
The value of a hero

This is a story about Doryoku Suzuki, a kid whose powerful and uncontrollable quirk gave him many problems throughout his life, and who unlike everyone else, his only dream and goal is to help his mother instead of being a hero. —The story mostly takes place at the same time as when Aizawa was studying at the U.A. —Bnha and the image on the cover don't belong to me obviously. —Any advice to improve the writing is welcome.

Grim_Jester · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
62 Chs


After that singular introduction, none of them seemed to react to it, making Nemuri feel a bit hurt.

"My name doesn't cause happiness yet, but soon it will, especially in handsome men!" Nemuri said quite determinedly and insistently about young men for some reason.

"You in particular look promising, don't you want to join my male harem?" Nemuri told Doryoku in a flirtatious tone, although the latter didn't show any reaction, nothing unusual.

"No thanks, I don't know you and there's no reason to accept, besides, mom says that those who are looking for a harem can't really love and are just horny teenagers" Doryoku said flatly refusing and with an explanatory tone as if it were a teacher.

"I also thought of it for myself, and the very thought of having to share the person I love turns my stomach" Doryoku said imagining how the other party would feel in a relationship like that with a chill.

"I didn't even think about it, but that description fits me pretty well" Aizawa said raising his hand in total agreement at Doryoku's words.

"Besides, who has time to take care of a girlfriend? I already have many problems with just one cat" Aizawa said adding that last part with his typical bored tone.

"Maybe I'm the one who always goes against but this time I agree, not counting Aizawa obviously" Oboro said raising his hand slightly too, but flatly denying Aizawa's position.

Nemuri could only deflate like a balloon for two reasons, one, they rejected her and two, a boy didn't fall for her charms, in this case there were two.

"Well nothing can be done, I'll get to the point of why this talk" Nemuri said shrugging her shoulders after being sad for half a second and returning to her initial attitude, leaving the rest quite confused.

"I heard from the gossips of the little spies that you brought a cat to the UA and you didn't know what to do with it, and from what I see it's that little one" Nemuri said trying to be mysterious and pointing at the little cat, which was ready to launch an attack in an emergency.

"It's weird, we all eat at the same place and at the same time, why did you need someone to know that information?" Doryoku said overthinking the matter as usual and finding an incoherence in that story.

"That's because I was doing heroin internships in the summer internships, if you need proof here I have them prospected to detective!!" Nemuri said with too much pride apparently and looking at her phone for proof.

After a moment of waiting, she showed a photo to the three of them, who looked curiously and noticed a man in a purple suit that was quite detailed and had a rather fine face, as well as being dark-skinned.

"This is purple highness, a great hero almost in the top ten, the only reason he's not there is because he hates sweating too much!" Nemuri said rather proudly before reaching for another photo, while the rest seemed rather unimpressed.

"And here I am with him, in my midnight hero outfit!!" Nemuri said showing her phone again, this time causing Doryoku and Aizawa to look away and Oboro to look quite carefully apparently.

Nemuri's outfit was… god, hard to explain since there really wasn't much to explain in that 'outfit'.

"Please tell me you're wearing that suit because of your quirk and not because you're a complete degenerated" Aizawa said trying to find a shred of decency in the young woman in front of him.

"Indeed, my quirk allows me to secrete a pretty strong sleep gas from my body odor, so the more exposed the better" Nemuri said in an explanatory tone causing Aizawa to let out a slight sigh, although she was still a degenerate.

Incidentally, Nemuri had on tights now that they were paying attention, as well as some very thin gloves on her hands.

"Well, we got off topic again, the reason why I approached you guys today" Nerumi said still with an excited tone as the rest listened curiously.

"I want to take care of that little cat myself, they told me you were having trouble finding a home for it and I am the person you are looking for!" Nerumi said with a wide expectant smile to the rest.

Doryoku as well as Oboro tried to find the words to explain that it would not be possible, since neither of them wanted to hurt her feelings so abruptly, both for different reasons obviously.

Too bad Aizawa was also there.

"I'm sorry but I already offered to take care of him, and with all due respect, I doubt that any living being can be safe and receive a good example under your charge" Aizawa said being terribly blunt as usual, although even so he had a hint of touch compared to normal.

At this both Doryoku and Oboro gasped for a moment and both had completely blank expressions, only being able to look in Nerumi's direction almost automatically.

