared it" Doryoku said in a calm tone as he continued to eat just like the little cat happily.

"But-! Why don't you pay attention to me?!" Mirai said to the little cat quite hurt at being ignored completely.

"Why do they get along so well? I've never seen a cat like that" Yoshino said with a lot of confusion when noticing the strange behavior of that feline.

"Normally he always gets along with cats, but this one in particular is much closer for some reason" Oboro said with an explanatory tone, knowing that Doryoku already knew the cat but still surprised by his closeness.

"S-so what will we do with him? Where will he go after the school close?" Azami said trying not to sneeze and making a pretty valid point.

"Until today he hadn't had any problems, but now I doubt I can rest easy knowing he's a stray" Doryoku said with a lot of concern for the situation.

"I can't take him home, Oka-chan is very allergic as much or even more than Wisteria, I don't want to change one concern for another either" Doryoku said trying to think of a solution while the rest looked at him with some impotence.

He had already asked everyone except Yoshino, but after seeing that they didn't get along as well, he couldn't think of anything anymore.

Or at least that was until...

"I'll take him" Aizawa said suddenly with his typical calm tone making everyone stay in shock for a second.

"What?! But you said you hate animals in general!" Mirai said quite surprised and even a little jealous at not being able to take care of the little cat.

"That requires a lot of responsibility bro, even I know that and you know who I am! Don't you?" Oboro said also quite surprised and even being more logical than Aizawa at this moment.

"It's not a good idea brother" Hizashi said in a very low voice, making his opinion sound only funny to his disgrace.

Doryoku could only keep quiet and wait, he was sure there was one more part Aizawa wanted to express.

"There is something... I learned when I met that cat, and yes, it will be very complex to take care of it, but I want to keep him so I never lose sight of what he taught me" Aizawa said with a thoughtful tone and a slight smile, making the group It's kind of confusing now, except for...

"I see... You learned something with him huh? Then I understand perfectly" said Doryoku also smiling slightly as he shared the feeling like few times.

At that moment, the little cat finished eating and approached Aizawa, then stared at him for a couple of seconds, just like the latter.

"Meow!" meowed the little cat asking for some of his food as well, showing that he had at least a little trust in him.

"Well, I guess it's a start" Oboro said with a wide smile seeing the outcome of the matter as well as the rest.



After class, the group split up and only Aizawa, Doryoku, and Oboro remained, since the rest either had things to do or had to go home because they didn't want to catch another cold.

The rain continued until almost the end of classes, it only stopped a few minutes lqter and yet the atmosphere was still very wet and cold and it even seemed that it could rain again at any moment.

"How much will the cat food cost?" Aizawa said with a thoughtful tone and a bit worried since he didn't have much to say, while he had the little cat in his arms.

"It's not that expensive from what I understand, but I would recommend you look for it in a supermarket, in specialized stores they always have a higher price" said Doryoku with a thoughtful tone and releasing quite useful shopping information actually.

"I can help you if you need it, at the end of the day it's a shared responsibility!" Oboro said being available if the little feline needed anything.

"Nah, this can serve as training too, so I'll know how to survive when I work" Aizawa said in an explanatory tone, making Doryoku nod in agreement.

They all continued walking to the train station as well as several students, and there was nothing really unusual about the walk.

"Hello UA Kohais!!" a voice was heard from behind the group, causing Aizawa and Oboro to turn around curiously and Doryoku to get quite scared.

Looking back, everyone could see a UA student with long dark blue hair and blue eyes, only in a lighter shade, about 1.70 meters tall, and she was smiling broadly.

"What happened to you, young man? My greeting wasn't that big of a deal" said the young woman, still smiling broadly and being, flirtatious?

"Oh no, sorry, the only people I know who would greet me like that are next to me or without a voice, I thought it was a thief" Doryoku said taking a deep breath to calm down, leaving everyone in a nervous sweat at that calculation.

"And you are?" Aizawa asked dryly, changing the subject of the conversation.

"Hey! You can't talk to a lady like that Aizawa" Oboro said making the 'move' and causing Aizawa to look at him in disappointment.

"Right, I haven't introduced myself yet!" The young woman said with quite a bit of surprise apparently, although it was a bit obvious that she was exaggerating.

"My pleasure young men, my name is Nemuri Kayama, the Midnight Hero!!" said the one now known as Nemuri with quite passion as she introduced herself.

No comments I'm sick ugh.

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