"Ohhh, too bad, but that hurt quite a lot I have to admit" Nerumi said a bit dejected although she actually took it too well.

"Ufff" they both said at the same time, since they expected a much worse scenario.

"Well I didn't even have a clue how to name it so I guess I wasn't really the one" Nerumi said thoughtfully bringing the rest to a realization.

"Hell right, we have no idea what to name it!" Oboro said in shock, although his reaction was a bit exaggerated.

"Count me out, I have no imagination at all" Doryoku said almost instantly at his lack of imagination.

He even tried to give the little cat a name all this time, but it was just something generic, like 'pepper' or 'mint'.

"I wouldn't make much of a difference either, you remember where my hero name came from right?" Aizawa said also refusing and giving a very valid argument.

"Then everything depends on me, a life decision, something that will decide the fate of-" Oboro said with great passion and seriousness, until he was cut off by Doryoku.

"Not really, it would be much better if we talk about it tomorrow as a group" said Doryoku with a thoughtful tone and causing Oboro to falter quite a bit.

"Doryoku, you still have a lot to learn about feelings" Oboro said almost without encouragement, while Doryoku seemed quite confused.

"Huhu, you are quite jovial Kohais, it's quite interesting actually" Nerumi said with a slight smile, somewhat sadistic indeed for some reason.

"Jovial me?" Aizawa said pointing his finger at his chest as if he had been told a bad joke, being followed by Doryoku with the same expression only pointing his finger at his nose in disbelief.

"Yeah, we'll see you again Kohais!" Nerumi said without answering directly and quickly running elsewhere.

"I wonder if we will meet her again" said Oboro with some curiosity about that girl from the UA.

"Probably yes, I have a very effective attraction to weird people" Aizawa said tiredly as he resumed his walk home.

"Hey, that hurt!" Oboro said quite offended as he watched Aizawa walk by.

"I guess he has a point" Doryoku said with a thoughtful tone and accepting that he

really is weird sometimes.



"How about Fluffy? I think it's a very good name" Mirai said with an excited tone as she gave some ideas for the little cat's name.

"Of course, then every time you call him, about 20 more cats with the same name will come" Yoshino said with a sarcastic tone and quickly denying the idea.

The next day, everyone was in the UA dining room having a little discussion while eating, although the discussion was much more serious than it should have been.

"Hey almond, it's a very nice name and it's not that common at least" Azami said with a thoughtful tone and proposing a name as well.

"He's male so that name wouldn't be a good choice, but your input is appreciated Wisteria" Doryoku said with a calm tone and adding a little more information to the debate.

"From what I saw he has a similar attitude to you emo, maybe a synonym for Doryoku would be fine, like Ganbaro" Yoshino said with a mocking smile, to which Doryoku could only laugh slightly, confusing her.

"It's nothing, although it would have been quite funny if Okā-chan had listened to it" Doryoku said with a slight smile as he remembered a certain anecdote.

"I think we're already thinking about the same thing too much, it's not supposed to be so complex to choose a cat's name" Aizawa said with a lot of weariness and even a little dejected at not being able to find a solution to such a trivial problem.

"And what do you want from us dark emo? We have given many options but it's not like we are similar in any way in this strange group, in case you haven't noticed" Mirai said with an obvious tone, launching a good argument and making Aizawa understand that point of view.

"It seems that the small introductions of advocacy are quite effective, it was a very good argument" Doryoku said quite surprised at Mirai's improvement in debates, as well as Azami expressing herself better.

"Yup, it's the best career after all" Mirai said with a proud tone, feeling quite satisfied with her choice as well as Azami.

"Well, putting that aside, you better make up your mind soon, this is starting to get annoying instead of fun" Yoshino said a little overloaded from so much debate and starting to look annoyed, causing Oboro to get away from her almost instantly.

"And how are we supposed to decide if-?" Azami said raising a doubt until she was interrupted by a certain person.

"Heyyyyyyy, Kohais!!" Nerumi said suddenly sitting down next to Aizawa and waving energetically, making most of them confused and the rest a bit surprised... in good and bad ways.

"Ohhh, Kayama-san, it's nice to see you again!" Oboro said being the first to say hello like 90% of the time.

"Guys, this is Nerumi Kayama, from the third heroic year, besides that she offered to take care of the little cat, but well, you know" Oboro said with an explanatory tone to the rest of the group who nodded and looked at her with curiosity.

"Kayama-san, this is Mirai and Azami, our friends and also students from the general studies course, as well as Hizashi Yamada, our classmate who recently lost his voice" Oboro said introducing everyone in the group with a wide friendly smile.

"A pleasure babeaaaa!!" Hizashi said yelling suddenly after so much silence and quite scaring some of them.

"Why did you only yell until now?" Doryoku asked a little upset after that unexpected shout.

"I wanted to do it before, but if I did it without warning, you would have been scared much more, and in a bad way!!!" Hizashi said shouting even more and although he was very loud they appreciated the warning.

"Anyway, a pleasure, I'm Mirai itō" Mirai said, introducing herself with a calm tone and something curious about the girl in front of her.

"Same here, I'm Azami Wisteria, a pleasure" Azami said with a friendly and calm tone as usual.

"Ohhh, so cute, I hadn't seen you before you are so adorable!" Nerumi said quite excitedly and squeezing Azami's cheeks as if she were her little sister.

"And this is Yoshino Sakurai, although I would recommend that you take care of yourse-" Oboro said making a special introduction to Yoshino, until receiving an elbow bump from Doryoku.

Oboro looked at Doryoku in search of revenge, but he only found him with a somewhat serious expression and gesturing for silence, something that confused him a bit, until he remembered why.

"A pleasure Nerumi-chan, I've heard many things about you" Yoshino said with a sweet and close attitude, basically like she was with the rest of the people.

"Ohh, you're Yoshino, I've also heard a lot about you, you're quite a celebrity in the UA" Nerumi said somewhat surprised to see someone like Yoshino in such a varied and chaotic place.

"It's very entertaining for me to listen to what they say, although it only happens to me when I'm too bored, I mean all the time hehe" Yoshino said with a sweet smile and friendly tone, although most of it was a lie.

"I see, you really are very similar to what I heard, a real sweetheart" Nerumi said with a wide friendly smile as well.

"We'll talk more later but now is not the time for that, how have you been dears?" Nerumi said coquettishly to Aizawa and the rest, although only Oboro and a little Hizashi were affected.

'And she is exactly as the monkeys described her' Yoshino said with a nervous smile at Nerumi's recognizable attitude.

"From what I see you still haven't decided what to name him, luckily for you I can give my help" Nerumi said with a proud tone as she looked around her for inspiration.

"Let's see, something that makes sense, a name that represents that little feline" Nerumi said looking around her with a thoughtful tone, although said words made Doryoku enter in thoughts.

"Sushi! That's a really cute name!" Nerumi said with a wide smile after a few seconds and seeing Oboro's tray of food.

"It's a terrible name" Aizawa said bluntly seeing how simple that name was, something almost everyone in the group actually thought.

"Ohhhhh" Nerumi said quite hurt by Aizawa's strong words.

And as Mirai gave an lecture to the dark emo about subtlety, Doryoku suddenly spoke...

"Something to represent him huh?... How about Kotae?" Doryoku said thoughtfully and somewhat lost in reality, speaking almost unconsciously.

There was a moment of silence at the table as they considered the idea... Until.

"That name is very nice, nothing wonderful but the most acceptable thing you have proposed" Mirai said with a slightly surprised tone when seeing Doryoku's proposal.

"I like it, it's quite quick to say and very unique" Azami said agreeing much more with that cute name.

"It's really cool!!" Hizashi said with quite a bit of excitement and approval, something that Oboro fervently shared.

"Kotae... means 'answer' huh? It's perfect for him" Aizawa said with a slight smile as he found the meaning of that, beyond a cute name.

"I had the idea thanks to Kayama-san, in the end she helped us a lot" Doryoku said smiling slightly at the group's humor and pointing at Nerumi.

"Yupiiiiii, I'm really a great help!" Nerumi said with a proud grin at her achievement of assist.

"I have to go now, duty calls, and by the way Yoshino-chan, I'll see you at the exit, there's a lot to talk about!!" Nerumi said saying goodbye to her and saying that last to Yoshino, which could only agree with a slight smile.

Everyone in the group knew perfectly well that it wasn't their style but it was for their ideology, so they just didn't talk about it, although there was someone who maybe understood a little more how she would feel after that...